Automatic nationality for children of immigrants who arrived at least two years ago
Automatic nationality for children of immigrants who arrived at least two years ago
So.... portuegese women, how are they like?
portugal got jewed hard around 70 years ago
This is not good
less slutty than yours
>portugeese flag
>OP of "portugal YES!" thread
You have to embrace the insanity to stay sane
like they would stay here
once they get the nationality (EU citizenship) off the germoney and france they go
wtf are you doing
We need to kill all PAN, Bloco and PS deputies to ensure the survival of our nation state
actually, this is demographic warfare, the left wing is playing the long game - in 20 years we will have much more minorities and they will all vote left wing.
Holy shit this can't be real
you understimate the left willingness to self destruct our continent in the name of equality
just to react to that retarded picture:
>no own currency
that does not define a country
>no border
they do have borders, just no border controls most of the time (example: austria re-introduced border controls during peak immigrant crysis)
Portugal was a mistake
It's nothing but trash.
Salazar was our last hope and what have we done to him? We destroyed his masterpiece. How can we live with this guilt upon us? We are paying back our sins. Look at our parliament. PNR was possibly the last hope but they turned portuguese nationalism into a joke.
May God have mercy on us. May the Theotokos and All the Saints pray to the Lord. May St. Martin of Braga/Dume pray for us so that Portugal returns to Orthodoxy. Christ is Risen!
Orthodox Church in Lisbon is always closed except for mass, not a very welcoming church
Do a revolution what the fuck.
PSD abstains, max cucks
Rui Rio what else
only for you... only for you :^)
someone voted to open your borders
finland is too autist for portuguese women you cant even grow a beard or socialize.
Mainly disgusting trolls with hairy arms. Self-entitled to the bone.
Most of them look like ogres but act they are Cinderella and demand to be treated as such.
This. Actions like this are what us Brits foresaw when we voted 'LEAVE'. We don't need more muslim niggers.
Os Tempos de Aviso Começam!
>us danish brits
GDP per capita
>Germany: 50 000$
>Portugal 30 000$
Most of refugees don't find Portugal safe enough place to go.
Still we get niggers and brazilians.
Plus our growing gypsy population.
In 20 years we will look like Britain. No doubt.
>us Brits
Nice try Henrik
I'm portuguese, it hurts.
However OP, Switzerland is in Schengen (not for long)and they have their own currency.
Portugal, why ? I thought you were less cucked than us
Right wing party was the most voted in alst election but fell short of majority so 3 left wing parties, 1 socialist and 2 communist joined forces to obtain a majority
I am in a state of absolute rage, young people think communism is cool, I blame the jews and the media
The govt could approve any law and no one would do anything and you know it, unless it was banning football or something. Portuguese don't care about anything relevant. It's over, so enjoy it while it lasts.
embrance socialism
pic related the person that created this law lulz
Who cares? Portugal already is a poor niggerhole.
Arabs at least will raise the national IQ by some points at least and create some wealth.
I want to see their rotting heads atop pikes in Praça do Comércio, every traitor must be killed in the most brutal way possible. Costa isn't even a full human.
So they don’t have borders then.
And of course a country has its own currency you idiot. If it doesn’t it’s a region of wherever the central bank is.
>finland is too autist for portuguese women you cant even grow a beard or socialize.
Is it true that Portuguese women can grow a better beard than Finnish men?
t. Lebanese brazilian
Yes, our women would kill all Finns 1v1 hand to hand
not going to happen,things are only going to get worse from now on
Why did you vote him into office?
Older northern women, maybe.
The rest of the women are just like the ones in the U.S
We didn't.
Leftie, portuguese, basedboys did.
the word for leftie faggots is now censored -_-
They didn't get majority, they just forced themselves with a cuck coalition. How is this allowed?
Not to mention even the guy who invented democracy thought it was bullshit, so there's no salvation
When was Portugal orthodox?
we didnt,the reds overthrew the rightfully elected government years ago
Do you attend a Russian one or a Greek one? I attend the Russian Orthodox Church in Porto (Oporto for britcucks) and people are pretty nice. I think that the Orthodox Church in Lisbon has portuguese clergy (I'm not sure though).
Probably they use a Catholic temple so they do not have the possibility to have the Church always open (and most of the Clergy works secular jobs as well)
Moreover, thou shalt remember that the Church is not a social club: The Church is the way to salvation.
Anyway I'll leave you this: orthodoxportugal.org
that's what you get if the original people of the country are too retarded to fix their shit
Our politcians are trying to replace native portuguese whites, by non whites....if this go this way we will be a minority by 2060.
it's called genooocide against us.
Well lads, it was good while it lasted.
What am I saying, it was fucking shit and it's gonna get even more shit.
Salazar please get us out of this
We didn’t.
Portugal? Why ?
So do the parents have the nationality too or...?
its been over since 1974
I pray for you best ally.
Don't go down the path we did.
Independence doesn't come easy lads.
All the parties support this, the far let and ps, make the laws and the rest of the parties agree. Only Pnr (far right) is against it. At least since 2004-06 they are building the destruction of this country.
We have to take the streets again or vote far right or we are fucked
Shit, we had ius soli and got rid of it, and you're implementing something similar
He was voted the greatest portuguese of all time in a recent poll but television always paints him as a demon. Just to see how they only cater to a small audience of leftist shit eaters.
media tries so hard with that because they all know there is tons of people who support him in real life,they hate that fact and try to give out the impression most people hate him.
Didn't he basically handed our country over to rich jews, though?
commies post revolution were the ones that handed us over to american kikes
mario soares wanted to hand our country over to americans(half of our gold dissapeared by mistery goym!)
and alvaro was the one that was shilling for russia to take us over
we were fucked no matter what
Feels bad man.
I have no clue how to fix this shit right now.
Everybody is a fucking socialist in this country, nowadays, especially women, I bet.
Democracy was a mistake.
Our women are hot.
Fuck you.
Pic related.
Also, no one is named "Berta" here.
This meme is shit.
Her name should be "Maria" or "Mariana".
she looks irish
Helena is great.......but i bet she is a liberal
That forehead Jesus christ
How bout this? lol
piece of shit internet deleted my comment
Basically thats not even the biggest problem in this country,things like socialized healthcare,education and even basic social welfare could all be fine if we invested more in our industries and respected private initiative more.
Our biggest problem has always been
-rampant corruption(we are like walking towards brazil level corruption in a few years)
-the we decide to subjugate this nation to other countries(this country has no real national independence,we are basically bought and paid for,germany,EU,america you name it)
-uncontrolled borders and immigration(portugal was NEVER meant to be multicultural,and multicuturalism is never going to work here)
most normie portuguese are basically center left(big on social welfare and shit) while being closet nationalists,they could VERY easily be converted to nationalism if the government and media didnt fight against that 24/7
>insert irish are old iberians meme
True, they never really feel safe until there are mountains of gibs. But a lot of them end up in Portugal anyway. It's closer than the prime gibs countries. And then there is the Mad Sow's quota refugees.
My condolences Portu-bros. You have already have more mohammedans in your history than anyone should have to suffer. And now this.
What did PAN do to you? They vote with the right more than the left and there's nothing more conservative than animal welfare.
What the fuck do we do in 2019?
Vote for PSD? Rui Rio is a cuck, PSD needs an actual leader to rise from the shit. Hell, CDS might even be a better option at this point.
But by doing that, we might make it so PS doesn't get majority and we are again left with a coalition with PCP and BE. But then again, PS ruling with majority is not good either.
There's no light at the end of this tunnel.
why are danish women so cute?
dont vote for PSD,CDS-PP is a way better option since they havent turned to complete multicultural,anti conservative cuckholds
also for every vote the parties get 3 euros,this is why they are so afraid people vote in blank
Somehow I just know this is Spain’s fault
Because vikings came to the UK and northern EU and maybe more and kidnapped only the cutest women to be slaves or wives. This is why scandinavian women are hot and the UK women are slags
Those blonde vikings cant stop slamming body parts with each other.High text as fuck
eu must be mad of denmark being so white
this if you go south, like Lisbon.
If you go north, like Porto, most of them are hypocritical loud drama queens.
This is probably for Venezuelan refugees