How can you idiots worship the man who destroyed Western Civilization? Nazis were failures. They didn't accomplish anything wotrh remembering. Nothing. And national socialism didn't begin homegenius white societies, it ended them. We had patriarchal, homogenius white societies for literslly thousands of years before national socialism. There is no reason to obsess over a failed 20th century German ideology that lasted for 12 years. Hitler even said "you need to have new ideas". American mutts are worshipping a literal loser, trying to revive his GERMANS ONLY ideology, when Hitler wasn't even pro-white. "Whiteness" is an AMERICA ONLY IDEA you idiots. Americans don't have any ethnicity, so they invented "whiteness". Europeans aren't "white". Seriously, just stop.
Hitler destroyed the white race
Other urls found in this thread:
Perhaps we shouldn't have dropped a million tons of bombs on his women and children while the men were off fighting the Red Army. Perhaps we shouldn't have funded/fed/armed/trained the Red Army after it marched into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland and Romania.
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
>muh Hitler
You realize he's literally the reason that nationalism is considered bad these days?
Nice wikpedia spam, Stormnigger
How does it feel having a 5 year old spook meme living in your head?
>if you defend yourself and lose it's all your fault
You're an imbecile, user.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
>How can you idiots worship the man who destroyed Western Civilization?
That's WW1 you fucking kike pos. Hitler tried to fix it all by sending your people to the fuckin desert but the eternal Anglo just had to get in the way...
>They didn't accomplish anything wotrh remembering.
Rockets, assault weapons, animal rights, to name 3. So much information at your fingertips and you choose to be a faggot.
you don't read a lot do you ?
>hurrrdrrrr neunayzis are dumbrrdrrr
get a load of sherlock over here
Oh yeah
Totally not the Jews
It was actually Hitler
Not Jews
I thought stormniggers hated that site
I thought australians were good posters.
this is a board for uneducated /b/ tards who base their knowledge on poorly edited youtube videos, what did you expect?
>still clueless this late in the game
will they ever recover?
(((GERMANS))) exist for one reason only, to ruin anything good happening in Europe. They are uncouth, meddlesome, the lowest of the central European races, one step away from barbarism. This means they are closer to the explosive vital energies of life, and this manifest in their art, poetry, writing, music, philosophy; all of which are very impressive, but they need to be directed by my civilized minds for the good of themselves and their neighbors. The vigor needs to be sublimated and directed toward the good of civilization, and this task falls upon the rest of white central Europe for the Germans have shown time and time again they are incapable of self-governance without shitting in the sand pit.
Now this is the australian shitpost i was looking for.
Such an idiotic fucking image. The reason white nationalism is taboo nowadays is because the jews want it to be. America was perfectly pro white for another two decades after Hitler's death and the rest of europe made it even longer than that.
hitlerites are dumb, but you're way worse. Individual european ethnicities are obviously subgroups of white.
anyway, this is a shit thread, so take a redpill.
fuck the jews. we know whats up.
he didnt anglos did, read about haity and shits like this, UK was always ready to slaughter other whites to help niggers
>be Poland
>hear about the UK helping niggers over whites in Haiti
Yeah, right, such traitors, hehe...
>implying socialist states weren't under siege from the beginning
The Angl*s and Fr*nch were behind both world wars and responsible for the every modern evil, from the death of monarchy, to feminism, to globalism, to Israel. They are the ones who doomed the white race.
white nationalism is retarded by design so it's always gonna lead to people like hitler and mass atrocities. hence why it's only supported by the most brainless members of society
By who? Weak cowards to afraid to think for themselves?
>always gonna lead to people like hitler
Where do i sign up?
Funny you say that. Mutts only became interested in Germany once they saw the fall of Germany on the eastern front. Germany would've fallen with or without Americas help
>literally 56%
>pro white
Good one user
kill Every kike
>literally 56%
Canada, literally 51% face lol
Why can't you hate Jews and hate Hitler? People defend Hitler so much while saying he didn't even kill any Jews. If Hitler killed more whites than Jews then he is not based at all. Sick his legacy being used as a justification to destroy my country. And unfortunately normies will fall for it until it's too late to go back peacefully to how things were.
>In 2,000 years Christianity has not been able to show us a strong and viable society based upon its professed beliefs.
Hitler was coocoo
got more wh*tes killed than almost anybody in history.. he literally turned victory into defeat in order to achieve some crazy goal that he already achieved in continental Europe
This user is right. All natl soc shills are faggots
Fuck off, you mentally challenged AIDS patient.
according to this image, the only thing that Hitler did wrong was lose... and damage the library at Warsaw.
>"white" nationalism
>ancap memeflag
you are clearly retarded anyway so I don't know why I bothered replying
help a brainlet how is it incorrect?
pic related me
Hitler was a basedboy
Cyкa basedboy
>We had patriarchal, homogeneous white societies for literally thousands of years before national socialism.
Europe was under continuous kike onslaught during the early 20th century. Hitler managed to set back the kike conquest of Europe by generations.
Western society was doing fine until everyone became edgy and degenerate.
I do appreciate the anti-stormfag threads at least
I blame the internet and accordingly social media.
The people left we the strongest
so fucking based
how do i become as godly
Hitler didn't do shit. It was Jews.
>white slavs
Sage, can you stop posting this daily you filthy jew
to be fair, the Nazis would have never gained traction if the jew immigrants that were booted from Czarist Russia, and other euroserfdoms, had not have turned Germany into a raging, degenerate shit show. And if USA would have sat out ww1 then euros would not have had winners and losers, and safe to say they would have learned a valuable lesson on getting along in the highly destructive modern warfare age.