>2 full years into "presidency"
>every day is a train wreck
>no end in sight
>just gets worse
Watch the Drumpfkins still try to defend this clownshow
2 full years into "presidency"
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice try faggot. ISRAEL #1
This is why I'll vote for him again.
My sides are constantly in orbit.
Everyday is exciting.
After Trump's second term I'm thinking of voting for another reality TV star.
>2 full years
>every day is a train wreck
>no end in sight
I hope not. This shit is funny as fuck and I hope it continues until your head explodes.
>just gets worse
That's a matter of perspective, kiddo.
>2 full years
>1 year 3 months
nice try shlomo 7 more years to go.
I can't believe drumpf actually caught on.
It was so forced.
Does the left lack a sense of good humor?
Trolling is a art.
>economy skyrocketing
>unemployment dropping
>GDP growing about 3%
>ISIS destroyed
>feminists enraged
>North Korea ready to give up nukes
How can any reasonable person think that he's doing a bad job?
I wonder if there were people like you in the Roman Empire during its dying days, actively working to bring down the structure even if it leads to misery for you just because.
wtf i hate drumph now
baseded boy
Promise to change your vote and not vote for any Republicans ever again?
Of course.
Why does an ancap care?
There's big profit to be made when things go to shit.
>left wants to lock you up for throwaway tweets
>This shit is funny as fuck and I hope it continues until your head explodes
>this mutt votes
guess im a #cruzmissle now
>thinking this society can be salvaged
>economy skyrocketing
yes, and this was happening before trump got elected
>unemployment dropping
lmao no it's not, this is the same shit that's been going on for the past 4 years, people stop being counted as being unemployed after they fucking give up
>GDP growing about 3%
again, the economy was improving long before Trump got elected and anything he has done has not impacted this growth at all
>ISIS destroyed
lmao what level of reality are you in
>feminists enraged
possibly the only good thing
>North Korea ready to give up nukes
You're fucking delusional if you think North Korea will give up their nukes.
Right wing ideas thrive in any spot where free speech is allowed.
This means right wing ideas are the only ones that live up to scrutiny.
Frankly this means right wing ideas are better.
>lmao no it's not, this is the same shit that's been going on for the past 4 years, people stop being counted as being unemployed after they fucking give up
Oh fuck off shill. The labor force doesn't change based unemployment counts.
I'm not actively working to bring down anything. Objectively speaking, Trump is a non-threat so far. However, the mindfuck it lays upon extremists (on both sides, both sides) entertains me to no end.
It only seems like a train wreck if you follow the Jewish media.
>right wing ideas thrive in any spot where free speech is allowed
Strange then that this country hasn't gone full natsoc in the past 70 years.
>most right wing places for discussion actively ban anyone who argues against them in order to create safe space echo chambers
>in the case of Jow Forums you merely get people who just shitpost and meme when someone provides actual counterpoints that go against right wing ideologies
The only part about Comey's memo that i don't believe was when he said Trump knew all the details and everything about all the stages of Clinton's investigation, that didn't sound like Trump at all
in my view the economy did benefit from the regulation rollback in the Trump admin
In fact, that was part of the reason stocks went up significantly last year.
it's quite refreshing actually
this is the transparency that king nigger promised us
Except this has fucking been a known fact since 2009 or so, as people eventually fucking give up and stop searching for jobs when they can't find them, they are no longer included in the employment statistics. There's a reason that many reports on unemployment specifically make a point of stating this to cover their backs due to the uncertainty.
>China is offering to crack down on piracy.
>Trump is punishing Russian allies for using chemical weapons.
>Illegal immigration is down.
>Violent crime dropped in his first year in office, reversing 2 years of increasing violence in the US.
>US allies are increasing military spending, paving the way for cuts.
I don't give a fuck about twitter and am not easily offended. The economy has increased at a faster pace since his election as well as the stock market, up until the tariff talks.
Free speech is a constitutional right in America, but that doesn't mean people won't take matters into their own hands.
The most mild of right wing speakers get shut down, deplatformed. Riots break out. It's quite a mess.
Going full natsoc is next to impossible where it matters ie pop art, media and academia.
Hillary lost
Bernie betrayed you
Get. Over. It.
If I could vote for him, I would in a fucking heartbeat, just knowing how its going to really piss off sjws, fags, niggers and other human trash like yourself...
Just writing this out I got hard as diamond...
2020, cum guzzler.
>2 full years into "presidency"
It's only been one year.
Lmao look at U3-U6 from 2012 to 2018
Unemployment is down while high school graduation is up. And now half a million people are dropping off food stamps annually.
The indicator for actual good news in the labour market is the increase in wage growth, general employment can mean lots of shit wage jobs without wage growth which was Obama's entire presidency.
>I love identity politics
Wow Palmer Report
Really deep insight there
Tell me...
If the man is so dumb
And you are so smart
Why is he the President?
And you are literally who...
Take all time you need to rationalize that
And be sure to blame everyone but yourself
Just like Hillary
>random nobody account
>just happens to speak truth to power about drumpf
it WILL eventually sink in, even around here. i think lol
>he doesn't like it when people vote among lines of identity.
>china is getting into a trade war with the us that will massively hurt the economy because of one of the worst thought out tarrifs in history
>trump is punishing the people fighting ISIS for a false flag chemical weapons attack for the second time in a row
about the only thing you said that is completely good with no strings attached is the illegal immigration being down
as for
>us allies are inceasing spending
Yes, because they are worried about Russia. Not exactly something Trump is responsible for. Same with violent crime lmao, trump has had nothing to do with that.
Have we really gotten to the point where any positive trend gets assigned as being due to le god emperor maymay. This is the same shit liberals did with Obongo and it hurts seeing people get suckered and drawn into a cult in the same way.
>Misspell word
>Libshits post it everywhere
Ignore the news this week he was on vacation!!!!
>truth to power
> 2 full years into presidency
> The media started calling your term a “failed presidency” less than 10 days after inauguration
> 90% negative media coverage
> entire world projecting the crimes of the DNC/Obama administration onto you
> constantly btfo Russia
> still get accused of collusion with Russia
> whole world ignores that we know the DNC colluded with Russia through an oppo research firm
> find out your predecessor pretended opposition research was legitimate intelligence in order to illegally spy on your campaign
> no one cares
The god emperor just keeps chugging along like none of this shit is happening to him. Trump is a bad ass mother fucker.
>tariffs are bad meme
The costs of tariffs are absorbed by consumers by higher prices. The poor end up paying the least because they consume the least. The companies that moved production overseas get hurt the most.
I'm not 100% in agreement with the tariffs but they did get China to offer cracking down on piracy and theft of intellectual property. China is starting to roll back requirements that American companies transfer technology to Chinese partners.
Pretending like these concessions from China aren't related to the tariffs is 100% autism.
He does it on purpose my dude.
Generates news like crazy.
>Just because he has a summit authorizing Japan taking an offensive military stance, he did it at his house, so fuck Drumph!
That's how bots work m8
Bots aren't going to convince me a literal who is correct
>known fact since 2009
Oh so you're telling me during the Niggerbama wonder years NEETs suddenly became considered as employed? Sounds like a nigger tactic for sure!
Also North Korea is denuclearizing, even CNN is reporting it you lazy fucking shill. North Korean public television announced six points, maybe you should read them.
>mfw Bardock Obonga couldnt get shit done, and Trumps already surpassed his foreign policy in an eigth of the time
Fucking with free trade is never a good thing. Besides, how is Trump propping up the shitty US steel industry (which cannot even compete with canada in price and quality) any different than Obama propping up the banks?
US steel deserves to die if it isn't able to successfully compete.
>crack down on IP theft
If you think this is anything more than a token gesture that will end up being nothing you're silly.
>tax cuts
>booming economy
>record low unemployment
>ISIS crushed
>North Korea ready to give up nukes
Just imagine what he could accomplish without obstruction from Democrats and the lying press.
Even as an outsider I can say that US mainstream media along with all the media vassals on other countries (even in Argentina), and Twitter celebrities have pushed the 'Drumpf is a trainwreck' narrative so hard and from day one, than even if it eventually became true, it has lost all its power. It really, really means nothing nowadays.
>Vacation at Mar-a-Lago
Isn't he meeting with Shinzo Abe, doing exactly what presidents are supposed to do?
You forgot
>TPP rekt
>Lowest black and hispanic unemployment on record
>massive tax cut
I get an extra $100 per paycheck now thanks to Trump.
What are you lads doing with the extra cash?
Just wait for the new war on Al Qaeda.
That's going to be a wild ride.
that's why they are breaking the rules to try and take him out and embarrass him. They don't want another maverick to come in and think he can change the globo-homo-gayplex
Yes, and this tactic has continued under Trump you mong.
>trusting the Kims
Holy fucking shit you lads are deluded, this is a load of hot air they're doing in advance of a possible visit. They've preached world peace and brotherhood with all on state TV multiple times before and shocking, it amounted to nothing.
North Korea needs it's nukes in order to guarantee its own existence, and no amount of hot air diplomacy will ever change that or convince them to shut their weapons program down and dismantle their existing stock.
go beat off to CP and contemplate age of consent faggot
bought a space suit
>he has no counterpoint
>he ignores the post in its entirety to spew tired old memes because he knows in his heart that the North Koreans can't be trusted
You could have just kept what little dignity you have by vanishing and not replying but you had to go and embarrass yourself.
>concern shitposting
cry some more
Just enjoy the shitshow, leftykike.
you really need to read it and not just spout bullshit. They are not dismantling. Kim said their tech has been perfected and no further tests are needed, the stockpile they have as of now will be kept and specifically only used in a case of MAD. You gotta have some chips to play poker with the adults chump.
Also the fact that you don't consider a surprise attack from them as another win anyways kinda shows you don't belong here....or do you not remember all the habbening posts when those tests were done?
Everyone minus the 3 one post id shills at the top is just shitting on you, I dont know what the fuck you're trying to prove, but you won't get any followers for the cause from this excuse of a thread
its called fonepoasting you insufferable faggot
My point fucking exactly. It seems that half the idiots on Jow Forums seem to have jumped from "they're ceasing tests as a ploy before a visit" to "kim is throwing his nuclear stockpile down the toilet".
>surprise attack
>habbening threads
Shit memes, happening threads stopped being funny around 2015.
>everyone minus the 2 one post id shills at the top is just shitting on you
Shocking my man, considering in a thread that is mostly filled with people who support Trump I'm expressing the opinion that he's shit like most other government figures. Really butters my biscuit thinking about why that might be in a thread that's essentially an echo chamber atm
You mean every day is better than the previous. Trump is the best president
no that wasn't your point at all.
>no amount of hot air diplomacy will ever change that or convince them to shut their weapons program down and dismantle their existing stock.
you litterally wrote that and then try to take credit for what I say after.
Also, the point wasn't that happening threads are funny, the point is that 1) they still exist, and 2) people unironically want fallout.
Me having to explain something so basic because you can't use context clues makes me seriously question your intelligence...
you're right, he should've voted for hillary
Leftwing retards still can’t make arguments so they focus on spelling mistakes which could and probably are in all likelyhood typos
Imagine living in a bubble where you're mad about Trump 24/7 for 8 years straight
You’ve just described retards like yourself dismantling America
Okay, you seem to be rather confused here so let me spell this out slowly.
I was replying to a post that specifically said this.
>Also North Korea is denuclearizing, even CNN is reporting it you lazy fucking shill.
>Also North Korea is denuclearizing
>de nuclear izing
Which specifically refers to the removal of nuclear weapons. Not the ceasing of tests.
So yes, that was my point. The norks aren't about to give up their weapons program.
>people unironically want fallout
You do realize that most of the people in habbening threads are there for the memes and don't actually desire to die themselves, right?
Palmer needs to kill himself, pronto.
They’re getting scared as Daddy is about to throw the TRUMP card
He’s our Whiney bitch in chief. Cry baby cry.
First four points.... thanks Obama.
North Korea had nothing to do with trump.
president is a near powerless figurehead equivalent to the queen of england, the issue is the bought and paid for traitorous congress (two-party system has been exposed as complete hoax)
>4/5 of his criticisms are about typos
>It's still only 11:20pm
Just kill yourself dude.
>Have we really gotten to the point where any positive trend gets assigned...
Well, libs refuse to give Trump credit for even the obvious things
At this point, its more of a fuck you to increasingly inconsolable liberals
Stay mad :)
Oh shut the fuck up, you whiny little niglet.
At least our dislike of Trump is based on legitimate reason.
Yours is just "he said mean things!"
Childish, fag shit.
At least we give actual reasons for why we don't approve of him. Like the fact he's pro-Israel. But then again, so are you leftykikes.
Two party system is absolute shit. One of the better things to come out of the 2016 election is the rise other alternative parties becoming at least somewhat public and visible.
Fuck the environment.
Fuck elephants and tigers.
Fuck our rivers and streams.
Fuck the free press.
Fuck banking regulations.
Listen you dense motherfucker.
bruh you need to lurk more if you don't understand most people on here are suicidal. Also, I made the comment youre referring to, and again, if you actually read you would know North and South Korea (fuck even Japan) has a very loose definition of the concept. If they get their stuff taken, we and South Korea give up ours, if not we all keep our stockpiles; those are the North's terms. However, either way production will cease, peace will be made, and the economy of North Korea will not be focused on all things nuclear. This is considered denuclearization by the Koreas because in peacetime nobody is going to use a nuke. Again, it is a failsafe in the case of MAD. Like I said, context and comprehension, if you can't accept this I'm sorry but you're a waste of time.
--but regardless, back to the topic at hand. Trump's doing well.
>1. they are not political
>3. they are overtly provocative and contain leftist ideology
not sure if that the guy who image is intentionally contradicting itself or actually advocating for a Jow Forums to be a safe space catering to x or y