Just z reminder that Germans ruin everything

Just z reminder that Germans ruin everything.

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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

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Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.


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>Karl Marx
Oh my sweet child, has no one told you?

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Kikes like OP are why I quit my job and became a full time counter-semite.


The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels

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Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant."

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Catholic pedo gay cult is good goy. They didn't fall because of years of Crusades, including against the Orthodox Christians.



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>Germans destroyed Europe in 460
>Germans destroyed Europe in 1517
>Germans destroye Europe in 1618
>Germans destroyed Europe in 1914
>Germans destroyed Europe in 1939
>Germans are trying to destroy Europe in 2018

Stay mad. Also,
>being such a kraut wannabe you quit your job

>doing anything wrong
Pick one

I inherited a shitload of money. I worked for fun. Now i'm a full time counter-semite because of people like you.

>Fall of Roman empire
They fell on their own. Germans took over the reign in the last few hundred years to keep it running.

>Declared First World War
Did not. Serbia started that shit in Sarajevo, Germany was just obliged to side with Austria on this one.

>Declared Second World War.
Did also not. It was a local conflict with Poland. England and France declared the Second world war.

>Karl Marx
Also not Germany's fault. Who listened to that faggot? Russia did. And then they force that ideology on half of Europe. Shouldn't have done that.

Also when you take the last 70 years, America is the most evil nation on this earth. They fucked up all of South America with their CIA instated murderous dictators, destabilized East Asia with them starting the Vietnam War, and are now in the process of bringing terror in the Middle East (and Europe).

Red pilled as fuck
Red pilled as fuck
A fucking jew

being on the dole isn't inheriting money, its blowing other people's inheritance, degenerate

Fuck off snownigger, you're descended from barbarians. AFRICA was more advanced than you in 1000 CE.

You're projecting.


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Only one of those did something wrong, and he wasn't a German. Keep being butthurt though, we Aryans thrive on the envy of lesser races.

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friendly reminder the eternal anglo is actually behind most of europe's woes

>divided Christianity, causing religious wars among denominations
>L-Luther waa redpilled, guys!!!!

Fuck off kraut

yes im sure the world is so jealous of us right now

>World War 1
>35 millions dead
>all european

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Both our countries are still some of the best places in the world, despite our governments best efforts to change that.

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>Hitler, an Austrian, was German

nigger, you are on the dole

Austria is German.

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No, they're not. They're a different ethnic group. Keep we wuzzing, though, it's funny.

I like how these memes remind us that Jow Forums is a white place.

White memes
Best Memes

Yes, fuck the money grabbing jew Pope

Karl Marx's real name was Chaim Hirshel Mordechai.
You could not be more Jewish unless you were eating Matzo made with goy baby's blood...which Marx probably did...

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>AFRICA was more advanced than you in 1000 CE
Pic related

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>No, they're not. They're a different ethnic group.
You should have told these people.

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>Austria is German.
Austria is Germanic, not German. The Netherlands are Germanic, as well.
You can be related genetically without being related nationally.

>They're a different ethnic group
>t. Le Burger a la "let me tell you about your country"

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Germans ruin everything for (((them))) because we fight for our nationality/freedom against internationally ruling interest groups

Good job on being a deluded goyim

Orthodox also confess to a priest you tard.

Austria is German but not Germanic. As in, they speak German but are not genetically related to the Germanic tribes that settled the Lowland countries and England. Likewise for the Swiss.

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hitler was an austrian, merkel is polish decent. fake and gay.

Serbia did not start ww1. Britain did.

Take a look at the documents of belgium

It's not Luther's fault that the papists continued in their false doctrine. They could have listened.

pick one

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Austria is a meme country and you know it.
>ethnic Germans living in a rump state left over from the collapse of the Hapsburg empire
>not German

German literally means variety of people. We aren't one genetic tribe, but different descendends of the germanic people that mixed with some others, just like austria, netherland and france.

If you take a look at the genetical similarities in those countries you'll understand it

Says the nigger whose country was founded by kikes.

>oy vey don't look at me i'm innocent, it's like annodder shoah. It's ze Germens believe me.
Clearly written by a jew, it can therefore be disregarded as lies.
>helped Arab Muslims
This is just a giveaway; whats wrong with helping muslim? Everything when you are a Arab-goy hating kike.

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also this

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Are you ironically doing the La Creatura meme now?

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They're German, but are more alpine than Germanic.

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Fuck off kike, why don't go an lick on you circumcision scar left on you penis?

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You are just another German hating jew, just like other jews through history.

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By the way, do some research on ancestors and you will realize that most wars were fought by jews against the germanic people.
It's an endless shitstorm that started thousands of years ago

Rassenlehre is the real redpill.
We are emotionally conditioned to despise words like 'subhuman', so we dont get the chance to really understand it objectively.
'Subhumans' are merely mixed races. Jews use their religion to stay pure while spreading globalism/racemixing.

Our nobles and jews knew about the spiritual power of purity and hitler was trying to bring humanity back onto this level. Not just germanic people, but the other races, too.

Freemasons aren't Jews. But both are terrible.