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Why does Jow Forums get so butthurt over "muh palestine"?
Michael Scott
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Nolan Brooks
There is no Palestine. Only goat raping terrorists squatting on Israeli land.
Mason Davis
pol is unable to watch the Israelis genociding and colonizing shitskin land, even though this is the WHITE IMPERATIVE. I blame the effect of soya over the generations
Connor Gonzalez
If you don't support palestine you're a kike.
James Wilson
I don't really care, I just want everything to blow up in the kikes faces
Charles James
Fuck off, Mohammed.
Jace Harris
Nicholas Martinez
Fuck off, Schlomo.
Joshua Richardson
I've noticed that the pro kike shitposter always uses the nazi flag, probably hiding the fact that he's a subhuman kike, or Chink from Canada.
Sebastian Fisher
Same way Jow Forums gets butthurt over dead kangaroos. The estrogen.
Tyler Brooks
The Zionists weren't strong enough to wage their damn war of conquest on their own, so they tricked us into backing them.
We've had enough Moishe! Go ahead and wage your retard landgrab wars in the middle east, but the goys won't always be so stupid to waste resources supporting you.
Luke King
>muh palestine
Ian Peterson
We don't actually care. It's just the best why to compare jewrats to the nazis they hated so much.
Elijah Gray
My twitter account got locked for making a hitler joke and talking about how Israeli's treat the Palestinians.
Cooper Lee
only a nigger would say that. Are you a nigger? Are you a butthurt prarie nigger first nations coon? Must be
Evan Cruz
Yea meme flags are stupid. They were only brought back because the mods are pro-kikeshill and took a big payment from (((them)))
Camden Lopez
Fuck Palestine
Fuck Israel
The only solution is a western Christian state in the area.
Aiden Wilson
Spotted the kike.
Noah Young
some of the christians were in palestine.
Noah Hughes
spotted big chief little cock
Lincoln Cook
Tell me this would you rather support israeli Jews
or Palestinian Christians.
Parker Collins
>implying chugs can even afford computers
Show your flag, UKuk.
Asher White
Some of the *first christians were in palestine.
Sebastian Rogers
whats wrong prarie nigger, liquor store closed?
Sebastian Richardson
>buys his liquor from booze stores rather than going to the drug/grocery store and buying swish like a boss.
Stay cucked.
Thomas Sanchez
Palestinian Christians of course however a majority of them are not anymore and it's a Islamic majority with an Islamist state. I want a Christian state not a Islamic state.
Luke Nelson
Both are kikery inspired desert religions. Christianity to pacify the sheep, and Islam to inspire the butchers.
Jason Gutierrez
Watch this real quick
Hudson Torres
The conflict is raping my wallet and putting migrants in my country. Either kill them off quickly or fuck off.
Colton Wilson
>Auschwitz Survivor
Stopped there
Stop worshiping marvel superheroes faggot.
Logan Barnes
No one cares kikes, your shit state won't exist in 20 years.
Joshua Martinez
>Stop worshiping marvel superheroes faggot.
You know I'm right, which is why you resort to nonsense insults that don't even pertain to the topic. Likely a projection of what you do/did, yourself. Are you a recent recovering underage marvelmong, or are you just stupid? Either way, not an argument.
Zachary Rivera
>I want a Christian state not a Islamic state.
You want a christian state?
You said.
You realize hitler killed christians right.
Hitler was a supposed devout catholic yet he killed his brothers.
Pfarrerblock, or Priesterblock
Dylan Perez
all of this jew cock gobbling in this thread. don't you get tired of it?
Jacob Gonzalez
they enjoy the adoration
Benjamin Phillips
The Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp
Of a total of 2,720 clerics recorded as imprisoned at Dachau some 2,579 (or 94.88%) were Roman Catholics
Caleb King
>more muh palestine
I'm not a kike, but you are in fact a subhuman mudshit.
Oliver Morgan
Lying nigger
Sebastian Price
He killed thousands of Catholics in Poland as well.
Men of God do not do such things towards your own brothers.
Chase Perry
crypto kike strikes again!
Colton White
why are Canadians specifically butthurt about Israel? Could it be that Canadians are trashing their country at proportionally the rate that Israelis are building theirs up - at a blinding rate?
Aaron Torres
you just see our flags shine brighter than the others. Thats the quality of canadian shitposting.
Angel Ward
>supporting either palestine or israel
Jesus fucking christ americuck's bicameral mind is so limited that if it can't be divided in burger or lattuce it can't be mentally processed
John Barnes
when israel is finally defeated it wont have anything to do with palestinians they will just be corpses or refugees with leukemia.
Aaron Brooks
Still posting under the Third Reich flag, right Jewboy?
Dominic Martin
sandmonkey detected
Joshua Garcia
>crypto kike strikes again!
>more muh palestine
Being this closed minded. There's actually a whole world out there that hates you rabid dogs.
Brayden Rodriguez
i noticed this thread was dropping. I guess Hasbara has lost interest.
Ha ha ha ha.
You can't fix low IQ, especially not when youre working for a salary.
Noah Hall
>muh palestine is at a lost for words when he realizes that literally every one in the world hates muslims
Austin Walker
cause they are an effective bat to hit juden with
Christian Ortiz
lel. Youre right. I am at a loss for words. About (you)
Andrew Roberts
JIDF thread
Angel Stewart
Bentley Collins
know how I know you dont speak english?
((muh palestine is at a ((lost)) for words when he realizes that literally every one in the world hates muslims))
Austin Adams
>know how I know you dont speak english?
Was posting dead rohingya muslims give it away?
The emphasis was on how the whole world hates muslims you fucking retard.
Jackson Bennett
G-d protects Israel
Never forget that you German piece of shit.
Nolan Nelson
are you some kind of first nations nigger? Is that why your little bottom is hurt? Canadians genocided your low IQ ancestors far harder than the Israelis have killed their shitskins. Well, so far ;)
Zachary Ross
Germanics are God's Chosen people. Jews are devil's spawn. Never forget that, Chaim
Benjamin Morgan
Like Israel, you must be a Jew
Hate Israel, you must be a Muslim
Jacob Gutierrez
Every day we have this thread.
Don't care that muzzies wind up dead.
Don't care about the jews as well.
The middle east can go to hell.
Joseph Roberts
niggers ;)
Justin Scott
>niggers ;)
>Defending the pedo cult with that flag.
You're not fooling anyone here you islamadarky.
Owen Young
only crypto kikes get assblasted over Muslims
Ian Reyes
The whole world hates muslims user. It's so bad that muslims had to buy shares in msm to candy coat it. Even muslims hate muslims, so why is it even a shock to you?
Landon Bennett
i wonder whos behind this post
Austin Jones
Only shitskins get buttblasted over the word nigger, nigger. We dont like you.
Jason Hall
I guess you didn’t learn your lesson he first time.
Maybe bomber Harris might have to revisit you degenerate animals :)
Adam King
the hate of israel brings us together
James Cruz
Why is his arm black?
O wait your swedish thats why.
Adam Ortiz
Jack Sanders
>a mafia of neaderthaloids caucasian satanists colonialists who haven't any blood claim over the land they occupy
>a group of native semitic people who got unfortunatelly conquered and raped into islam submission by arabs and turks
Gee i wonder why i'm not pro (((fake state))) at all.
>inb4 then you're a pro muslim leftist
Fuck off, pointing out your kikery does't make me join the mudslime side: you both need to be gassed.
Colton Stewart
Why are all the European ID's always crying about "muh oppressed muslims"?
Matthew Nguyen
Logan Gomez
I smell a rat.
Elijah Evans
Mason Lopez
Obligatory post
Brody Reyes
The most interesting fact about you jidf shills it's your astonishing naivety: you work for a group of exploiters who ground their claims on a racial, cultural and religious cluster of identity.
Little you think about the fact that there are always people that are in fact more jewish than other. Little you think about the fact that you are in fact an useful mudblood in the eyes of your rulers. Little you think the fact you're gonna get devoured by the same masters you claim to identify with.
It's just a matter of time. Keep playing your games deluding yourself to be on the side of the victorious, you're slowing moving through the flames of Moloch. And you will scream joining with the fate of the goyim.
Samuel Ross
fuck up rangi, one outs garden place cunt
Jordan King
I'm no fan of Israel, but just remember that the people you'll find talking about how Israel "has no right to exist" don't think whites have a right to exist either. It's best to not take sides in that matter.
Blake Parker
Kayden Green
wow i can see this totally not forced meme taking off really well. back to the drawing board shills
Austin Clark
Generally I find the ones saying Palestine has no right to exist (Kikes) are the ones saying Whites have no right to exist
Funny how the mutts come out to defend their masters in these threads, they did 9/11 and sent a camera crew to film it yet you still crave getting on your hands and knees and sucking that big Israeli D
Easton Thompson
Does the JIDF pay well? How many times a week do you have to lick your handlers ass?
Eli Smith
Oy Vey
Sebastian Garcia
>he thinks the world hates Muslims the most, not Kikes, and that Muslims own the media, not Kikes
Go back to T_Zionald
Luke Rivera
No one here apart from the sandniggers really gives a shit about 'Palestine', we just hate Israel.
Luke Fisher
thats because they're crypto kikes. le 56% meme come to fruition. But because of their inherently low IQ they need more race blending to really fit in.
Justin Brooks
Kevin Hughes
>there never was such thing as "palestine" goy
>here, study these (((historycal evidences)))
>never forgetti my 6 gorillion.
Colton Murphy
stop your lies shlomo, British withdrawed before Israel was established.
>In 1947, the UN adopted a partition plan for a two-state solution in the remaining territory of the mandate. The plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership but rejected by the Arab leaders, and Britain refused to implement the plan. On the eve of final British withdrawal, the Jewish Agency for Israel declared the establishment of the State of Israel according to the proposed UN plan. The Arab Higher Committee did not declare a state of its own and instead, together with Transjordan, Egypt, and the other members of the Arab League of the time, commenced military action resulting in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
you jews are fucking pathetic lying warmongers
Parker Brown
Where's the 2006 Lebanon war? You know, the one where
>The Washington Post stated that the war had been "widely seen as a disaster for the Israeli military". It further reported that the US Defense Department had sent as many as a dozen teams to interview Israeli officers who had fought in the war, to learn the lessons of the Israeli army's failures during the conflict
Also, I think your 1982 Lebanon war capture is out of date. Here's the present one.
Adam Long
Colton Russell
Palestine and Israel have to die, fuck them, but since Palestine is already almost eradicated I would rather focus on those who control the child trafficking in my country
Xavier White
Sebastian Ward
Tyler Campbell
Logan Rogers
Parker Gutierrez
Xavier Lopez
>mfw palestinian christian
I always felt pity for guys like you
Jason Wood
>why do kike niggers get so butthurt over "muh Jow Forums"?