redpill me on refugees.
Redpill me on refugees
They fuck kids and they will never assimilate. Enjoy.
They are literally /our guys/
What do you mean? They need our help, otherwise they'd get bombed or decapitated in Syria.
will increase crime, will form societies within a society, will leech off government programs. they will also outbreed the host nation.
They are going to build space stations and a fleet of shiny starships for peoplekind to explore the universe.
human shit
>t. italian
Most of them are innocent and understandably want to come somewhere that has much easier living
But if we open the gate and allow just anyone and everyone who wants in, then the prosperous nations of world will be destroyed under the weight of worthless humanity
Forget nuclear war, this is now the biggest threat to civilization.
>most refugees are not from syria
>they are the worst part of their society
A refugee fucked my wife last month.
I hate them so goddam much.
The problem isn't the ones who are coming. It's their children born here.
what a waste of digits, i guess the migrants will cure cancer and invent fusion power too
Refugee washing his ass with his bare hand in public drinking fountain in Italy:
Aren't refugees great? They are our future doctors, engineers, and astronauts.
They just need a little push
It's a long term investment. One day they will pay your pensions.
We need them to sexually satisfy our women.
They are literally begging refugee cock.
Poverty Gumballs:
>human shit
you mean a pile of diarrhea after fatal withdrawal symptoms of sheep's shit eating
They come from places where the status quo was never good to begin with, so they are fleeing from themselves. They bring themselves here with them so nothing changes they just have a different decorum.
Scum, liars, criminals, cowards, filth, degenerates, rapists, thieves
Refugees are people fleeing their countries.
If their countries weren' t so shitty, these people would stay there.
Ergo, in order to stop people from becoming refugees, fix their countries.
literally a virus
>invades cell
>kills host cell in the process
Kalergi plan and Protocols both want to remove europeans as we are only race capable of saving this godforsaken planet
they are mean to this end
White women are so thirsty
>digits 1488
>fucking waste it by talking about fag shit
That’s absolutely disgusting.
women were a mistake.
>If their countries weren' t so shitty, these people would stay there.
but you know why these countries are so shit right? fucking people fucking country quite simply.
What do you want to do ? do you want to treat people with genetic engineering?
take a walk in your downtown area
>redpill me on refugees.
They are here to kill you
A country is what the people living there make it. If the people living there made it so terrible that they would risk their lives to flee it, you definitely don't want them.
It is not women's job to defend territory. Defending territory is the male's job. The invasion is because white males refuse to keep people out.
Or do white men expect women to be the warriors?
Everything is a man's job. Even jobs that are women's jobs men do better.
New name given to immigrants so that a new emotional persuasion and blackmail can be added to the "dont be racist/xenophobic/etc".
I did, there's just old German people, turks/arabs or black people. Everyone else is working.
they're a business. globalists constantly push for bringing more into EU via NGOs. It has been proven using boat trackers that NGOs directly go to foreign coasts and pick up niggers in order to dump them in EU countries, mainly Italy.
A lot of people, especially in Italy, are bluepilled as fuck and still think we should welcome those individuals because they're "fleeing from war". Luckily though, most Italians are inherently redpilled and are protesting on this programmed invasion.
The situation recently got better at least here, don't know about other places.
They're rapists and they want free money.
EU should invade Tunisia
if they cannot keep their borders shut we will be happy to do it for them
i expect them to shut the fuck up and not try to take part in politics.
how silly of me.
More people are getting wise to immigrants from middle-east/Africa. I myself was brought up proud that people from all of Europe come here to work and strengthen our country, so I wasnt necessarily negative toward (sand)niggers, but a lot of people here are still in that open mindset that benefited us for all these centuries, but (sand)niggers are a completely different breed they come to leech and practice criminal activities. it's a switch everyone sooner or later is gonna make.
The general populace only came in contact with them around the 70's when the welfare programs started.
Most of them aren't from war torn countries.
The ones that are should be back there fighting for their homes.
The "Children" are in their early thirties.
They're not refugees. They are an invasion.
Why won't you do what you must?
Because it'd be immoral to send those poor people back to their shithole countries. Here they can enjoy an easy life
But its not immoral to force people to work to pay for their easy life
How can they work without an education or speaking our language?
>Here they can enjoy an easy life
While they are given thousands of euros a month for nothing more than being brown, while you foot the bill.
They don't want to be germans. They want to bring their shithole country to yours. And Fuhrer Merkle is opening the gates for them.
An easy life isnt a good life, you can give them everything but they'll still despise you and this is just natural. A person despises it's caregiver so it can go out on it's own and be their own man, you see it with puberty.
Now imagine a person who is genetically unfit to care for himself in an advanced European society, he'll hate you you can give him everything but he'll hate your guts, his only option is to be a rapist and a criminal.
Yes, they are probably traumatized from the horros of war, why take their right to live a normal life in the west?
>Here they can enjoy an easy life
*Here they can take our way of life for granted and act like thugs while the "modarates" dont assimulate and not even bother learning english.
They learn the language and get an education.
They assimilate.
>They assimilate.
>the horrors of war
That was several countries away from them at least.
They are not refugees.
They have no such right
If they want to live in the country, yes, that's what they should do.
That, or go home.
>that's what they SHOULD do.
but they don't.
Why assimilate? They shouldn't have to give up all their culture or way of living. We should tolerate their way of living and give them the best possible support while they live here.
80% of somalis legally residing in the UK don't work and are on welfare.
In every western country immigrants from africa and middle east are over represented in violent crimes even when controlling for income.
You wouldn't try to get to the country which gives you the best support?
>We should tolerate their way of living
Not when it leads to your women and daughters being raped and slaughtered.
>mfw there are people that actually think like this
No, I would drive the enemy from my home.
They countries are shitty in order to make our countries rich. This is how modern slavery work. Is them or us until we change the system
The rapes are just Einzelfälle. Dont worry about it, native Germans rape too!
Why should we pay for people without an education or speaking our languages while they live in the continent with the highest cost of living?
No. You wouldn't. Think of your family, possibly children. You really want to fuck over their future for a war they got nothing to do with?
the best support for them means welfare and being left alone.
>native Germans rape too!
>we already have a problem
>lets invite more problems
clown world.
Hehe, a friend of mine thinks like this. I don't know what to tell him anymore, he's just too blinded by superior morality and helping people who will never give anything back. I don't get it.
Rape gangs are by definition, not isolated cases.
And rape gangs were not a thing before they came to your home.
they're a social and economic drain on the country that takes them in
countries only do it to be perceived as "good" or "moral"
I would want my children to live in a country that I belonged to, my homeland, a land that my ancestors and I shed blood for
That's suicide.
yeah, i try to talk to people irl about issues but normies don't think.
Exactly, Hans.
Your country is committing suicide via immigrant.
achmed needs a redpill on refugus
forgot pic
Lemme quote the government. "We need those immigrants!! Unless you want to pay more taxes and work until you're 70!"
Fucking faggots. I prefer that over getting stabbed on the way home.
and you're wrong as fuck but its probably bait..
Excuse me neighbor, I am of Austrian-German descent. Faggot.
Stop importing other countries problems you fucking cunt
The Middle east amd Africa are doomed and all youre doing is ensuring Europe is too
If you want to help, you establish refugee camps in the countries where the shit is going down
They will always be outsiders, this hurts both us and them
you wish
Just checked the news.
translate for us Hans
Syrias future Elite is stuck in Germany. Three years young syrians studied in Germany, to rebuilt their homeland. This plan has to be postponed, because the war is still raiging. Welt met two of them.
>tfw invest in education
>tfw they leave before the investment paid off
Angela Merkel is a closeted Neonazi, and, noting that Germans happened to fail high aspirations of the Fuhrer, by being too subhuman and too subverted by Cucktianity, she decided to rely on staunch resistance of Muslim Arabs against Zionism and subversion.
Most are just desperate people escaping an awful situation but they're a burden on their host country and there is an effectively unlimited amount of them.
The website is produced under the auspices of Jewish Communal Taskforce for Refugees, the members of which are:
Board of Deputies
Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)
Jewish Leadership Council
Liberal Jewish Synagogue Drop-In
Mitzvah Day
Rene Cassin
West London Synagogue
Union of Jewish Students
World Jewish Relief
It is supported across the community, including the following organisations:
Board of Deputies
Liberal Judaism
Masorti Judaism
Movement for Reform Judaism
Office of the Chief Rabbi
United Synagogue
Such a rich and vibrant culture these migrants have brought to Europe. We need more multiculturalism. Can we bring cannibals from Papua New Guinea to slaughter human meat in butcher shops? Can we please get more Islamic honor killings? If we don't get some Mexican cartels to hang decapitated bodies from the Eiffel Tower, can we truly say Europe is diverse enough? What if we bring the Rwandan genocide squads to town and give them all medals for practicing their brave and beautiful cultural heritage?
kek 100% accurate.
They are human beings that have had their countries and environments destroyed by white actions, either colonialism or resource gathering as seen in the niger delta. There is nowhere else for them to turn to where they can have a somewhat normal life. They are coming to our countries just like we would flee to theirs during a nuclear holocaust.
when did the ottomans turn white?
>They need our help, otherwise they'd get bombed or decapitated in Syria.
No they are too stupid or lazy to do anything with their countries.