Newfag takes pol seriously, facing jail time

Your friendly reminder that pol is SATIRE
This is not a stormnigger site, it is PURELY IRONIC BANTER
this is a PRO ISRAEL site, all stormfaggery is IRONIC

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna shoot up a kike mosque because of your faggotry.

>a PRO ISRAEL site

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No, we're serious about hating jews bruh. My real life is devoted to ridding the world of jews. But I do the long game. There's no quick fix, so you've got to better yourself, find yourself in a position of power and use your leverage to go after the kikes. It's a slow process. You can't kick off rahowa in a day.

>An Irvine man is charged with hate crimes for threatening to kill Jewish people and possessing anti-Semitic literature and ammunition

Where do I get anti-Semitic ammunition?

>that nose

Dios mio... la creatura Americana della nose negro.

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Ha Ha that's some funny shit. You have to be full blown Aspy to believe this shit. But, didn't Dylan Roof lurk on Jow Forums?

All ammunition is anti-semitic fully assault hate ammunition. We should all turn ours in before somebody forget about how horrible it would be if we lost one more soul more than 600000 who were extinguished from this world forever in the Holocaust.

good question.

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nah Roof was a robot not a Jow Forumsack

He should consider stiching the snitch.

>Jews say some shit about some guy
Wake me up when real news report this

Ur screwed

yeah but muslims r still fuckin stupid

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Lol, literally right down the street from me.

Why shouldn't be publish a list? Just put it out there let pretty do what they want with it whatever they please.

silver bullets

>charged for possessing anti-Semitic literature

What the actual fuck.


It's all a big joke desu

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pizzagate is real motherfucker, deal with it!

well then, im fucked

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>pro israel

my sides have left every dimension chess can be played on.

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>falling for /paul's satire
What a schmuck! Keep kvetching about jews you absolute schmooze

>dat 1925 copyright date
That's kind of cool even if it's antisemetic.

Is having anti-Semitic literature a hate crime in the USA?

Mein Kampf was all satire just like his whole campaign was pure irony, everyone who was in on the joke laughed their ass off, especially the jewish actors.

>dosent use a comma to separate possessive clauses
Journalism has fallen so fucking far it's unreal, this grammar is fucking embarrassing.

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>he pronounces Jow Forums "paul"

cringe pepe

well they say hitler himself was a jew and was the biggest champion of jewish resettlement in palestine.

Mein Kampf was basically a sequel to the Torah


Literally nothing, go to bed

>he doesnt know its all satire

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t. Shlomo Shekelstein von Yisrael bar Mitzvah (using confederate meme flag for cover)

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>this is a PRO ISRAEL site
>Jow Forums
> pro-Israel
>Jow Forums

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>his family turned him down
Why are western families so morbid and bizzare?

it is in europe....

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Hopefully not

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No, I got my copy of mein kampf off Amazon. No problems at all

wow possession of anti semitic ammunition? I hope he gets life!

oh boy here comes the next Jow Forums freeze

S-so its all just satire; r-right guys??


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it sure is, pede. Maga!

Wh*te California liberals are so fucking brainwashed they'd drown their own baby if a black person told them having white children is racist.

There is such a thing as anti-semetic ammunition?
Ammunition is illegal in California?
2nd amendment is going - and then the first is next.
This guy threatened though - hopefully that is why he was arrested.

>anti-semitic ammunition
Where do I get me some of that?

Owning literature is now illegal?

That's why you buy one of these and have a hardware encryption. Not even if they had quantum comptuers 500 years ahead of its time, would they be able to crack the drive open.

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>he told his family he wanted to kill jewish people
>and they turned him in
thats pretty sad desu

Your mom is pro my Isradick faggot


You carve crosses into the casings and have a priest bless it.

>anti-semitic ammunition
>Where do I get me some of that?
Jow Forums

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Welp you know if we all did what this guy did and not get caught before doing it we would be in a great position. If you have nothing else to lose take a kike out. Make them suffer for bringing this degeneracy on us.

All the old pictures show laughing Nazi soldiers and fashgirls

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I tought america was a free country where you could have anti semetic stuff?

You can, but just don't get caught telling a different race that you're going to kill them.

If you have a book called "How to dismember jews" and you have a morticians table at home, then proceed to threaten a jew saying "Im going to chop you up" police are going to think you are 100% serious with your hate crime thread and try to charge you

Now you understand Canadian Power. Norm MacDonald can make fun of Jews on the Jew Media, but he's so much smarter than the rest of everybody that he's pretty much the only one who can get away with it.

Are you calling Jews a race? I thought they were white.

Can you please go into how it should have been written and why?

>I thought they were white.
in your dreams kike

It is well past time for the 2A to be exercised

But burgers will still pretend they have free speech

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Ammunition that still has its casing

imagine being an adult and still be a edgy nazi faggot

imagine being that retarded

imagine being a drumpf fan


imagine being a shill slave on Jow Forums


>anti-jewish ammunition
what is that Jow Forums?

But yeah to all those who feel attacked by the kikes fight back. If just a dozen of us across the country started killing them a lot of people would wake up. Start the revolution today.

imagine your mother being raped by a nigger and giving birth to that abomination of a mutt that is you. KEK

Laughing in the middle of a restaurant. Thanks desu

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>anti semitic ammunition

where can i get sum

you spin me right round

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what's this kike talking about?

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go to hell kike

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>go to hell kike

I was with you until
>you're either pro-Israel or a nazi

nice try

>posts a picture of a cracked-open drive
>describes it as unopenable.

Owning literature is not illegal.

Threatening to kill people is illegal.

Being a racist fuckwad is not illegal.

Threatening to kill people BECAUSE you're a racist fuckwad is a 'hate crime'.

The collection of fashy lit is being used as evidence of his motive, not as the primary charge.


I guess it costs full price?

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Is it really satire?

I mean, yes, we shitpost a lot. But an awful lot of us believe exactly what we say, whether it's me mocking Nazis or stormshills wanking off to dreams of ovens.

We all know this. Shalom Shabbath


Some bunt bought the copy of pib related i was after. Fuck.

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>showing his true powerlevel
>think he can threaten jews by virtual signaling
>get rekt

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Emasculation is a powerful pshycological force.

Thus basedboy was a highly effective term.
And yet here we are now saying basedboy desu.

>not an pro isreali site

Its called controlled opposition and this satire is serious business.

Can anybody cite which laws prohibit possession of ammunition or "antisemitic literature"?

The chutzpah of what passes for (((journalism))) is almost as shocking as the stupidity of a small segment of the general public to still take this shit seriously.

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they had a future mirror to show the onions of the basedboy

hAHAHAHAHAH Imagine being such a brainlet you make IRL decisions based off of Jow Forums rationale!

I say guess everyone under 110 IQ, black, white, or whatever!

>An Irvine man is charged with hate crimes for threatening to kill Jewish people, possessing anti-Semitic literature, and possessing ammunition.
Fixed. This way the ammunition isn't anti-semitic, plus there aren't two "and"s.
I agree wholeheartedly, these people are fucking garbage and an affront to the english language. This is the shit that makes me want to break into news outlet buildings at night.

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Just take regular ammunition and point it at semites. Congratulations, you just made anti-semetic ammo


How can ammunition be anti-Semitic?

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He had anti-semitic ammunition?

i kek'd

I want to kill Jewish people