ITT: Gay hate

Brainstorm reasons to hate faggots.

>AIDs ridden
>breaks down society causing uncertainty
>annoying retards, loud, obnoxious
>unnatural, against nature
>nude in public
>want to turn children gay

Post more reasons.

Attached: 4B3A6620-66BD-45CD-8D52-F6187E415664.png (2000x1236, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>i hate faggots! because they are all like trying to tempt me. with their flamboyant outfits that you can't stop looking at... and their dreamy hairdos... and their luscious buttocks...

>friggin hate them! hate hate hate all the day. im super straight

>You hate spiders
>therefore you want to fuck spiders

literal 13 year old detected

tight assholes ( to begin with) ;-)


I fucked a guy and I like it. Not even hiding flag. Come at me faggots I dare you.

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They scream "jews" and/or "russians" all the time.

And just a quick reminder that traps are gay. INB4 the usual pictures...

Restaurants that employ homosexuals should be required to disclose that fact to customers. Homosexuals are 40 times more likely to have STDs. Many customers would find that disgusting and might choose not to work in a place where homosexuals work in the kitchen and touch the food. People have a right to informed consent about the food they eat. If they would choose not to eat at a place because there are homosexuals in the kitchen, they should be informed of that fact so they can make the choice for themselves.

This is something it should be easy to push. We might not make it a law, but we could pressure restaurants into making some kind of statement about homosexuals in their kitchen.

Given the number of homosexuals who work in the food service business, this could be big.

Attached: Homosexuals Restaurants Updated.jpg (718x958, 138K)

If you work at a restaurant you got worse problems than sucking dick would be.
Btw only met like 2 waiters who were legit gay.
This starbucks barrista faggot thing is a California meme.

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Spread STDs and end up creating super strains of said diseases.

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Bottom line it's perverse and unwarranted

Attached: disgusting sodomite faggots.jpg (754x960, 68K)

At least use a proper source.

Attached: all fags were molested as kids or are molesting kids.jpg (576x720, 46K)

>Brainstorm reasons to hate faggots.
- the highlight why being cücked by roasties is so pathetic
- the show up roasties for being little more than an expensive, sloppy hole that make screeching sounds
- their happiness accentuates the inner hate and turmoil of the hetero-normie cück
- they make fat, loser hetero-normies an hero at ever-increasing rates
- they're literal more 'man' than the so-called "hetero-normie" closet faggots are who are too pusillanimous to come out of their basement closets...

Attached: fagslam.png (648x528, 571K)

every disgusting faggot sodomite no exception no matter how based conservative fash naziboo magapede you are is a child molester or was molested by a child, he is also sack of human waste ridden with aids and he is disgusting filth that needs to get lobotomized and if that doesn't work then the bullet will do it just fine. if you are ok with them then you are supporting them, they feed with your approval so they can be even more degenerate and do more degenerate unholy things... they would rather live an unholy degenerate short life full of shame, disgust and loathness than even try to be a normal decent human being. The faggot has no shame no pride no sense, the sodomite faggot only fears a one thing and thats JUDGMENT so its time for everyone to say to every faggot that they see that they are worthless sacks of aids ridden shit that has no place in this world and the only place where they belong to is in a dirty muddy pit after their skulls got cracked and bashed.

Attached: disgusting faggot pedo sodomites.jpg (1158x2020, 430K)

>Publicly humiliate masculine men by existing
>actively pursue the installation of malicious legislature
>turn women gay and less interested in men
>spread a disease that should have died out 10 years ago, HIV can die if isolated


16 year old detected

Leave the fucking gays alone. They've suffered enough.

Pedophile faggot 40 year old detected

wow somebody got triggered

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double 16 year old detected

>you have arachnophobia huh? i bet you secretly want to fuck spiders heh
>you hate pedos huh? i bet you are secretly a pedo lol
again and again disgusting faggot sodomites show how stupid and braindead they are, having no sense of logic or facts they pulls out strawmans hoping they will gain the good goyim crowd on his side, i guess its true that the only thing faggot is good at is being a soulles godless sack of aids ridden shit that would rather spend his short time in planet as a disgusting loathing degenerate scum than feel any shame and have some decency and guts to be a normal human for once in their lives.

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enjoy burning in hell faggot

>top kek

thanks user, good one, :'-D

>of course there are no self-hating faggots out there
>everybody who hates gays is super straight
>people who obsess about how terrible fags are definitely don't care about fags
>if i obsess about fags, but only to hate them, that means im totally straight

oooh im shaking in my boots. jesus is out for me!

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You White supremacists are so lame, your irony is hateful cowardice.

again stupid sodomite faggot tries to pull up a strawman holy shit you degenerate sodomites are just plain dumb it must be all those stds and aids that melted your degenerate brains

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>sodomy! degeneracy!
>i am obsessed with sodomy!
>totally straight tho

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Welcome to 4cocks!

Thank you for choosing to use my gay porno and hook up website as your political forum.

Although your choice remains baffling to most of the queer community, we welcome the chance to hear new ideas and keep an eye on what you're up to.

You're also doing us a great favour. Pictures of boys bottoms cost money to provided. A few lines of political discourse is much cheaper.

Because your presence here helps subsidise my "degeneracy" and keep Jow Forums great, on behalf of all of the queer community I'd lke to offer you our thanks.

God bless the alt-right and their contrarian choices.

ITT: Plebbit

you are reeking of r*ddit you degenerate based magapede conservashart sodomite learn to greentext and stop r*ddit spacing you stupid pedo degenerate filth

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is that english? not sure
doesn't seem slovak tho

>magapede conservative
i can sort of understand that. to be clear im a berniebro dem

>fags: we're the victims!

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fuck off yank
Jow Forums is a gay site
we have loads of dedicated gay boards even thought most of the porno boards are mixed
why you brought fucking stromfront and then reddit to this board is baffling
you're idiots who've helped to fuck the right wing beyond belief
as a mildly lefty independent i thank you


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take your meme flag off and lets have a discussion

what first brought you to this cock fest?

Because Ted Cruz is about to get his ass plowed this November and your right wing ass hurt from this mass fucking you are about to endure will feul your hatred of liberals for decades to come!

honestly, as a dem, i'm not so fond of this "pro-transgender" shit

i can't say i'm too fond of the dr. frankenstein surgeries that transgender folk undergo. it's pretty bizarre

massively off topic
wrong thread?

why are you using 4cocks as your politics forum?

what brought you here?

good thread

it's anonymous (i hope)

i like the new tactic, rather than dump the same pasta full of random links and spam the discord you just insist we were all already fags
it almost makes you seem like you're not a shill

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>(i hope)
not really goy

>you just insist we were all already fags
no mate
that was bait posted by some dumb yank
maybe your phone
take your meme flag off

i'm not insisting you're queer
i'm just pointing out most of Jow Forums are
that's why we come here
looking for for cocks desu

No thanks, i'm alright and my flag is irrelevant.

Attached: fags btfo.png (984x394, 46K)

did you know
many of the earliest boards were created to deal specifically with the large amounts of gay porno that were filling up boards that were meant to be general purpose

why are you here?

your flag is very relevant desu

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very sad the way you make these on a gay website

at least they dont ask for login credentials.

but wait, can you give evidence that Jow Forums betrays its "user" users? has Jow Forums given away identiies of posters?

fag ancient greeks is a meme pushed by degenerate pedo faggot sodomite scum

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advertising networks track you dummy

i though Jow Forums claimed to be red pilled?


you guys don't deserve me teaching you this stuff desu

see you later silly homophobes

Site has google capctha and ad networks that track everything you did and clicked on.

i know they do

but i didn't search google for Jow Forums. i simply typed Jow into my firefox url bar (which thankfully is not merged with the search bar like most other browsers}

the question is: has Jow Forums ever given away an user's identiy?

Not sure why us yanks bother with opinions from brexit.

Usually the admins of the site out themselves.

OK, even if google knows that i clicked link X on Jow Forums, and that led me to link Y on some external site -- does that imply they know who I am? do they register this activity under my normal gmail activity?

Absolutely degenerate in public in front of children!

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>admins of this site out themselves
what does that mean? they give away their data on users?

i'll dump my images if you idiots save them this time
just say the word

the word



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Not surprised the pussy with a meme flag is a faggot

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