Peterson got plastic surgery

The dude got hairplugs, botox, a weird tan, and possibly beard implants?

I'm not a big Peterson hater, I think the guy does a good job at what he does, but I also think plastic surgery of any kind seriously discredits somebody as being a serious thinker.

How do you take somebody seriously when they aren't even confident enough to go bald? Or get some fucking wrinkles?

When you get older, you lose your hair and get wrinkles. That's what happens. When somebody needs to spend thousands of dollars and get chemicals shot into their face just to look a little younger, what does that say about them?

Kinda silly desu

Attached: jordanpeterson.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Peterson a few years ago

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we rebuilt him

we had the technology

He cleaned up his room and then he cleaned up his face

>I'm not a big Peterson hater, I think the guy does a good job
That's why you posted this shill thread, right (((Alt-Right)))?

Attached: peterson living room commie alt right.jpg (950x634, 348K)

>He cleaned up his room
His communist dedicated room? No, he said he has maids do it. Not even kidding.

>we rebuilt him

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it kinda belongs to self-improvement. its okay as long as you dont over do it.

>different angle
>bad quality vs small picture

Good for him. He looks way better.

He cleaned up his diet and lost a huge amount of bodyfat. He says this has helped with his autoimmune disease.

He has the money to take care of himself and now the connections. Be jealous elsewhere.

Okay rebbit cool opinion stop posting

He didn't have surgery, he just grew out his beard and is in good health.

As soon as I saw that beard I knew he is gearing up for political office. He looks way more like a statesman with it. Cap this.

He has a beard here yet u mention he had beard implants

he did have hair transplant surgery

No dude look at his most recent videos compared to his videos even last year

He got some serious work done, didn't just lose weight.

Your hairline doesn't fill in because you started eating better

>the connections for hairplugs
you don't need connections for hairplugs lmao people get them all the time.

I don't really think it follows up with the "Don't say things that aren't true" thing he preaches. Jordan is a balding man, as most men his age are.

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>reddit spacing
>ad hominem
>character assassination


that's a pretty good hair transplant desu

but who /naturallyfullheadofhair/ here?

looking at this picture and comparing to it seems like he has pretty much the same hair line. And I think the first picture is from 2017 so I am not so sure about the hair transplant. Unless he said it himself.

Does it even matter?

yeah, dig those heels in. Doesnt seem desperate at all

Ourguy is Benjamin Button user.

Attached: Jordan_Petersen_at_96.jpg (960x742, 40K)

He looks good though. I don't see what the problem is here.

No he had plastic surgery done, along with losing weight.

compared to

Wrinkles don't go away and hair doesn't fill in because you start eating better

He actually looked better than before the plastic surgery, he looked like more of a distinguished man

most archetypes from mythology had some kind of transformational surgery

>oy vey goys dont you think you should hate this guy now

typical, I never tuned in to this guy but just like Lauren Southern ill watch now just to spite jews pushing smear campaigns

>meme flag
>blows nigger dicks in glory hole truck stops
>Swaps poz'd loads with other libertarians

Diet is a miracle for skin
But nah if you follow his vids he just seemed too lazy to shave at some point
Hairline doesn't look different but he does seem to cover it up with his existing hair
Tan looks different

Also, one is recorded in a tv studio which means make up and other shit to make you look good

He should get some surgery to fix his faggy voice.

what is lighting and makeup? I assume you get dolled up before you go on live-TV, not so much a harvard talk

W.B. Yeats had his testicles replaced with monkey testicles.

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>>oy vey goys dont you think you should hate this guy now

I didn't say that dumbfuck

I'm pointing out that a guy who preaches self-actualization is getting hair transplants and botox.

How do you take someone seriously. When they aren't even confident to go out in public without makeup on.

its the serotonin you fuck.. he is now alpha crab

>beard implants
kys faggot

No his beard is thicker on the cheeks than in the past.

Women use make-up to become more sexually attractive. This makes sense.

Men using womenly attraction methods is weird

>what does that say about them?

that they wanna look younger. it doesn't morally discredit or disqualify them to speak on such topics if that's what you mean.

He's literally *this* close to having enough money to just say "fuck it", buy a beach view condo in Pattaya and spend the rest of his life banging ugly Thai girls for chump change and popping ecstasy while watching the sunset.

Yo it's a real thing bro, just got my beard transplant, I'm stylin & profilin dog

>stylin and profilin
You mean frontin and profilin?

that sounds like a very miserable way of living your life

> How do you take somebody seriously when they aren't even confident enough to go bald?

You don't. Real men go bald and don't give a shit. Life kicks them in the nuts and they get back up.

>weird tan
He just got back from Australia man

Cleaning up your eating habits and being more active contribute to healthier tighter skin b

>Beard implants
Maybe he put down the onions, you should try it

>Generally looks better
Shocker bro he's on higher levels of media with makeup and lighting up the ass to make people look less like goblins

>Hair implants
Y'all seem pretty sure about this, so I trust you did your research and got some kinda proof, but dead ass it looks basically the same to me. Maybe the healthier lifestyle and keto diet made his hair grow in better, maybe as his face got less melted-cheese-esque his hair looked better comparatively, or maybe he spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars (idk what hair implant surgery costs) to make his hair like a few milimetres further down his head, idk.

>Discredits him as a serious thinker
Idk about you guys but if /oldpeterson told me to clean my room I'd prolly tell him to stop cleaning his plate. He's kind of the figurehead of this healthy responsibility lifestyle he preaches, and any healthy lifestyle pretty well incorporates self care and self improvement in all fields.

Tl;dr: Petey is living the GoodLife and reaps the beneys boys, quit hating.

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This is kind of what I think

a man who is THAT insecure about losing their hair is kind of pathetic. Losing your hair is a natural rite of passage with old age.

I always thought Trump was a joke because of his hair transplants. Obviously after he started campaigning I didn't care tho

>Maybe he put down the onions
ngl this filter is pretty funny desu

>Idk about you guys but if /oldpeterson told me to clean my room I'd prolly tell him to stop cleaning his plate. He's kind of the figurehead of this healthy responsibility lifestyle he preaches, and any healthy lifestyle pretty well incorporates self care and self improvement in all fields.

Dude I'm not hating on him for losing weight. I thought he looked pretty good before he got the work done. He looked like an aging distinguished intellectual.

Now he's starting to look like a salesman on an infomercial ad.

No diet can make your hairline fill in either, and diet does not make wrinkles go away. Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, once they're there, they're there.

My impression of Peterson is that he's a salesman first, psychologist/intellectual second.

Ever since his patreon account started making him more money than his actual university job.

Image is everything in sales.

/our jew/


I work in sales, and Peterson is like a fucking pharmaceutical drug rep showing up to a sales meeting.

Not knocking it. It's the way of the world...Just saying, it definitely makes you take him a little less seriously


>Put down the onions
God fucking damn it meant to say onions fuckin got thinking about the onion meme too, fuckin tits man my perfect burn! No! Oh well I was gonna kms anyways, I'll just bump up the date.

Anyways, idk if I agree with you on the 'doesn't make wrinkles go away' side of shit. I mean he looks basically the same, and again, healthy diet or general change in lifestyle will work wonders on your skin. Not saying its the only contributor, nor am I saying he really looks like a fucking beautiful baby faced adonnas, I don't think any of us are, it just seems like somebody's skipping over the possibility xe's just taking better care of xerself

>Hair transplant forum
C'mon man, you're better than this

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What specifically is it about him that gives you that impression user?

Ok actually that is pretty funny

He's been on anti-depressants for years and tells people how to live their lives, that's worst than any surgery he might have had.


Just curious, was this post based on my comment on a thread about Roger Stone where I said “you can’t take people with hairplugs seriously I’m looking at you Jordan Peterson”?

Hes on meds, preaching anout knowing the way to right mental health

He also says he cannot comment on the jews


He is a tool of the jews
Onky reason they let him have his masculine ideas” expressed while working for univ of toronto. Feminist headquarter.

He is keeping a lid on the goyim knowing, giving a little bit of dignity but trying to keep you from going towards racial pride and racial nationalism

Fuck that kike shill
He is no better than these childblood drinking kikes

He is part of the problem

His daughter is on meds also

How can you preach secrets of mental health when you are medicated, fuck that.

In order to give good advice you have to be as close to the sun as humanly possible

the problem is that the left must drive a wedge in between the right and anything that leads to self-improvement, or even critical thinking. that's what all the e-celeb threads are about. i'm just trying to figureout what's being slid. maybe the norks ending their nuke testing program? maybe the lawsuits? i'm not sure, but this is just one of about 14 slide threads i've counted this morning.

No that's fucking hilarious if Roger said that considering he definitely has hair plugs

>I'm pointing out that a guy who preaches self-actualization is getting hair transplants and botox.
you say that like it's fact, which it isn't. it's just poor shill tactics.
inb4 b-but i'm not a shill guise!

First of all, he's an actor. Watch his body language, he'll put his head down and pretend he is deep in thought before he responds to a question.

Or he'll start answering a question and then dramatically stop himself and withdraw back into deep thought.

So much theatrics. Lots of theatrical voice inflections, he'll also summon the caraciature of a mentally tortured 1960's liberal academic when he talks sometimes which cracks me up.

None of this is necessarily bad. I find it annoying, but if he's helping men get their shit together and helping women to stop being cunts, then it doesn't matter.

Trump is a salesman too but I like what he's selling

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It is an indisputable fact that he has hairplugs. Only an absolute fucking retard couldn't see this.

Botox is up for debate though, but he definitely did something. Or he's maybe wearing some sort of make up or something

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t. retard

>it definitely makes you take him a little less seriously
nonono, it makes you take him less seriously.

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That could quite simply be lighting and makeup, Peterson has had a beard for months and years, and hasn't been seen with less hair in any recent time. It sounds like your running on conjecture.

Uhhh look at the first pic I posted

He has recession at the temples. That doesn't fill back in with a good diet or something

His hair is a little different but not plugs but I do not think it is plugs, I would not be surprised if he was hitting the minoxidil and has an agent/stylist now that he has transitioned off of youtube and into the mainstream media. The rest can just be explained via TV makeup departments and lighting.

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Botox makes facial expression of true emotions impossible.

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You can’t keep using the Jews as scapegoat for your own failures user. You must accept your place in this decaying world and bend the knee accordingly, only then will you achieve true salvation.

Thats just his canadian accent

At his age, minoxidil wouldn't be enough. Nothing wrong with him getting plugs either. The biggest thing was probably leaving his university job/ research. He looks much less stressed now.

>possibly beard implants?
learn to human

Is right,

This kind of criticism is beyond petty.
You all need to take the looks pill if you haven't already.
When you have a good hair cut, healthy looking skin and nice teeth, *everything* in life is better. On a basic level it demonstrates that you respect yourself.
I think only people who don't know how to look good themselves are getting alienated/triggered by his appearance maintenance. Extremely predictable.

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jews are not a scapegoat you stupid rabbi, they're a overgrown mole on humanity's face

>This kind of criticism is beyond petty.

Ehhh I don't think so, plastic surgery is kardashian bimbo-tier imo
>take the looks pill
you can look decent and healthy without getting work done

he is creepy, I don't know how anyone can't see this. He's a typical boomer fuddy duddy and a bore who's advice to everybody is basically "be a normie"

>takes anti-depressants
>spends $15,000 getting hair plugs
>stars bawling on camera while talking about young boys in their basement

Look, mom, I know the meme words to say!

he got in trouble for neglecting his clients after he started making money of his self help salesman/cult of personality gig. He's also divulged personal information about clients and insulted them in front of his audience at his lectures. He's the kind of guy anyone with a lick of street smarts, and any crook, conman or convict/ex-con would see through in a split second. If he was trying to run his game on the street he'd be laughed at and eaten alive, but he manages to manipulate, headfuck and con vulnerable young upper middle class suburban men

t. achmed

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>trying to shill against peterson by going "Ugh, gross! His look is like, so, no naturelle!"
fuck even shareblue is getting undermined by their diversity hires.

Where the fuck yall think you are? lolcow?

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he didn't clean his room in years

He covers up his hairline by combing it over on both sides. You can see through it in some videos.

Being intelligent and looking good aren't mutually exclusive.
I agree that most people can look good without surgery, but if surgery makes an objective improvement to a smart mans face, then what exactly is the problem? And come on, comparing Peterson to Kim Kardashian is disingenuous.

Jordan Peterson was destroyed months ago as a neocon kike shill from Toronto, Canada. The remaining people still on the fence about him are non-important types who are incapable of making up their own minds no matter what the topic may be. Society has different groups of personalities. All important personality types of real action and consequence have again, removed Jordan Peterson from intellectual discourse.

>Jordan B. Peterson
>Canadian Neocon
>Agent of Political Influence
>anti-American Subversive

>Jordan Peterson RedPills

>Cult Followers - Dialogs & Discussions
Jordan B. Peterson: My Leader

>Jordan Peterson RedPill Videos

Hypocrisy on Free Speech
"IDENTITY POLITICS" is not an argument

>Essential Reading
200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Attached: psychopath peterson.jpg (2048x1365, 887K)

I have a portrait of Adolf Hitler, and I actually despise the man.
Some people have weird quircks.

>Such a colossal faggot that you're analyzing makeup.

You really aren't supposed to try this hard. It's too obvious.

>A plug doesn't need a connection

Hairline is unmistakably different. He has the classic u-shape of male pattern baldness here, whereas his hairline is much straighter and more filled in nowadays.

Onto your point OP, I don't think that cosmetic surgery discredits a thinker. Beauty is power in this society, it's as simple as that.

>I'm pointing out that a guy who preaches self-actualization is getting hair transplants and botox.

He very well might be but again, these two things aren't mutually exclusive and there isn't anything wrong with improving your appearance.

>The dude got hairplugs, botox, a weird tan, and possibly beard implants?
The ideology that he preaches is even weirder.

>That doesn't fill back in with a good diet or something

prove it, you fucking retarded know-it-all faggot

Research it

I like Peterson but he is your typical half-measure Canadian. Like a lot of personalities that the so called right in the west like to watch he won't call out the Jew. Globalist is as far as even the most radical go.