Jew here

Jew here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is Jews have NEVER needed goyim: we just enjoyed playing with them.

This is divine retribution for the Holocaust. You gassed us. We're gonna gas you back.

Every day more and more goyim are being bluepilled. The world of the future is where the white race largely no longer exists. We'll keep a few slaves, though. Deal with it.

Pic related. We're responsible.

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A parasite can't survive without the host.

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Silly goyim. We ARE the host. You're the parasites.

why is this a bad thing? What’s the National average? 14?

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You don't need to know, goy

Your days are numbered Juden.

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Stop LARPing you stupid faggot

You can't win

explain why you were the ones dipped in zyklon b then?

So they could kill us

zyklon b is a delousing agent and you're the lice

Oh no shut it down our plans are backfiring
Can we just live in peace, goy?

>This is divine retribution for the Holocaust. You gassed us. We're gonna gas you back.
Didn't white people fight for you too? I know you're just memeing but I've actually met people who think this

This thread sucks and OP is gay

100000% sure it is a leaf

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Even if you subvert the whites the sandnuggers will launch the euronukes on you

We'll see how badass you are once you're denuclearized.

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Silly goy, the Muslims love us. We're people of the book.

>staying pure longer, not engaging in degeneracy
>a bad thing
Of course it's vice.

Jewish traits don't breed out. They're just changing their camoflouge to blend in a new nation of mystery meat

lost mine early but i guess thats bc Im a white nationalist and not whatever alt right is
but if your best argument against them is muh dick I think youre in trouble
might want to start buying some gas masks

>What's wrong with they goys, why aren't they having sex as children?!

Maybe because we aren't degenerate fucks and wait until we have a real connection with someone instead of screwing everything that walks on two legs.

This thread is completely stupid. Even if the article was true, do virgins all of a sudden have less of a say in an argument? The left is so hypocritical it's no wonder they are eating themselves alive.

We've done it before, and we'll certainly do it again. You're living on borrowed time jew, keep pushing us further.

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I was really old and started with hookers too. Had gfs. Then fucked a guy too.
My problems are my problems and for some reason I shitpost here. Doesn’t make me altright or this site altright when the place is a clusterfuck and all sorts of people come here with their own personal problems or longterm agendas.
This place is only rightwingish because other sites are overmoderared and here you can troll with it. If mentalcase lefties give up control over social media and reddit this place will shift again into another position of mockery.

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So they weren't molested as children?

I will cumblast ur holes

I smell fire and hair

Alt right males lose virginity to females at 17, while soibois lose theirs to pedophile males at 10?
This is a bad thing?

>implying they built anything ever instead of a slow infestation like takeover
>jews incapable of hard labor and literally need whites because nonwhites would have chimped out a long time ago

Lost my Vcard at 13, 7 years later started my trek from libtard to redpilled.

fake article

well, all the VICE tier readers were raped when they were 13 so they have mental illness wich turned them in faggots

its obvious bate

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Please continue. Constantly triggering stormfags all day makes for a great distraction.

Iran will come for you. Legislation and deceptive tactics can only do so much

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90% of jews are goys too hahahah dude whoever rule its not you xDDDD

((((You)))) did it?

Holocaust was revenge for killing Jesus. Maybe it wasn’t enough.

Implying this is somehow a bad thing, the average age for a genius to lose his virginity is literally 26

Call me.

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dude dont taint christianity with you ass pain
jesus would have never condomned the holocaust

and i say that as an atheist

This. People who lean right don't have sex when they are 12. That's a good thing.

i lost it at 22 and i am a literal radical lefty

>The fact is Jews have NEVER needed goyim
Wow, I thought you guys were delusional before but this is an entirely different level.
>Also equating virginity with worth
Hello Khazar roastie! As much as I know you secretly crave to be fed my 8 inch thick goyim cock, you'll unfortunately have to settle for your pathetic husband's 4 inch limp dicklet.


You can't win, goyim

why do you think your so cool?

We are not constained to your definition of cool. We define what is cool for you. Being chosen by G-d himself, we are meant to rule by divine birthright. btw we sent you Aussies to that island, so we would not have to listen to your dribble again. Kindly log off and never connect again.

>an actual Jew showed up
Lol this bait worked better than expected

If the average age is 9, i think im okay with that

Fuck wrong thread sage

Non jew here...have my oven warming up...when are you stopping by?


I still found your post to be hilarious.

lol nice one nambla

Oh great another nazi larping as a Jew to create more hatred for the Jewish people. Did mommy forget to cook dinner tonight, and you're cwanky?

You know I'm actually a liberal, right? I LARP as whatever I feel like.

Might as well sign up for the KKK and wear the swastika now. Do you know how much stereotypes affected Jews for thousands of years? It is not right to larp as whatever you like if it means inciting violence, and I would hope a liberal would understand that but I guess not.

I'm literally on the Internet making fun of neo-Nazis here. That was the point of the thread.

It is best to counter their arguments with facts from reliable sources and not Jordan Peterson. Pretending you are them gives them the impression that their ranks are growing. You are only contributing to increasing antisemitism.

>Just a reminder that we are taking over
It's the other way around retard. You're getting replaced.

>hurf blurf muh shmeckelcaust

it's better to be pure, chaste, healthy than a fucking liberal addict to meth who was anal in a degenerate punk party since 12 years old.

Muh 6 Gorrillionzillion

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The nazis did not have the technology and wanted to spend as little money on killing Jews as possible. Those other doors are for real world uses, not mass genocide. Try again.

People have tried to convince the neo-Nazis here of this, but they're brainwashed. I posted a bunch of evidence and they called me a Jew and dismissed it as Jew lies. There's no point in debating them over this.

They would have gassed themselves as well with that wooden door with no seals to stop the gas leaking out
> kys you fucking retarded kike

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Keep acting smug as it is waking up the sheep, you kikes are going to pay for destroying Civilization

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>The fact is Jews have NEVER needed goyim
Jewish society is an inverted hierarchy, which is why you have never succeeded to be anything other than a subversive middle-man culture and trend towards parasitism.

If all the goys disappeared in a rapture tomorrow, Jews would be extinct by century's end.

>The fact is Jews have NEVER needed goyim
Jews lack the visuo-spatial skills to innovate in STEM or design industrial societies. You are parasites, and the parasite cannot live without its host. Word games and aggregation are all you filthy vermin excel at.

I can type a bunch of words on a picture and pass it as a fact, but then I would be a lying wack job like you.

>it is not right to larp as whatever you like if it means inciting violence
Then tell your fellow kikes to stop inciting violence against us you fucking subversive faggot

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Do synagogues have armed guards? Lol.

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when you are 11 years old 'left male' who lost his virginity to some old dude.

lol this is mental illness

pretty low IQ response considering Einstein, von Neumann, Edward Witten, Maimonides... etc.

Hitler doesnt fuck with jews.

Read your book. Half of you end up getting raped/killed in the last days.. Half of everyone else ends up dead but so do you.

Don't act so smug retard

Ok so you goys can stomp on us for thousands of years and cry like little bitches when we fight back for a few decades? Your hypocrisy is startling, but alas it's your genetics lowering the IQ quite a bit.

>this passes as journalism
>...and that's a good thing

The state of Jow Forums


That's not what's happening. God himself stomped on you over and over again because you were such insufferable faggots. Yahowah(God) has kicked more kike ass than anyone in history. He's not please with what a bunch of you are doing right now either and a bunch of you will be meeting a horrible fate at the hands of disgusting Muslim savages.. But hurrr durr , we got u huwite man! Nah


>jews are ‘fighting back’

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The og meme scientist. He literally begged Hilbert to create the mathematics necessary to describe relativity. Even then, the idea that space was non-Euclidean was posited by Gauss, Riemann and Bolyai a century prior.
>von Neumann
Good but never invented and fleshed out entirely new disciplines and fields if study like Gauss or Cauchy or any if the greats.
>Edward Witten
Witten is exceptional I'll give you that.
My point still stands. You see a lot of jewish lawyers but not many mechanical engineers.

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>Believing the holohoax in 2018.

Thats not the reason you're doing it. You're doing it because you need goyim, but you got impatient, waiting for your 2000 slaves and pushed the replacement agenda too hard.

The goyim know. They know everything. Anti-semetism is beginning to surge around the world. Our youth doesn't care about the Shoah, they make jokes about it.

It's too late to shut it down, it's too late to stop it. Kekekekekekekekekoax.

Your opinion runs contrary to what church leaders declare is the chosen status of the Jewish people. Even the Torah and by extension the bible say it, so you are a phony christian if you don't believe this. We owe it to G-d protecting us against gentile violence for millennium.

I am combat trained with Krav Maga. Exercising your finger muscles on that keyboard isn't going to save you goyboy.

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You started Bolshevism, so think of the Holocaust as retribution. Oh, and Hitler tried to resettle the Jews at first anyway, didn't he? When a guest won't leave, you have no choice but to use force.

I honestly doubt you're even a Jew.

> Actually taking Vice seriously

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>You gassed us.

Well maybe you need to be gassed again

Ok faggot

What's so important about losing your virginity early? Lets you argue the age of consent down to 3?

>we interviewed 10 people each

>thinking Edward Witten is more impressive than von Neumann
Witten IS impressive but von Neumann is in the running for smartest person to ever have lived.

>thinking being a mechanical engineer is more intellectually demanding than being a lawyer
>being totally unaware that engineers are considered total autists by actual scientists
Engineers are the discipline that gets to call themselves STEM without having to apply the scientific method. They apply babby math to problems that have been solved long ago, they just apply rote methods to unique cases because we don't quite have the capacity to automate it yet. Engineering is a glorified blue collar job for autists from state schools.