The US Budget for 2018 allocates $700 billion to military, aka 54% of budget. US is not currently in any wars

The US Budget for 2018 allocates $700 billion to military, aka 54% of budget. US is not currently in any wars.

Why are ameritards so content derping their tax dollars into military money?

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That money covers Israel defence which would be huge if the US was not such a cuckold.

That's DISCRENCINARY spending, which is a small portion of the actual US budget. The vast majority of the US budget is actually spent on social programs.

Also, the US pays so much for its military to make sure its European fuck buddies, as well as a few other worldwide fuck buddies outside Europe, such as Japan and Australia, stay safe from outside military threats, and keeps the shipping lanes clear of significant trouble.

US Citizens don't care, because the US government is one of the top employers in the US. The bigger the government, the more citizens are getting paid to work in it. Someone has to get paid to keep track of all those rolls of toilet paper that our boys and girls in uniform need and someone has to get paid to make it, and deliver it, whether directly or indirectly (ie, to the DoD which then ships it internally).

USA needs to cut more social securities for a bigger military and Israel, but those pesky communists want health care

>Also, the US pays so much for its military to make sure its European fuck buddies, as well as a few other worldwide fuck buddies outside Europe, such as Japan and Australia, stay safe from outside military threats, and keeps the shipping lanes clear of significant trouble.

nope it's all for the preto$, as if someone try to fuck of and switch to € , see saddam , gaddafi , iran might be next.

Research, payroll, classified.

You know who you never start a fight with? The guy that will kick your ass without even breaking a sweat. How do you think we stay out of wars?

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its cause of cuck countries like yours that cant even defend themselves
dont see any leaf fags keeping peace around the world
you live very comfy in our shadows

You're forgetting about interest on the debt, that's growing every year

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Military industrial complex, cornerstone of the deepstate which controls the shadow governemnt which runs the country.
>the US government is one of the top employers in the US
Mutts build Abrams as an excuse to continue to employ a lot of people. The army doesn't want them. Also interest on debt.

>The vast majority of the US budget is actually spent on social programs.
You mean social program employees as the poor just get more poor and less funding.

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fucking up several regions simultaneously isn't cheap

The Jew needs his bully army and this highly nihilistic and feminine bully army can only be effective at bullying if they have huge amounts of weapons.

This. US Mongrel Army is an Israel arm. Nothing more.

>Allocate a part of a budget
>That means it's already spent
God I love the critical thinking skills

That's how budgets work Einstein. You only get what you're planning to spend.

>Implying that the people not employed should get gibs.
Hmm, really tickles my noggin.

But when there is a state of emergency and the president has final say in spending... who knows where it goes ;)

So you spend literally everything you're budgeted you moron? God damn I hope nobody leaves you in charge of money

the military industrial complex implies that it's a jobs programs - and indeed it is. Having the most powerful military in the world requires a momentous effort by a society, you have to dedicate a shit ton of resources/time/skill/lives to it in order to stay on top. On a macro level, ~700 billion isn't an insane amount of money for the US to be spending to maintain its dominance in the world.

$700 billion is not 54% of the budget you dumb lying nigger.

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should be 56% of the budget


You are only given money if you say how you'll spend it and it gets approved.
They spend all of it.

i live in an army town. what i see are entitled babies that believe the rest of society should kiss their asses for what they signed up for, not all of them are bad people but the majority are scum. they act like they're part of the elite, which is by design, the more gibs they receive, the more willingly they'll die for some illegitimate wars. it's the reason why we have former military members who use the respect our soldiers spiel to their benefit, ie i sell drugs but po po is cool with me because i was in the army

the increase in budget is going to be necessary to dangle this entitlement package to get more idiots to sign up and become the bullies that made them broken people in the first place

Weak allies.

and the tensions with a us versus them attitude only means they won't be the defenders of democracy and freedom come time the government reveals its true fascist intentions, because their lives are comfortable it won't matter if they have to kill their own people to maintain it

Without the Petrodollar, our standard of living plummets. The Petrodollar is backed by the might of the US military. Kind of a scam, but at the same time, oil producers want a stable, reliable currency, so they do benefit. Our military ensures our currency is stable and reliable, so oil producers get paid in dollars.

Rest of the world has to buy dollars so they can buy oil. Increases demand for the dollar, and in the long run, dollars are used to purchase American goods and services, so the Petrodollar also increases demand for American goods and services.

Coincidentally there haven't been any world wars since America started spending a lot of money on its army, I wonder why

the living standards have already plummetted for the vast majority of americans

>US is not currently in any wars.

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And it's cute that OP ignores Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to come up with his propaganda numbers.

Military is a majority of 1/4 of the budget. Discretionary vs. non-discretionary spending.

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Anyway US military budget is 3.3%. It's high, but it's not THAT high. It's just that US economy is huge.

1) That’s only discretionary spending.
2) We should absolutely gut the military and let Europe and SE Asia pay for their own defense.

The military is the welfare nigger program. Poorfags who can't afford healthcare and education get it for free, courtesy of the taxpayer, but only if they agree to die for Israel.

True, over the past few decades, from a variety of factors. Largely, government regulation, taxation, and trade deals forcing production overseas.

The Petrodollar does increase our standard of living. If the Petrodollar goes away, causing tons of those dollar to come home, it would be madness. Hyperinflation.

The Petrodollar is the only reason this country has gotten away with BS Keynesian economics.

>stay safe by invading other countries
The noggin is joggin


Iz Gαd

Woll Strēēt Hooliganz

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Government = Tax
Tax = Military
Military = War
War = Massive Corporate Gain (Fuel, Human, and Drug Trade)
Corporate Gain = Jews win

Kill your government so the jews dont win Jow Forums. GO!

$700,000,000,000 / $4,100,000,000,000 = 17%

Only off by a factor of 3. Well done.

Do you have any idea why nobody attacks us, and you by proxy?

Shitty long-term investment, you're already getting fugged by Asia that bypasses it, even China and Japan are set to trade bilaterally.

who and why would anyone invade Canada or USA

They'll just restrict the import of the dollar. Or they'll find a trick and also it won't happen overnight you know.

Have you heard of China?

would you rather see this money go to fat welfare snobs that don't do shit with there life or upgraded technology and weapons defense?

>The Petrodollar does increase our standard of living
Then why on earth is Trump Bitching about trade deficits when a Petrodollar is why it exists

Yeah because the US is isolated geographically. It has never been invaded in its entire history.

to try and pull another maple syrup heist

why does anyone invade anything?

>US is not currently in any wars.

You wot mate?

Why hasn't anyone ever invaded the US?

Without the petrodollar the US would have already crashed, burned, and balkanized itself into the biggest shithole on earth. Except, unlike most shitholes, we have thousands of nukes. It's a ponzi scheme, but it's one that we need to keep going.
As long as they keep needing to buy dollars to do their thing, it doesn't really matter.

what the fuck are you talking about? almost every european power worth a shit has invaded this land.
Do you think we just spawned here?

keep telling yourself that

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US spends 3% GDP on Military while Russia spends 5% you ignorant twat.

they don't, even African countries don't invade each other

Are you retarded? The US has invaded Canada and Brits retaliated.

At this point, they're just trying to slow it down to ensure it won't happen overnight while they continue to loot the treasury.

Yes, it will be a slow decline until we're poorfags like most of the world and Canadians.

Yes, we would be much better off if we stuck with Austrian economics, didn't flood our country with shit skins, and didn't force most of our manufacturing overseas.

It is about transferring money from the State to the military industry. Greatest legal theft of all time.

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>GDP is 16 trillion dollars

>700 billion is 54 percent of 16000 billion

ok bud

>invasions dont happen
please pick up a history book.

Wat? Sending outcasts to a colony is not the same as a country getting invaded. You could argue that Injuns got invaded by Europeans. But the US as a country has never been invaded.

To spread communism or nationalist socialism.

>ok bud
so you think that the budget is 100% of GDP now

>please pick up a history book.
What is the Post War Order

Technically, we haven't declared war since 1942, when we declared war on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, as part of WW2. Since then, it's been authorizations for use of military force. An official declaration of war activates a number of laws that essentially turns the US into a dictatorship while in the state of war.

He's bitching about the fact that East Asian countries unfairly tariff our main exports at 100%, while we tariff absolutely fucking nothing.

China and Vietnam tariff our vehicles at about 100% while we don't tariff their shit.

Our competitive advantage is in making big things and precise things. East Asians are good are cranking out trinkets. If we buy their trinkets and they buy our big things and precise things, it's all good. But they tariff our big and precise things, so we can't sell them dick, but they can continue to sell us trinkets. Unfair. Sad.

right, the invasion never happened and it was burgers that torched the white house

Your just jealousy you can't do the same. As long as Article 9 is in effect you can't sneeze without US approval.

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To take out Canadian sub humans like you.

Have any of you all noticed the biggest Anti-Americans are canucks? If angsty little brother syndrome were a country.

Seriously the Americans need to bomb your major cities (leaf burning as it were) then invade and annex Canada. Take down that stupid maple leaf flag in Ottawa and hoist the stars and stripes. Most of the world wouldn't care anyway. Europe goes along with whatever US Does. You are a vassal state of the US anyway shouldn't really wouldn't make a difference if you were annexed

He's wrong, but do you think 700 billion is 54% of 4,100 billion?

The world uses our dollar because we'll fuck you if you don't. It's an investment dumb leaf.

it's okay, mexico will pay for it

Debt that means nothing as long as we control the oil. Hence the military spending. Can't let Russia or China get any ideas.

It happened but it was done by Brits not Leafs. Technically their were no leaves till 1867

the inuns being invaded was included in that argument.
mexico has invaded us, the british invaded, the canadians came in at one point. We invaded french florida when chasing injuns. The kikes are invading everyone, the russians invaded crimea before they took it.

dude the way shit happens on this plant isnt a debate. I dont know if youre taking my posts as an attack or something. Im not here to insult you, but facts are facts and invasions happen. When the weak have something the strong wants, the strong will just take it.

The US was the invader, not the Empire
It just retaliated.

You should be glad. Our military protects you canucks because you are sharing our continent

>Post War Order
dont know, but if you are talking about the thing that prevents borders from changing then good luck telling that to Crimea, the Congo, and Palestine.
Ill pass your message onto Taiwan that they have nothing to worry about.

They are trying...See Petrol Yuan and attempting to get other nations to ditch the USD in oil trade.

I am a ホワイトピッグ and not that jealous for not being able to serve Israel's interests with my tax money.

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That's how you maintain a modern empire, leaf.

Stop being jealous

Building tanks the army doesn't want is about keeping experienced workers around and factories maintained should a war break out. It also prevents those skilled workers from being poached by other countries.

Similar thing happened after the USSR fell. Suddenly there was a bunch of skilled ex-soviet aerospace engineers out of work, and US adversaries would have loved to hire them to build missiles. So we made deals with Russia to work on the ISS and other things which kept all those engineers/etc working on peaceful projects instead of missiles.

References the War the UK empire ultimately lost at the battle of New Orleans. Funny how canuck subhumans never mention that battle even though they were apart of the British empire. USA would destroy you so easily in a war now. Just drop a nuke a Toronto. It will be the ultimate leaf burning party. USA watches on the opposite side of lake Ontario as the Canadians burn to a crisp.


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wait are you implying the government doesn't operate at a massive loss these days?
Perhaps no one has informed you that we are deep in debt?

>US is not currently in any wars.

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you can't be this retarded m8

Okay this triggers me. Amerifats need a good war on their turf just so they know what suffering is. If anyone in the world deserves to be invaded and have their houses and local wallmarts with mcdonalds torched its them. Maybe after that they will behave like people and not like the apes they are.

Britain retaliated by invading

because the military-industrial complex has spread its tentacles everywhere. nothing is beyond its reach.

sorta like Jow Forums

never claimed it was done by Canadian military, but
is just an idiotic argument. A counter invasion is no less of an invasion


China's economy would collapse first in a economic war. And unlike the US it won't just be worse living standards. Millions would starve.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

No worries eventually Japan will lose the lease and the US will stop hovering over Israel like a doting mother. Then the real fun begins.

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>won a pointless battle
>gained nothing from it
>heck yeah murikka


>drop'a nuke'a Toronto!
like I'd notice anyway lol

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I can’t wait until this system crashes
All the money we make is so worthless