China has eschewed English in favor of teaching Spanish at schools, and has plans to turn it into the country's second spoken language, in a political move that might turn Spanish into the World's next Lingua Franca.
Unlike nightmarish languages such as Chinese or English, Spanish is a very easy language to learn, with children being able to read it and have conversations after mere months of study. It is also a language with lots of business potential, as it is natively spoken in over 20 countries and with estimated 572M speakers worldwide, including over 50M speakers in USA alone. Interviewed Chinese children expressed their desire to move to Spain when they grow up, as it has nice beaches and they also like rice.
If they only didn't have to shout when speaking, it could be almost civilized language.
Eli Phillips
Well the US is still their most important trade partner, so it is only useful for the future
Alexander Smith
>it is only useful for the future will be co-official in 20 years or less US has +53 millions Hispanics speakers, I think is the second country by numbers after Mexico ...
Jose Diaz
I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.
>Chinks think that spanish is easier than English >A language with 30 tenses and thousand of irregular verbs is someone easier than a language like english.
chinks are retarded.
Chinks are retarded.
Henry Garcia
its all bullshit. its another scheme. chinas dropping christianity and all monotheism. just as s korea is . why did they bother. cultural integration. when the rest of the world act like retards over race its clear there is no point. the west will still spin tales of lots of christians in east asia but its dying at the speed of light
china knows its a waste of time and knows the west is being punished for what its been doing over the past 10 years. we wont be seeing another batch for at least 20 years
David Campbell
FAKE AND GAY. English is the world language and the Chinese aren't stupid. They are doing Spanish IN ADDITION TO NO IN PLACE OF, English.
Chile is doing the same, they plan on making their country trilingual in Eng,Span,Mandarin.
Meanwhile I only know a couple Spanish and German phrases.
Nathan Rodriguez
OP is an idiot this isn't true. The Chinese are expanding languages of all sorts in their curriculum. Spanish being the 3rd largest language is obviously the next to emphasized after English.
The Chinks aren't stupid enough to abandon English and just learn Spanish.
They are pushing so much for foreign languages I have a friend teaching Catalan in China, CATALAN the most random BS language and they pay him 3000USD a month after tax and give him an apartment free.
Levi Smith
I wish I could believe this was actually happening. Spanish is frigging awesome and I've heard people become somewhat fluent in a month. (Personally, I took Portuguese though because I prefer the sound.)
Chinese have no interest in diplomacy with low IQ people. They are going to roll the tanks out whenever it's time to deal with most of the Spanish speaking world.
Brody Torres
>america gets mutted >chinks forced to learn spanish
And most of the spanish world will open their ass hole with pleasure to the tiny chinese dick. Latinamericans are scum and traitors to their own people.
Christopher James
Catalan is my favorite made-up language after Klingon and Quenya. But only Klingon is developed enough to have real conversations. :(
Elijah Murphy
>fluent in English, Spanish and Russian This might prove useful during WWIII: Cold War Resurrection: Backstabbing Dragon Fiesta DLC.
Bentley Harris
Luis Peterson
Spanish speakers have no notable accomplishments that I know of. It's a peasant language.
Ryder Gray
>Catalan is my favorite made-up language Is not a made up language, it is a dialect of ancient occitan with iberian influences. Is like Galician that comes from ancient galician (and not ancient portuguese as some retards believe), and was understood in all the castillian kigdom, from Seville to Navarre.
Christopher James
NICE LETS GET STARTED BOYS, MANDARIN AND SPANISH, and you're a walking anglocaust.
Lincoln Evans
>gee, I don't know how to answer a bait, Should I go back to plebbit? your post, your (you), piece of retard cacalan
Brayden Parker
Chinese people in Spain learn the language really fast. Downside is, they stop learning when they reach an 12 year understanding of the language. El goblino amarillo
Joshua Foster
China should learn French. Their population is projected to halve within the next half of the century and the only place that has the numbers to even provide a tiny shread of the needed working force will be French speaking subsaharan African countries.
Latin America will not be able to provide nearly enough work force to compensate, not to mention Spain
>China to turn Spanish into the country's 2nd language It doesn't actually say that, but it is what it is. Spain is one of the weakest states in the EU. They sell Spainish citizenship to anyone who purchaes property. By selling Spainish citizenship they are selling EU citizenship.
There is a good amount of retards that actually believe catalan is a made up language. I don't give two shits if its bait. The truth is the truth, faggot. I am not even catalonian, I am spanish and I am "defending" a spanish language.
take a hike, we saw what happend to europe and usa and now you want this for china??? you're insane. Youre sick in the head. SICK, you are a cancer. Japan,China,Korea etc need to keep their borders closed to anything south of the equator and maybe take in a couple of white autists but that's about it.
Charles Fisher
I like (Castilian) Spanish, but I'd rather English stay a global lingua franca.
Your friend must be killed, he's a traitor to our country, sorry.
Bentley Foster
Reconquista of Latin America by true Spaniards, when?
Brayden King
europe is on her dying breath. Anyone going to fareast is one with a brain.
Elijah Martin
The language was entirely made-up in the XIXth Century, which is when French Freemasons started pushing fake Nationalist movements all around the world to break Spanish and British empires (Creoles and Basque language were also created then, and didn't even have real grammars until well-past the XXth Century). Now, even though Catalan is fake and entirely made up, they based the language on real sources, medieval books from the Library of Valencia. The point is, the creators of Klingon and Quenya also used real sources for their fake languages. A few lines in one book might seem a meme, but that's already far more than Basque, based entirely on a list of names that the Romans wrote down (names, not words).
Caleb Morris
They should have done this 10 years ago so I could have been drowing in chinkpussy using my own language, what a shame
Jackson Davis
is a made up languange as same as basque, you retards
Lucas Hernandez
I know right, that like saying who is the weakest onions there really a difference? China plans on colonizing not assimilating. >Be White >Fluent in English and Spanish >Teach in China for monies and learning Mandarin >TFW everyone else didn't know de wei
>losing 700 million people within the next 30 years >huur duur no problem This isn't Europe we are talking about. Europe has very different socio-economic conditions, strating with chronic unemployment in many of the countries which can fill in labor gaps in places like Germany, and thus a lower population isn't necessarily the end of the world, provided there are ways to care for the elderly outside of immigrants.
China is an manufacturing country. They produce and export, therefore need a much larger unskilled workforce. "a couple of white autists" are not a substitute for 700 million low wage workers. The only place that can even remotely hope to provide such numbers are French speaking sub saharan countries, plenty of demographic and labor studies confirm this
Colton Rivera
hurr durr, everything is fine * Flames**
Robert Jackson
it literally takes nothing to get chink pussy as long as you look not chinese
Sebastian Campbell
You cannot colonize without people. In fact China risks not even being able to sustain it's internal manufacturing capacity. The only plausible outcome is china striking deals to further expanding it's influence in Africa and control the resources, incuding human capital, to import them in China for work. Where else can they find 700 million people?
Gabriel Ross
>Teaching less than 1 year overseas to further your life is treason They told me I wouldn't expect it, they were right....
They aren't though, they are just adding spanish to their curriculum more.
And you still can go to China and teach Spanish now...
I tried to learn spanish for 4 years in hs and got nowhere, its an ugly mumbly language spoken by dirty spazzy rodents, recently tried learning French and am making very good progress in a fraction of the time. Its like a better more elegant version of spanish
Wyatt Rivera
Nothing is fine. This will be a huge problem in the future. China needs to stay competitive or transition to a service economy, which however takes a lot of time (it took almost a century in Europe), time which China cannot afford to waste if it wants to keep economic egemony over asia. The Chinese are smart, they know this and it's one of the reasons for their investement in africa: it's not just resources, but it's future labor force and citizens. They are already in the process of "chinesizing" many african countries, which is why I said that it would make more sense for them to use French rather than Spanish
Christopher Sanchez
shrinking population is natural, and normal. You dont need to do a racial suicide to succeed.
Europe and USA are in a total mixmania and it's just going to be different. A lot of people cheer it on and see it as a good thing, but i think asians atleast have the foresight to see what will happen to them if they mix like we did. And i'm going to leave it at that, please enjoy.
Hunter Lewis
It's normal (but still somewhat of a problem) in a western service based economy. It's the end of your country in a manufacturing based one. See my post here China will not let go of its hegemony so easily, they are not stupid
Henry Brooks
>Where else can they find 700 million people? You are pretty young aren't you?
>You cannot colonize without people. My point exactly.
>to import them in China for work. haha no, they will import teachers trainers etc but not anything that would challenge the supremacy of the Han.
>The only plausible outcome is china striking deals to further expanding it's influence in Africa and control the resources You aren't very well read on current events, are you?
They are conquering Asia, Africa, Oceania etc to maintain this.
It is a house of cards but if allowed to fully build it will conquer the earth.
Grayson Wright
obviously nothing is fine. For europe.
Isaiah Brooks
>I tried to learn spanish for 4 years in hs and got nowhere You don't really learn languages in high school. It's just an activity to let's kids fool themselves that they can speak the language so parents are impressed they can say "royale with cheese".
It's not because French is easier but because learning on your own is far superior to dog-shit tier public highschool foreign language "education".
Owen Nguyen
This is one of the reasons they are pushing for Spanish. The inability of people from USA and UK to learn any language at all. In the Business World, you have the advantage if the deals are done in your native tongue, by turning Spanish into the next Lingua Franca, USA and UK will be left out of the market, as they already have trouble slurring a basic version of their own language. And this is what worries me.
Liam Brown
Spanish speakers>French Speakers
If you really want to get good, watch a bunch of movies and TV in foreign with a dictionary handy.
Also look up Pimsleur it is what the CIA uses to teach their assets you can torrent it and pick up a language in a matter of months.
Michael Cooper
the anglocaust
Elijah Cox
Smart move when 60% of americans are latinos.
Jeremiah Jenkins
OPs pic is kawaii as fuck. But I'm not really convinced that's the reason for the switch. Every english speaking country has essentially made a silent vow against chinas influence, so now the chinks are exploring other options.
Evan Morgan
You insist on comparing different things. Europe and Noth America need immigration, but high skill selected immigration that is well educated and can be inserted in a much more competitive and high skill service economy. Chine has two paths: either it mantains its economic hegemony with current model, and that means it needs to find more population somewhere (and the only place that can provide such numbers is sub saharan French speaking africa), or it trasitions to a service based economic model like the West, still in need of immigration, but much less since it will be more qualified. However such a huge transformation will take at the very least 70 years, so they will have to find a tempory solution to the demographic void in the meantime
Kevin Nelson
>Also look up Pimsleur will do, always wanted to be like my hero Jack Bauer and know a bunch of different languages
Bentley Martinez
i dont talk to idiots. You have no understanding of economic models, you only know one model, cause you pretend to be smart, to yourself and others. you're a fucking fossil.
Owen Brown
This is fucking retarded on so many levels I can't even begin to start.
It is BS and has nothing to do with demography of countries changing. China is expanding language education in every language in every province, Spanish being the 3rd largest after English and their own language, makes and obvious choice to expand more into.
Chase Baker
How shit are your schools? I learned French and English before I was 18
Chase Rogers
Abstain from sexual activity too. Helps with language learning. You lose focus and drive after masturbating and having sex.
Aaron Johnson
They should learn esperanto, the language of peace, instead.
Cameron Thomas
I am native fluent in 2 and read write speak 2 more well and speak another 2 okay but can't read or write shit.
Do it, no one is stopping you and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Xavier King
XD Just because I understand your language that doesn't make me a mexican. XD
You are actually the second weakest economy.
In January 2018, the seasonally adjusted youth unemployment rate in Spain was at 36 percent.
"Spain has set out its austerity budget for 2013, with new spending cuts but protection for pensions, amid a shrinking economy and 25% unemployment. Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria called it 'a crisis budget designed to exit the crisis'"
"Spain's long-term credit rating has been raised by Moody's on account of improved economic growth and banking sector fundamentals outweighing political risks. Moody's lifted the country's rating one notch to Baa1 with a stable outlook, which still keeps its bonds ranked toward the lower end of investment grade."
I keep an eye on Spain, I like some of your bitches. No lie, you people are ripe for the conquering. Enjoy your gook takeover. XD
Josiah Long
I've worked in import export with China for a while now. I might not be "old" in an age sense, but I'm fairly "old" when it comes to my industry. >haha no, they will import teachers trainers etc Oh absolutely, they are already importing them. But they will also need workforce or to delocalize all idustry, which means that you have to build an economic alternative for the people living in China >You aren't very well read on current events, are you? >They are conquering Asia, Africa, Oceania etc to maintain this.
Absolutely, I agree. But the key point is that Asia will not be able to fill the demographic void of China since most of the continent is heading for lower births, India included. There simply aren't enough people to fill in the gap, much less in Oceania which is a tiny drop in the ocean when it comes to demographics Depends really. Many current policies are foolish, but our old politicians had the foresight of transitioning to a service economy, thank god for that
James Ortiz
this doesnt take into consideration that everyones second language is English.
Why learn how to speak Spanish? There is nobody worth talking to who only knows that language.
Zachary Perez
Refute my argument without resorting to insults then. What you wrote in has zero graounds in economics, it's a bunch of buzzwords and Jow Forums memes.
Cooper Wood
>In fact China risks not even being able to sustain it's internal manufacturing capacity.
Andrew Collins
Puta tu abuelita en su ano con una motosierra
Oliver Mitchell
gibraltar es inglaterra tu abominacion
Gabriel Hughes
Absolute dog shit tier, designed to cater to low IQ people.
Homework assignments were a daily occurrence of the work because low IQ people always fail at tests. So you get homework, assignments and all this bullshit that doesn't even really test if you know the material or not. That's all that matters. Teachers don't care if you know the material or not. They just want you to be a busy, compliant piece of shit.
Many high IQ people lose interest in learning because they associate it with the negative experience they had in the public school system.
I would never send my kid to a public school.
Joshua Evans
> and has plans to turn it into the country's second spoken language The "NWO" is shaping up pretty strangely.
Couple this with incresing competition in manufacturing from other asian countries (see vietnam as an example) and the already happening delocalization and you can paint a worrying scenario.
you dont need to know economics to see that the same model we used the last 70 years has flaws and is passed its expiration date.
Jordan Reed
The Eternal chink, allie of LA CREATURA
Nicholas Nguyen
>Interviewed Chinese children expressed their desire to move to Spain when they grow up, as it has nice beaches and they also like rice. Please no. Barcelona already stink of piss in every street corner.
We don't need Chinese piss on top of all the other piss as well.
It has it's flaws, it is undeniable. But since you claim I am an idiot, I presume you have an alternative economic model to solve the problems that China is going to face in the next 30 years?
Jayden Sanchez
*its flaws I beg your pardon
Angel Mitchell
Which Spanish is the best Spanish? Are they learning lisp spanish?
Nathaniel Peterson
Gee, I can't wait to see another boom of chinese '99 cent' stores in every fucking street.
Castillian spanish I suppose. Every year there are news here about how sucessful are spanish products in chinese market conventions.
Matthew Myers
all economic experts, even those from China, disagree with youAre they idiots too? Are you more well versed in economics than them as well?
Sebastian Nguyen
Like English it will be non-regional. They will want people who can speak to all other Spanish speakers easily So no Cabron no lisp and no Puerto Rican slang.
Leo Sullivan
baaaah baaaah baaah
Landon Wilson
good move, stupid anglos need to realise their time is up
Benjamin Lopez
On a serious note the Hispanic world is 1 billion people market, of over 7.6 million sq miles