Can anyone here explain why a former US president thought this was an important public service announcement to make? I truly do not understand what this is about or why he did this
Obama: Don't believe anything you see
How old is this? How is this >pol relevant?
It was a pretty big news story within the past few days
Really? Of all the threads in the catalog, this one, about a current news topic, you deem 'sage' worthy? Why?
old news.
from 2 years ago:
Right.... I understand the technology might not be *brand* new but this video PSA featuring Obama and directed by an Oscar winner is actually brand new. My question isn't about the technology, but why a former US president felt this was an important message to get out there right now.
They are so scared of the upcoming pedoleaks they are relying on Key and Peele to save them.
The plan is to convince normies that evil Russians and altright have mastered deepfake technology, and the upcoming Epstein island footage must not be believed. They really think the goyim will save them
Shouldn't Bill Clinton be the one making these videos then? Or is Obama suspected of that too?
Never heard those kind of rumors about him much at all. A lot of people he surrounds himself with yes. Except that rumor about the two daughters being kidnaps
Holywood diversity. They needed shekels for the next low budget straight to DVD.
is that the same loli in both pics?
Looks that way. Huh. Who's the owner of the Instagram account?
holy shit, its real
Either it's all real or nothing is, according to the 44th President
Cut the middle finger deep
Looks fake as shit. Sounds fake as shit. Where’s the Osama one that one looks more convincing and that’s 100 years old.
For those in this thread that don't understand why the president would say this, Obama did not say this. Jordan Peele said this and some deepfake machine learning shit was used to generate a realistic-ish looking clip of Obama making those same mouth-movements.
idk, can anyone explain why a basic ass citizen thinks he has the authority to make public statements like hes the fucking president or something
I dont even want to start believing someone didnt understand that basic fact
Never underestimate the retardation of the general public
Because hillary huma vid preemptive etc.
>its real etc
maybe thats why there was all that news about the FakeApp porn face swapper last month or two
>Hillary was retarded enough to film herself filleting off a child's face
Now I know why justice always prevails in the end.
Didn't this ke propaganda not illegal? Press s.
Is there a confirmed video? I'm wondering how you guys know she fillets a face.
-Carlos Mencia
The butthurt establishment seems to be bracing for some something.
“Hey uh, if you see a video of me talking about murdering Scalia and offering Loretta Lynch the Supreme Court seat...yeah that’s computer generated lol”
Ðhe Ωriginal Poster'z favorit waifuu, nasim “asad” ahhdam “sabz” majght bi lyttle mor dhan æ komputer-dženerated anti-Irańian, anti-Asad, anti-Bahaii Ńew Lαs Vēgan ψy-op (Ψychological Operation):
JouTjube Šhooter
this pic is funny. I will take it.
Does not sound like him
Sage and move on
The media's reaction, basically. We already knew that the video exists from 2016 with NYPD, but suddenly the topic came back after some well known people started leaking the content that HRC fillets a child's face, and the MSM suddenly started releasing articles like this to discredit the tapes.
That was the confirmation that it's all real.
Also it's been confirmed by CBS's own admission: they had an article literally titled: "A HRC video is coming. Don't look at it, it was the Russians."
Ok, now, next step: How do we make deep fakes like this for the sake of KEK
Wasn’t this a deepfake? Peeled made it just to show people what tech is out there and to not believe everything.
Yup, I saw the bandaid too
Anything cohesive to state or just some superfluous connections that seem sp00ky?
i haven't checked any of these
It all makes sense now.
King nigger fucked little children. That's why his hair wasn't grey. He took the life energy from innocent children, the bastard.
Then the fight against child trafficking began. And you see the greysults on the niggers head.
And the less children he fucks, the more crazy and desperate the fucker becomes.
They are doing this right now because they know the REAL videos are dropping soon and they need deniability. This is so blatantly obvious it's ridiculous.