Muh Degenerency

Here's a list of things Jow Forums has declared to be degenerate:
Consuming any kind of drugs for recreational reasons
Sex out of marriage
Rap and contemporary pop music
Video games
Social media as an income (youtube, twitch, instagram etc)
Collecting toys/useless crap

And for girls its all the above plus:
Nothing more revealing than a tank top
Women in an (((academic))) profession
Tattoos and piercings (but I guess it applies to men as well)
And a whole bunch of other crap

While I agree with most of these, I think we need to be more flexible if we want people to take our white ethnostate more seriously.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Jow Forums is one person
A lot of that is degenerate IMO but it isn't like it's something that you can make a single objective list out of
The stuff about women in academic professions seems fucking odd, I mean people may prefer some level of traditionalism but I doubt many would go anywhere near as far as saying
> "This woman being a math professor is degenerate"

Yes goy. Be flexible, nothing wrong with sleeping with Niggers and snorting cocaine

Just a reminder that most people on this board are fat neckbeards living in their parents' basement who only advocate for "muh ethnostate" because they have nothing else going on in their lives.

I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women

you forgot

>I think we need to be more flexible
"man is a fallen creature", etc

jews are degenerate, did you forget this , (((conveniently))) ?

As long as they use a condom, whats the problem? They're not harming anyone or doing anything inherently evil. Cocaine is expensive, it would probably be a one night stand. People need a little bit of fun like that in their lives or else they go batshit insane.

I’ve never seen a skin head at kfc. Hate when foreigners try to see our world with their pathetic eyes
Here OP, have some more kfc since you’re some form of nigger

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There are wrong.
>Video games
>Social media as an income (youtube, twitch, instagram etc)
>Collecting toys/useless crap
>Women in an (((academic))) profession

Your picture suggests you KNOW there is a differnce between:
>(((Nazis))) - the evil criminal thugs prorayed by the jews, and idolized by low IQ white trash
>National Socialists who ARENT racist.
This was one of MANY JEWISH Lies about nazis.
>Hitler had the most multicultural army in history.
>Hitler even had jewish generals
>Nazis were nationalists but NOT race supremacists
>There was NO finial solution, and the jews never found any evidence to prove this conspiracy theory. (((they))) got testomony from TORTURED German soldiers, who were then hang. Much of that testimony has found to be false/forced.

>greatest story never told

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I just browsed google images for 10 seconds and picked the best one. Im not gonna spend minutes photoshopping whatever shit skinheads eats over the bucket. Fuck out of here with your unrealistic expectations.

>>(((Academic Position)))
As in gender studies

That goes without saying.

That moment when you suddenly understand that you are almost ideal Jow Forums specimen but not because of any ideological reasons - you just don't fucking care about anything.

Collecting toys is ultimately a waste of money. You are just buying junk and sending money over to China.

Video games are slightly degenerate because they take time that could be used for bettering yourself. I play games myself but I try to limit it.

I'm actually surprised you missed Porn on that list.

You should care about your family, society, country, your traditions and way of life. Don't waste time being apathetic or worrying about dumb shit like sports teams, they are only (((distractions))).

Live the values and you won't nees an ethnostate

The culture is what allows degeneracy or keeps it in check. Strong cultures will supress degeneracy and weak ones will promote it, individuals have no say in it (that's why most muslims that come to Spain drink, eat ham and smoke).
The market shapes the culture and will make degenerate, easy to sell, stuff aviable to the public. Therefore, a culture will not survive the influence of the free market because people will always reject tyranny (and the market will fund this upheaval).
In other words, if you want an ethnostate you'll either need an equivalency to a religious State (or a religous State on itself) or you will fail every time.

>didn't mention porn or masturbation

I can't lie good enough to go into politics and without lying and stealing shit like there is no tomorrow you really can't do it here. So country and society may continue to suck as much as they want.

sage this terrible (((thread)))

>Consuming any kind of drugs for recreational reasons
Bullshit. There is no blitzkrieg without meth. Meth is the most Jow Forums drug and should be used in huge quantities to achieve victory!


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>literally saying there is nothing wrong with fucking niggers
Good one, Shlomo
>They're not harming anyone or doing anything inherently evil.
I'm not going to even bother. You know exactly how retarded that is but you're here to shill