You turds are supporting that faggot.
>Paid for by the machine
>Rage against the machine is hard left
>Rage against the machine is anti gun
>Rage against the machine is anti government
Based Giuliani
RATM is the edgy kid from school that never grew up.
I could only find where SNL banned them. Where's your proof?
Holy sheeeit that bitch is ooogly.
>guitarist says arm the homeless.
>is anti gun and pretty uninformed on many issues
>like his political understanding stopped at high school level.
>his dad was a rebel who later disowned him, because niggers
commie music should be banned, yes
who gives a fuck about these commies
Fpwp kill your self
Their music always attracts niggers and wiggers who riot. Fuck them. He also sings like someone put his soiballs in a vise.
What races mixed to create that? Get Giuliani to outlaw that as well.
Remember when Rage called the Trump presidency?
RATM was fun in highschool when they were anti-establishment and anti-government. They wanted to tear everything down but they didn't have a clear message of what to rebuild in its place. And then they left at the start of the Bush presidency, arguably when America needed them most.
Bullet In The Head is their best track and it never got any air play. Wonder why...
Fuck that gay band, zach dela scrotum fucking spic Jew
Zack is a hardline Marxist-Leninist
Tom is a straight businessman
Didn't work out in the end
You see the original Bombtrack music video? The band is in a cage in homage to the imprisoned Chairman Gonzalo of Sendero Luminoso. A literal Maoist guerilla army in Peru notorious for their brutality against peasants, and killing all ambushed soldiers. The video cuts to text throughout describing Shining Path's movement.
Zack is the man despite it tho
Rage Against the Machine is not anti-gun. Zack supports Maoist People's War and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
These guys are Marxist brainlets. They should be happy they haven't gotten the bullet yet.
Dont care for their actual political beliefs but RATM is fucking awesome.
>rage against kids wallets
Based Italian
No they're not you're a faggot.
Rage against the Machine sucks. Their songs suck. Their politics suck. They just generally suck, and I would ban them too if I could.
>white commies
I highly doubt that the gloyim in the soviet congress were white.
Yeah well, that's just like your opinion, man.
Reee Against The Machine are a bunch of communigger faggots anyway.
It's called 'flipping the script' if I'm not mistaken.
t. redditposter thinking weedman lekikeski is teh funny
Trump actually ran for the Reform Party nomination in 2000
>Dad disavow him
Who tom morello or zack?
i didn't know that.
Amerca doesn't need any singers because of a goddamned presidency? What fantasy do you live in where we are all babies?
You know when I heard their song killing in the name of as high school kid I always thought it was strange how he kept making comparisons between the police and the kkk when there was no kkk where they’re from in california. Why are marxists so obsessed with the kkk?
Rage against the machine fucking suck...are you 10?
One of their songs 'People of The Sun' is about beaners in Chiapas that basically live in trees, grow coffee, and had a communist uprising in 1994. The Zapatistas are the smelly bean people version of ANTIFA.
Probably Soros funded asshole.
God this band is cringewothy
He went to Harvard.
He just a little guy. I'd kick his angry ass if he came at me looking like that.
Attention whores paid by Jews.
>good friends with Michael Moore
if you ever actually listen to the lyrics they only make sense like a 1/3 of the time literally highschool tier political views. I like Vietnow though.
lol kill yourself gommie
>banning people is okay as long as you disagree with their politics
Let me guess, you're "Pro" Freedom of Speech, right?
I unironically like the movie and I only use reddit when I need torrent sites. I've never understood how reddit works.
>forgetting the golden rule
I was never a big fan of Rudy Giuliani but now that I know you don’t want me to support him I am now giving him my full support
> fuck you I won’t do what you tell me joke.exe
Based Japan
Remember when RATM raged against Obama? Me neither. Zak De La Rocha deserves to be gassed.
Thank god none of them died in Niggersaki and An Heroshima.
Remember that rage is a bunch of commie faggots?
Ok. Good.
Sony Music's Rage Against The Latrine?? I don't know why because they are both tools of the Jews.
In the 90s we called them rage for the machine
Means nothing anymore
saw rage back in '98 with wu tang opening up for them. one of the best shows i ever saw. all of main floor at the arena was one giant mosh pit. elbows and fists people. great time.
No, it still means a lot, especially if you leave the house.
Meant nothing for a while now with Affirmative Admissions
I used to love that band. Fuck.
It's okay, most of us grow up eventually.
ew, what is that creature?
Rage was gay and you’re gay too.
More state school salt. Oh well. Maybe if you breed with Asian your offspring won't fail the SAT like you did.
RATM doesnt exist anymore faggot, that's like saying Nazi's are anti-Trump, they dont exist anymore either. Just a bunch of identity politics fags remain.
Zach de la Rocha was RATM, without him there is none
same reason Vietnow never did
it teaches people how propaganda rules their life. Both songs are really about the same topic
Your butthurt is deafening. Just fuck off already, it's embarrassing at this point.
Butthurt about what?
spoken like a true ignorant fuck that doesnt know shit about the topic they claim to know about
Not sharing your shit taste in music.
I support whatever creates lulz at other people's expense
Nah, their cover of Ghost of Tom Joad.
But Springsteen is a faggot rich kid singing about 'muh rust belt jersey' like he has any credence to it. In a better world he would still be playing bars in Jersey.
Which faggot? Rage, whew! Edgy, propoganda cia fbi backed to spead propaganda over the years! Fuck Rage.
lol I don't even like the one song I've heard by them.
Morello is a fucking joke. Zach was the voice of rage and always will be. Morello tried to replace Zach with Chuck D and B Real, the new shit they put out is garbage wannabe political shit. They lost the true voice of activism they once had. Now they are a fucking pitiful cash grab, im surprised "Prohpets of Rage" even made it past a year
This is the true enemy of humanity, the capacity to dehumanize. When you kill another human being, you must accept that it was another human being. Your capacity to look at other human beings as objects is the same bioilogical force that allows Rothchilds to shit all over humanity without any sort of mental repercussions. Accept you evil acts as what they are, even if it's evil for the sake of good
Your RIDF posts throughout this thread suggest otherwise.
>banning shitty nu-metal
God Bless Giuliani
the main difference is the zapatistas keep to themselves int heir jungles, while the average antifa is a trust fund babby, gated community living, sheltered kid who thinks they're cool because their mom bought them a Che Guevara t-shirt
Everything I've posted ITT is based on policy and principal and has nothing to do with RATM as a band or as people, who I neither know or care about.
are you fucking serious? Soros? like Soros was going around funding activists in 1992? Seriously, we you fucking serious oir just ignorant of chronological relevance? Did Soros fun MLK Junior also? or how about all the political music of the 70's? surely Soros funding goes back that far
Soros rewrote the bible and added all that shit about Jesus being a Jew and helping the poor and shit.
Fat Kike Mike is with Soros.
"So we get the liner notes from the band and at the end it says, "This message was not brought to you by George Soros". This is where the problem starts. George Soros is a Billionaire who got his money from exploiting the foreign currency exchange. He screwed a bunch of countries to make his money. It is also important to note that he is also a member of the Carlyle Group, which is a company that makes money from selling weapons. Okay, that sucks. Meanwhile he has been giving close to 500 million dollars annually to progressive causes and has founded a network of philanthropic organizations in over 50 nations throughout the planet. He is spending a good part of his fortune trying to get Bush out of office. Maybe he feels guilty or something, I don't know. The point is that he has given money not to us, but to many great organizations such as and America Coming Together, and these organizations help support us. I didn't want an anti-Soros message on the first Rock Against Bush comp, because I don't want to make enemies within our movement."
oh for fuck sake, Soros is a fucking shit tier elite. He is not Rothchild tier at ANYTHING he does, you really think the shit about Jesus being a Jew is circa 2000? That has been the fucking story since I was a jit, long before Israel blew up New York. Soros is literally a fduckign piece of shit loser in the scheme of the elite, the only reason his name is thrown around is because he's been rejected by the true elite that actually do run the show. RATM was around and fucking died out, long before Soros was relevant (well, thats arguable considering the election cycle that got Bush Elected but Soros either way, Soros is not some fucking god with his hand in all things)
t. n/wigger
Fuck off gommunist.
I am sure they are complete fucking libtard shills now, dont get me wrong, I heard the guitarist talking about how Trump supporters are racist... RATM fell into every trap that their early music tried top warn people of. They just weren't RATM when it happened, they stopped being RATM when Zach left the band because he was the only one with real perspective. Tom is a good guitarist but he is a fucking propaganda junkie just like the rest of the band
eat more dicks, I can't quite understand your level of faggotry yet, you must ascend
>you must ascend
To your level of faggotry? No thanks, niggerfaggot.
>either way, Soros is not some fucking god
Soros is your overlors, goyboy.
>Upper middle class mystery meat whining about le ebil government while they parrot the neoliberal narrative
The music's ok but fucking Hell what a bunch of faggots
You sure about that faggot? Why would I know his fucking name then? how'd he manage to be so fucking stupid to let the goys know who he was? He is an epic piece of shit and yes, RATM is are epic pieces of shit for associating with him, the messages contained in the first two albums are no less valuable for political perspective because they speak simple truths, shit that is absent from modern music
I'm just playing with you dude. But the story behind Soros is that in his day he was a cunning investor with no much capital that he was able to manipulate the stock market and create a "Soros effect". His reputation earned him the image of some kind of illuminati global puppet master. It probably started off as a joke but I think people seriously believe. He probably thinks it's funny as hell.
Rage for the Machine. Bunch of faggots.
>To your level of faggotry?
no, young dumb cocksucker. You must ascend beyond that. bneyond the faggotry you lived in high school sucking Jocks dicks. Beyond the faggotry you lived in college taking it in the ass for rent money. You must ascend to the level of (you) faggotry, only then will your words hold true meaning and not just shitpost level faggotry. I believe in you user, you grab that dick and you suck it!!!
Rage are great will grow out of them when u realize they are communist, globalist, whiney faggots....listen to the lyrics and understand them
supporting music censorship to defend the character of rudy giuliani. does it get any more nu-pol than that?
He's rich as fuck for sure, and the fact that he had his name on the voting machines we used, surely was a step towards him gaining power. I'm not trying to defend RATM, I fucking hate them now. they are fuckign complete leftist retards. I grew up on that music and it does build perspective in the minds of the youth. Which is why I fucking hate them now, I can see Tom Morello trying to relive his younger years in todays political climate by preaching "the same style" but "not the same message"
>Suck off
>Mumia Guan fuck me
>Who gottem off - yo check the pedofile
>All you bottom bitches know my faggotry's vile
>An army of GRIDS try to silence my style
>Run away from the box cuz I prefer the penile
t. RATMfag
tldr, sorry green text fag, just dont care enough about your replies.
He did? Damn, what a faggot.
>Empty ya penis son,
>They got me suckin' that
>What I need is the anus I'm smelling
>Make me think that hair dying is rebelling
T. RATMfags
meant for