How triggered will Jow Forums be when Israel wins Eurovision this year?

How triggered will Jow Forums be when Israel wins Eurovision this year?

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>Implying I give two shits about the gayest ""music"" thing in the world



Estonian one is not too bad.

previous Eurovision winner.

Just burn it all with fire.

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It's hard to believe that there's people that like this kind of music.

There must be more Celine Dion fans in the world than I previously suspected.

>being angry about someone winning the special olympics


Israel will never win a popularity contest, all their surrounding countries hate them. Also looks like they memed themselve with their degeneracy

Good thing that the surrounding arabnigger countries cant vote eh.

Joking aside, wow, I didn't heard Italian song:

Fun facts, that faggot got the HIV now

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It's The one thing that Sweden achieved internationally and put your formerly pretty little country on the map

pick one

Why are the roaches not in eurovision anymore?
And why is israel even in EUROvision to begin with.
poland and other eastern countries hate israel too they'll never win especially not with this chicken song

Maybe he can be president one day....

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They're in the European Broadcasting Union. As to why we're in the stupid thing now I have no idea

jesus christ a fat kike making chicken noises, it looks like the jew got infected by the jew.

The best Eurovision act was Sylvia night.

Can you summarize this song for me? Look like a bunch of basedboys talking about how we should help syrians and #notallmuslims or whatever

Why would I give a shit about Eurovision?

No one gives a fuck about Eurovision.

Now they don’t know what time it is in Cairo
The sun on La Rambla today isn’t the same In France,
there’s a concert People having fun
Someone sings powerfully
Someone screams ‘at death’

In Cairo people don't know what time is it now
Today the sun over the Rambla is not the same
There's a concert in France, people are having fun
Someone's singing loudly, someone's screaming "to death"

It always rains in London, but today it's fine
The sky doesn't make concessions, not even at a funeral
In Nice the sea is red for fires and shame
With people on the concrete and blood in the sewer

And this enormous body that we call earth
Wounded in its organs from Asia to England
A galaxy of people lost in space
But the most important one is the space for an hug

From childless mothers, from children without a father
From faces enlightened like walls without paintings
Minutes full of silence, broken by a voice
"You did nothing to me"

You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people

You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars

There are people that cross themselves, people that pray on carpets
Churches and Mosques. Imams and all the priests
Separated entries in the same house
Billions of people that hope for something

Handless arms, nameless faces
Let's change our skin we are humans deep down
'cause our lives are not a point of view
And it doesn't exist a pacifist bomb

You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people

You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
Your useless wars

Skyscrapers and subways will fall apart
Walls raised for money
But against all kind of terror that inder the path
The world gets up on his feet with a child smile
With a child smile

You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars

You did nothing to me
Your useless wars
You took nothing from me
Your useless wars
You did nothing to me
Your useless wars
You gained nothing
Your useless wars

I am aware that nothing will come back
Happiness flew
As a bubble flies away

I said summarize not give me the god damn lyrics

You can suck my cock.

Because you come last at nearly every Eurovision since at least 2000? Your politicians and monarchs were and are fucking cunts with their geopolitical disasters (the eternal anglo) which makes your country to be perceived as a shitstain by the rest of Europe. Stop molesting your teapot get mad already.


nobody gives a shit, but a win for Israel is usually good for America

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I thought this ugly post-modern garbage was only for the goyim?

Jealous? little loser goys

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that beast will be spat on, not "win contests" you stupid fucking kike

Israel is not in Europe why the fuck are they in Eurovision?

Who the fuck picked this whale as our representative

Damn, we used to send normal competitors, wtf happened

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choose one

Fuck you for posting this and Fuck me for clicking on the link......seriously.