This enrages the Dixie flag posters

>this enrages the Dixie flag posters

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>the most generic joke ever
+1 :^)

Not really an argument to erase your own history is it onions Sam?

I don''t understand why Murrikkkans are so obsessed with the American Civil War that they banter about it 130 years after.

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Hey, that's our flag.

Lee didn't even necessarily agree with his own side in some respects, he simply fought for his people's stock because that's what great men do. Great men defend their countries beliefs above all else

I'm distantly related to him by blood and I know the truth

The problem with America is that instead of making it clear that the South was wrong and lost they kept the memorial of these people for whatever reason.

Instead of saying the Confederates were the enemies of the American spirit they decided to let idiots be idiots withou condeming the rebellion.

And now we have people , mostly 200 pounds unfit rednecks saying how good the Confederetes were while in fact they lost like bitches.


more like the surrender of the bill of rights. but hey, the north won

Boring little cunt

The south wasn’t wrong though. Only latte sipping basedboys think they are because that is what they are brainwashed to believe in school

>If people make this joke about France is funny
>Make the same joke about Confederates and its suddenly shit :^)

Why would this stale, banal joke enrage anyone? I'm sure by now French people don't even get bothered by it.

You think they teach history here? Lee was more against slavery than their hero Lincoln because he believed it made people lazy and complacent.

The last three threads I was in say otherwise.

Can we say that we wuz dixies n shieet ?
Robert. E. Lee was actually a FRENCHMAN named Vicompte Robert-Emmanuel de la Leeterie, but then the filthy ANGLO ANGLOWASHED our history !
Wake up!

user, everyone wuz kangz.


That's because according to our own laws on the books at the time their was not enough grounds to legally hold Jefferson Davis accountable to war crimes. This is because it was an illegal war launched by the north.

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But it's not funny when you do it to France either because there was a literal point in their history where they had an all white flag as their national flag

>expecting a "new german" to actually know history or europe
I mean come on. If it was something about islam or the koran he'd know.

Had we been "bitches" we wouldn't have fought at all. We held our own and yeah that is something to be proud of.

I take no shame at all in my southern heritage. Nor should anyone.

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Real Reconstruction coming through.
Article 1.
a. The former territories of the "Confederate States of America" is hereby dissolved.
b.All officials in said territories are to secede all power to the U.S. Army, and are hereby barred from holding any political office ever.
c.All officials will serve prison terms no more than 20 years and no fewer than 1 year.
Article 2.
a. All enlisted members of the former "Confederate Army" are hereby designated as traitors aganst the lawfully elected government of the United States
b.All enlisted members are to serve a term of hard labor of no less than one year, and no more than four.
c. All officers of the "Confederate Army" above the rank of Captain are to be considered active fugitives from justice, and will surrender themselves to the nearest U.S. Army post.
d.All officers above the rank of Captain are to serve prison terms no more than 25 years and no less than 10.
e.No member of the "Confederate Army or Navy" may hold public office, vote, or bear arms till the day they die.
Article 3.
a. In the former territories of the "Confederate States of America" the protections granted by the U.S. Constitution is Void.
b.All slave holders of more than 5 Negros are to have property confiscated and to be divided among the freed Negros.
c.Any measure to deprive a Negro of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness through means legal or otherwise shall be deemed insurrection.
Article 3.
In the Territories of the former "Confederate States of America" any resistance to appointed Officals by the United States shall be deemed insurrection, the offender to be punished by firing squad or hanging.



Stop bumping your gay little thread and let it die.

Because the Confederacy actually fought

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Friendly reminder American South is still on Eastern Europe level of development despite being the part of one of the richest, most powerful states in the world, and largest economy.
Why the fuck would someone lionize these people? They are utter retards. Definition of white trash.

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>illegal war
Lmao you faggots attacked a federal fort. Did you expect us to roll over and let you have it?

Technically it was rebranded in the 50s as intimidation, like like the swastika in the 30s

It annoys the history buff too.

The irony of this meme flag poster.

>no shame at all
>imported and bred tens of millions of niggers
FUCK you, you ruined this country

The absolute state of dixiefags

>see's flag


Didn't the union pass the 13th amendment illegally? Iirc the former Confederate states only ratified it because the state Governments were Union appointed provisional Govts at the time, not elected.

This. "Muh cheap labor" is the reason the south is and forever will be a shit hole. Use Irish contract slaves like real states

And now Liberals are doing it with braceros and other intellectuals.

Goddamned nigger lovers.

>north wants corporatist hellscape wageslavery
>south wants freedom
>lol fuck the south dude

I know dude, fuck the founders of the US right?

Founders owned niggers as chattel and raped them to make new slaves. That's slightly different from freeing them, giving them rights and letting them vote.

This would have obliterated the Union. We're talkin Treaty of Versailles level of stupid. That's rarified air.

Well it is the last time the South fought for something. Since then all they do is breed mutts. They can't even defend their second amendment anymore. Two children and a couple bureaucrats have managed to take their guns.

at least it's funny, works with French flag as well

Truth is, if they saw the world today, they'd have never surrendered.

It's the only war they won.

If either the Union or the South saw the world today they'd slaughter everyone and start the country over together