
How happy does it make you to know that your philosophy resonates with people like this? What would Hitler think of this?

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Misguided whites looking for something that's represented in that show, something the jews have torn down around you

Antifa's mascot is a furry. I don't see how that's any better.

>the following things are permitted and encouraged:
>- Hitler reaction images
>- speaking german
I have no idea why this looks so funny

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I miss /mlpol/

Why not, its cute, fluffy and antisemitic. How could you not like it? :D

Stop making excuses. This nigga made Hitler a female horse for no reason other than it being an excuse to jerk off to it and there are posts specifying a cartoon pony's cup size. This is far beyond gone and these people claim to want to stomp out degeneracy and instill morality. The lack of self-awareness is fucking insane

dont care, still better than any leftifag

Good enough for me!

But she's cute.

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Just for more buthurt

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I'm not making excuses, you asked why this would happen and I gave an awnser

And right it is degenerate, but this people will drop there fap material faster then the faithless basedboys

>saying nigga


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Duck phones and duck autocorrect, duck duck duck this gay faggots motherfucking goddam fucking shit

I need to stop posting during work

Not even butthurt, I'm enjoying having my stance solidified by the blatant hypocrisy and lack of commitment to your core concepts in the face of your base urges. This is why people will never take you seriously and your "movements" will die faster than meme internet leftism did during the mid to late 2000s

fpbp. it's literally this. social alienation and the lack of harmony created when one's people are forced to ignore faith, folk, and fatherland. People look to anything to provide that; if they cannot find it IRL, they take solace somewhere else. Calling it degenerate is hit or miss. Hating on people's hobbies is too far, but giving your life to it is also too far. Hitler would equate it to the suicide problem.

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>this nigga

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Dude, Hitler would have loved My Little Pony.

I don't think so. The problem in the past was, that there was no rightwing pop culture, beeing right was no fun. Just boring books, "ugly skinheads" and old nazi grandpas.... Now the alt right pop culture rises and more and more people get interested.

and my little ponys love Hitler! ;D

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That's all well and good but when the core ideology becomes nothing more than a melting pot of niche terminology and digestible inside jokes, "us against everyone else" paranoia, and most importantly hypocrisy from those who claim to hate degeneracy but will whine about women and jerk off to lolis than the message becomes diluted and resonates with less and less before people become disenfranchised and move to the new meme ideology, like people have been doing with communism recently

bAsEd HoRses

At least in Germany its different, the people just started to get awake thanks to our rapefugees.
But still, almost nobody can say that hes more on right side in the public if he doesn't want social oppression.

>cute, fluffy and antisemitic.
this is my type

>How happy does it make you to know that people like National Socialist esthetics
Its just understandable. Its objectively superior. Even libcommies and other marxist faggots like to fantasize about their "boypussy" getting violated by "Nazis" and keep dressing up in "Nazi furfag suits".