Why can’t Amer*cans fight?
German here. Amer*ca lost to a bunch of jungle SJWs and towelheads
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I wonder what is happening in this country. At least they got trump.
>jungle SJWs
Marx would detest modern SJWs as bourgeois scum
>meme flag
jews coated our weapons with sticky seed
We didn't lose by any standard definition of losing. In vietname we killed literal millions of gooks, and IN OUR OWN COUNTRY white people were so grumpy about the situation that we left before we achieved our objectives. In the middle east, meanwhile, we fulfilled all our military objectives and then tried to rule Iraq without actually maintaining a presence there, which is pants on head retarded and doesn't work since the Iraqis were hardly just going to run themselves according to beautiful american democracy (tm).
TL;DR: We're really good at fighting. We're really bad at wanting to fight and setting reasonable win conditions. If we'd just wanted to turn those countries into slag, we would've without a second thought.
"Cultural revolution" Send a buncha stoners hippies degenerates to fight by force to Vietnam and wonder why you lost? Todays generation is even weaker.. Were screwed.
'''German''' Fuck off Achmed. I've told the Burgers before, and I say it again.
Everyone from the Middle East think they win when you leave their country after a ''police'' action or some shit. Because you LEFT, and their country is not completely destroyed.
To them, that is clear proof of victory. Because they can not even imagine having the power to destroy USA, AND NOT DO IT.
We have over 100k soldiers stationed in Germany. You are literally a vassal state for the American Empire, how does that make you feel?
They beat you.
You started the war to prevent South Vietnam becoming communist. It became communist.
You lost a war to manlet gook SJWs lmao
> German here
Why so meme flag?
Sag's mir ganz ehrlich, Junge.
Get your popcorn, we're going full 1488. Mark my words.
I am as German as communism, sauerkraut und Merkel
we have guns and free speech
America's post-1960s wars were poorly planned and poorly executed, with the exception of the first Gulf War, but they were fought for the right reasons.
Why use a memeflag then?
Agreed, I'm guessing '''British Asian'''
Says the country that lost TWO world Wars.
lmfao I would never get drafted. "Die for Israel Goy"
You don't even speak German, Shlomo von Meme-Flag.
back 2 back, how are they even still a country.
He's a meme flag and not a German.
Don't trust them to say what country they are representing the flAg doesn't mean it's a german just its posting from Germany .
An the OP hasn't even got a germ flag
We aren’t. We don’t have a border because we’re in Schengen and we don’t have our own currency. We’re literally ruled by Belgium, a country the Brits created. We are an embarrassment.
Show your real flag, faggot.
This is my real flag. Long live the EU. Fuck white people. We must stone for WW2
And germany lost to the US and the subhuman russians what does that make germany?
Germans lost to Americans so what does that make you?
Jokes on you. We're ruled by the EU puppeteers.
But it's nice to see our country be associated with power for once, so thanks.
The US didn't lose the war in the field it lost it at home. We had the capability to wipe North Vietnam off the map but that wasn't why we were there. Once public support for the war was at a boiling point we go the hell out of dodge and tried to ignore that part of the war for next few decades.
How is your record by the way?
user this is Jow Forums europoors don't want real facts.
Because we have too many (((hippie))) faggots who won't let us slaughter like isreal.