To all the shills and leftist faggots infesting this board

I have a question. What are you willing to fight for?
For God?
You probably don't believe in God
For country?
Most of you want no countries, no borders
For your people?
You don't give a shit if everyone fucked each other into a brown sea of garbage
And this is why you will lose. It may not be today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually, we will stand on your necks.
So laugh it up, while you can.

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They are fighting for Satan, OP
If you notice, most want power of some kind and resort to rituals.

And they will pay for their temporary power with an eternity of hell. Not a great trade, imo

Ummmmmm.... ?



fuck all those echo chamber loving morans

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What they don't realize is that the more time they spend on Jow Forums, the more influenced they are by it. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Soon they will start seeing black people in a different light. They will start noticing that their female and minority co-workers are the only ones with special privileges. And start questioning why all of their bosses in upper management are jews.

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I get the impression you are one of those idiots.
It doesn't help that you don't seem to know what "sage" is

>What they don't realize is that the more time they spend on Jow Forums, the more influenced they are by it
I want to believe that's true, but from my experience, most people would rather believe a comfortable lie, than admit they were wrong


It's pretty easy to spot the shills because they are all working from the same script. They often use words and phrases like boomer, fpbp, Q predicted this etc. shit is already old but it's all they have to go on from their marching orders.

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I will admit that they have influenced the board. What I think they don't realize, is that no amount of shilling will make us the majority of us believe that our eyes are lying to us

You're work environment has a defining impact on your life. They will be out getting a onions latte at StarCucks during lunch, and slowly start to look around at everyone and realize that the stereotypes pushed on this board aren't entirely satire. That's when the crisis of conscience begins. I suspect these shill factories have a high turnover rate.

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We fight for equality across all. The sole root of evil in this world is the White capitalist society. It's ironic how you people don't even realise its your enemy too.

We fight for progress. There's a reason the male dominated society of the past is in the past...because it's not progressive for the human species.

We fight so that ALL races are treated equal and can stand together into a future of progress, not one future controlled by the white man who searches for his own selfish monetary gains.

Funny how you say we are losing. We already won. You already lost. The children in schools are taught by liberal progressives like us and grow up with our beliefs. The church you worship which has been the pinnacle of human suffering is becoming extinct (they have to rely on impoverished and uneducated third worlders for support hahahah)

So, in the end, enjoy your little echo chamber while you have it. It truly doesn't matter. Even if you find your "dream" of s white wife and white children, we have 50 liberal children for every child you have. You can't win. You've already lost this war, now it's time for the evil of this world to become extinct and for progress to rule.

Finally a message I can agree with.

To the SHILLS whom I’m not supposed to talk to

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>right-wing nationalism surge all across the west

You went way too far, way too fast. And you're losing everyone.

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>Most of you want no countries, no borders.

also sage

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Nothing is worth fighting for because the world is becoming increasingly transient as humanity can't get it's collective shit together, but most of them have made up bullshit they believe is "worth fighting for", so we're just going to kill each other until the earth consumes society.

>White capitalist

why is it the capitalist, and not just the capitalist?

You do realize just about every ethnic shithole in the world is capitalist as well, with or without whites.

Even someone like you has to admit there are very few whites in 3rd world countries.

You think only white people are waking up?
>We fight for equality across all. The sole root of evil in this world is the White capitalist society.
White capitalist society is what made them dominant, you retard. Meritocracy advances society
>We fight so that ALL races are treated equal and can stand together into a future of progress, not one future controlled by the white man who searches for his own selfish monetary gains.
All races aren't equal, and no amount of social engineering will ever make them equal

Hahaha you are such an idiot. You don't even see how all of those things benefit us in the long run. The damage is already irreparable to your countries.

*der, white capitalist, not just capitalist.

Need a safe space faggot? There's no rule saying this board is only for Trumpcuck faggot, Army of unfuckable hate nerd tiki torch little NEETS.

Thanks for the tax cut.

You didn't make an argument.
What the fuck, Netherlands?
I expected better from you

Ironically, the most "progressive" nations they love to use in their arguments like Norway... are the most white countries in the world.

Fuck "humanity".
We kill each other because only the strong survive. And only the strongest of us will challenge the rest of the universe

You might not be a NEET but I'm sure you're just as depressed as they are.

>herr derr 4D chess

You see, this one is already under Jow Forums's influence

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I've fought every race on the planet. Fuck your faggoty safe space. Only the strong survive here

It's telling that they rail against the "white capitalist" society rather than just the "capitalist" society.

What does the fact that they just casually throw the word white in there mean?

I'm not a shill or a leftist, just wanted to give inspiration for those out there who shit up this board.

Are you talking about being able to rewrite DNA as you please?

>who will you fight for?
This country.
I will join the army the very moment we are invaded. I don't want to die for Greater Israel lime you neocon faggots

I've been trolling stormfags since before moot made this containment board for you. My political views have moved further to the left, if at all.

>brexit has a very real possibility of being overturned
>Republicans have lost nearly every single special election since Trump took office, even in districts that voted for him
Most dems stayed home in 2016. They won't make the same mistake this November.

>My political views have moved further to the left, if at all.
So, serious question.
Why? I used to be fairly liberal, until social justice pushed me to the right

>fighting for a country that's already dead
Btw, we've been under invasion for the past 50 years. Grab your rifle and get to it!

Congratulations, you're an exceptional kind of retard. If only you knew what you're doing

>muh social justice
You can be a leftist and still disagree with extremists. I'm sure there are some 14/88 stormfags you disagree with
demographic shift =/= invasion
You sound like anti-irish propoganda from the 1890s

Great argument, faggot.

>I'm sure there are some 14/88 stormfags you disagree with
Probably. Some of them may want to shoot me on sight. But...
>If anyone told me that Japanese people were the cause of all the worlds problems
>If these people told me the best solution was to flood Japan with millions of third world subhumans
>If these (((people))) told me I was "racist" for having a problem with any of that
I'd be way worse than the caricature of hitler in the history books

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Yeah they're crawling all over as well.

It's extremely annoying. In fact I was pretty darn liberal before all this, but now not so much.

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>What are you willing to fight for?
For myself and for my friends and family.

I don't give a fuck about my country or my race.

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because your poor brits have been cucked by your government with such shit political correctness...and the EU

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Actually being called a racist is a very powerful blow to someone's character.

Most people will immediately disregard any of your arguments as soon as you're outed as a racist.

>muh jews
Leftists hate Israel. Neocons are the only people starting wars to preserve Isreili dominance in the region. Ask your buddy Donnie.

To a certain extent you're correct but ultimately I don't really give a fuck about Britain. I don't intend to spend my whole life here anyway.

>I used to be a liberal
Ok cletus.

>nothing but strawmen
Yep, it's a rightard.

lol "you're outed as a racist" implying i am a racist...which is not true and not ture for the majority of the people on this planet...

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White capitalist society is what gave you such a comfy lifestyle. Once people realize you’re alternative is Mexico you’re a dead man

That post, and all my posts said nothing about "muh joos". Why\ do you automatically assume that jews are to blame? Guilty conscience?

Congratulations on your win.
>I hope you receive everything you desired

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It doesn't matter though. Simply being accused of racism is enough to silence someone. Look at Tommy Robinson. He's not ostensibly racist but the mere fact that he's been associated with racists and accused of supporting racist ideologies is enough to assassinate his character in the eyes of most people.

It's the same thing as being accused of being a pedo or being accused of rape. That shit will haunt you.

Except YOU don't fight for equality not one bit. Want to know something, what would a truly non-racist non-sexist society look like? Those two words wouldn't even be in your lexicon and everyone would have the same rights. But the side who perpetuates those two words and the ideas behind it, and the side that fights for more rights or to be more "equal", for whatever special part of society and the reasons you came up with today to justify your unequal laws, is you. Things like affirmative action, "equity hiring" (which is just about forgiving people of less merit if they have the right junk/color), and laws specifically only for women or that can only be used for people of whatever color of the rainbow that isn't white/asian. Men/Whites/Asians are inherently at a disadvantage during divorce, hiring, education (women teachers spending more attention and marking easier on women) (boys forced on to psychotropic drugs if they want to move around and play a bit, dogs have more freedom in develpoment than boys in the west atm), university/college acceptance, workplace disputes (HR is completely against them) all because of you. The wierd thing about all of is you DON'T go after the men/whites/asians that are over 45ish, they still get to live in a world before all your bullshit was rammed down their throats. Instead you go after all the men/whites/asians who are just starting, people who have never made the "choices" that you claim made us unequal, people who are born into a world that is obviously against them yet are told that they ironically have all the power when it's so fucking obvious they don't. But still you continue, still you want more. You know I figured out a long time that the left is just using our own empathy against them to gain POWER over them. That's you just want power. The last most hilarious thing is you won't even listen to this. You completely deny any of these facts, concerns, and "feelings", because they are men/white/asian.

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No dude! The is going fucking bonkers to the point I'm even ashamed to think I once considered myself a liberal. They're crawling all over like roaches, loud aggressive fussy irrational roaches and it is super annoying.

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racist, nazi...just a lefty weaponized words they shout at people when they can't back up their own arguments with facts or logic

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Dear OP,

I'm sorry that your life is such a disappointment in your eyes that you have to be perpetually angry at everybody and seek to prove your imagined virility through physical conflict and social antagonism. Perhaps you should seek help before you shoot up a mall or make some other pointless gesture.

This will take a lot more than one image to refute

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1. Why do you hate white men?
2. Isn't "progress" subjective? What I deem progress is different to what you deem progress.

for the lulz

What The Left wants.

The Left wants to destroy The West, while this is well known(Also why The Left is working with Islamic groups & Soros is backing so many Left protest networks) there is a psychological aspect to this that is not talked about enough.

The Left wants to die(killed) & be oppressed.

If you look at all the behaviors/actions of The Left(and who they ally with/work for) its clear they are Suicidal and are more then willing to bring everyone around them down, and even there appearances show that.

With this in mind, its no wonder why Soros uses them as Expendable pawns & Islamic groups see them as allies to bring down The West.

The Left on some biological level were not supposed to exist, and they know that subconsciously. Which is why they proactively destroy society, family & culture around them.

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not really...with out evidence to back up those claims.

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Same thing with "cuck" or "basedboy" really.

It might be ad hominem but it's very effective. If someone is accused of racism that immediately discredits them in the eyes of most people.

Okay well most people think that Tommy Robinson is a racist even though he's categorically denied it. Hell a lot of people think Nigel Farage is a racist.

No matter how much you bitch and moan about it, being racist will never be seen as acceptable in western society.

I'm here for the lulz.

Used to be. I would have argued that I wasn't a racist ten years ago. Now, I tell them to go fuck themselves

He's not on the left, mate.

Best post of the day goes to you fellow user

>physical conflict and social antagonism.

No dude fuck off with that shit yo! This is fucking stupid crazy shit the left is doing.

I was never "Afraid" of getting beaten up by conservatives. I might not agree with them, & think them a little out of touch or old fashion, but they never physically attacked me. I was attacked by some whack leftist train hopper Gagoo not that long ago, they're on crawling over and the internet threatening me, they ruin people's lives, the beat people up. Fuck off you commie bastard for defending them, the fuck is your problem?

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Okay but let's be honest here: you're a nobody. People don't really care what you think.

If you're in politics or business or any sort of position of power then suddenly you'll find that espousing those kinds of views is not acceptable.

Because you said (((people))) which is a popular dog whistle implying jewish trickery

Typical white males playing the victim card and acting like you matter at all
. No wonder racists have such low IQ.

got a chuckle outta me

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We built the western world....

SO yeah... I think it is obvious that we DO indeed matter.

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Dear user, I'm sorry that white genocide doesn't matter to you. I'm sorry you believe that you'll be better off with third world savages ruling your country. I'm sorry that it has come to this. I hope that you are willing to meet me, man to man, on the field of honor

What did YOU personally do to build the western world?

Stop taking credit for the accomplishments of men far greater than yourself.

If you really want me to tear a gaping hole in your ass then give me an actual argument.

Here's a question for you: if rightards hate homosexuality so much, why do you suck so much dick?

>white genocide
When will this meme die?
Demographic shift =/= genocide
Jesus Christ you faggots are retarded

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>white genocide
>I hope that you are willing to meet me, man to man, on the field of honor
Christ... you lads are as cringy as you are delusional.

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>confederate flag
>we built the western world
Lmao no you didn't. You're still living in an agrarian, economically stagnant, impoverished shithole. You faggots take more federal funding than any other state because you cannot generate your own tax income. Get off my teat, welfare baby

good a reason as any

He probably mixed booze with his opium tonight. Definitely not all there.

*accomplishments of men far greater than yourself.*

I agree, perhaps I should have used "They" instead of "we" but now even you admit it was built by great men & their legacy does matter.

What have I done? Just work a steady job, pay taxes, obey the law & try to contribute to society. I'm not perfect, but I think it's silly and ignorant to say white people don't matter.

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We tried that and Union tried to fucking kill us.

>muh leftist and muh shills
I'm still wondering if there's anyone still on Jow Forums pre-2014 able to remember when moot had communist day on this board.

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You are completely correct, I'm a nobody
What should concern you though, is how many nobody's are waking up.
I will be a quiet servant. For now
I will pretend nothing is wrong. For now.
So when I am cutting your fucking face off to show the world, you definitely should not blame yourself

Been here since 2012 and I don't remember communists day. It was probably just a troll. Jow Forums has always been a containment board for stormfront.

Moot is a Furry hating Furfag. We don't answer to him.

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>he wants to die for some semitic idea of a deity
>he wants to die for the govt full of kikes
>he wants to die for a group of people he doesnt even know

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I fight for the all opressed people in my country. White privelege and whiteness are a thing. The US is born put of evil. It is born out of genocide, slavery and racism. We white Americans therefore have a obligation to every refugee to let them in.

>you admit it was built by great men & their legacy does matter
Of course. And those men fought tooth and nail against fascists and totalitarians to give us the free and open liberal society that we enjoy today.

Don't take it the wrong way. I'm a nobody too. The difference is that I don't blame minorities for my own shortcomings.