Friday night. Why are you here

Friday night. Why are you here

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battling shills

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saving the western world behind the curtain

it is saturday this is a finland tier shitpost ya cunt

Saturday here

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My best friends died from heroin overdose and I don't even do drugs. So I browse Jow Forums and smoke weed. The main use I get out of it is world news. This is the best world news outlet.

Saturday morning actually. Justblaying in bed, waiting for my wife to get up

im staying up all night so I can sleep tomorrow before going in to work at night

>friday night
>new zealand flag

I can see you from here, pandering to the Americans. Shameful.

Its 6am Saturday morning and Im eating breakfast before I head out and check barbwire and check on the calves

Its saturday you cunt.

No one to fuck my boipussy :( because i have standards

Shit I gotta go to work and I'm late as fuck.

Thought this was Saturday.

I fell asleep around 10. Woke up around 2 and stayed up. Played a couple games of Lords of Waterdeep. Not tired enough to go back to sleep so he

it's saturday, and i don't have anything else

I'm house sitting for the next 10 days in Aus with my wife. What the fuck else am I gonna do?

unironically getting cucked

Cuz im drawing heroic Hitler's. You got a problem with that

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cool man

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It's saturday morning. Last night I got my ass fucked and filled with cum; I just woke up and it's still a little squishy inside.

Saturday morning here, but I was here last night, while my new gf was out dancing til 0530 in the morning with her friends.

I get excited when I have the chance to just get a night for myself, smoke some weed, browse this board and play vidya.

It makes me feel a little childish again and thats good because im so god damn tired of adult problems.

at work, night shift security. bored


Because I have plans for Saturday night, not Friday night.

Really user, you don't need to go out every night. Once a week is fine.

Every time you have anal sex an angel loses its wings


I watched cunny kinos on Friday Night. It was lolicious.

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He is being empowered by lightning form god now. You got a problem with that? didn't think so

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'Dancing with friends' is what she told you. Getting rammed by chad is what really happened

If an angel wants to get in touch with me and tell me to stop, I will. I'd love to have transcendent, divine meaning in my life. I have never felt God's presence and consequently I don't believe so I just follow my degenerate instincts instead.

Stuck in Cologne, Germany. Nothing to do.

After the age 23-24 you stop caring about going out every friday except for a few beers maybe after work with the boys.