Daily reminder not to race mix.
Daily reminder not to race mix
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good advice
>hybrid vigor is bad
imagine being this ignorant on how genetic fitness works. kek
So legitimate question, are you better off just not having kids if you marry a woman of a different race, and just ending your lineage there?
Love that ‘fence’ thing.
>"what do you mean you don't want to have children with me aon?"
Imagine being as ignorant as you are while thinking you know it all.
> Hybrid vigor applies to human races and not just specific population subsets which exhibit very high frequencies of recessive homozygous allele expression
That homogeneous low population must mean that Iceland is one of the worst, crappiest, least healthy places on earth, right?
Instead of being amazing like it is.
Fuck off kike race mixing is bad and everyone knows it
>"you're so funny user, of course we're going to have kids together'
>hybrid vigor applies to healthy animals that haven't been inbred to fuck
imagine being this ignorant on how genetic fitness works. kek
>"no chocolate for you since you said you don't want to have children"
>tfw no asian gf to cuddle you from behind after a long and hard day at work
>"y-y-you're breaking up with me because you don't want half asian children?"
Daily reminder that posting daily reminders is pathetic.
Fucking off yourself idiot
Race-mixing is bad except for when white men mix with cute Asian women.
Most gooks are uglier then sin
Look to brazil for your bullshit hybrid vigor
>"what do you mean we have to talk? are you going to break up with me?"
there is a border in that pic, and all the spics are at the other side
hybridization doesn't work like you think it does, you must be a child
t. ginger potatonigger
It should be perfectly okay to keep interracial harem as long as you're also married to a white woman and make at least 2 children with her.
what's wrong, you're a mutt?
disgusting shit breed
So you think incest and inter-breeding is good for genetics?
>tfw no qt gooky gf
You ugly? Then no
You can find a white woman to pump n dump. When you get her pregnant just stick around long enough so she can't get an abortion than bail.
Or you could just settle down and get married. Which ever
so toothpaste is a mutt virgin, for sure
wmaf is the future
Boreans are a single race.
Boreans are a single race.
Boreans are a single race.
Boreans are a single race.
t. butthurt chang that whitey is stealing his sisters
i wonder how many pics will the toothpaste mutt post before he realizes it won't make him look any more normal, or human for that matter
>leave a white woman to raise kids on her own
that is how leftists, faggots and söybois are born
>t.creatura aberrante
>t. butthurt chang that whitey is stealing his sisters
Why do these beaners like her?
you could blind her with dental floss
Hapas are cute/handsome, not goblins.
Because their low iq is perfect for her dumbed down basic bitch civic nationalism
>So legitimate question, are you better off just not having kids if you marry a woman of a different race,
Not a legit question. If you're twenty years old, and find yourself shitface in The Phillippines, then yes, you can stick your dick in a hooker near shit river. But no, you cannot marry genetically inferior trash.
referring to the poster not the img.
Toothpaste mutt is unhappy about being an abhorrent curse on humanity
stop making my dick hard france unless you going to fix that
Netherlands has a shitload of hapas, mostly indonesians
No need to be angry, Chang
you were holocaused enough times and still want more?
A true omega personality type
Oh yeah I didn't know she was a 'civic nationalist'... I don't really care about the shit she says.
roasties are just mad
>No need to be angry, Chang
Yes OP, mixing goes against nature, it curses the children and all for some ugly mutt to pass their defective genes on
>roasties are just mad
>haha cringe xDDDD
keep crying changs
lol @ this ugly thing is trying to communicate but i don't care enough to understand what his mutt mind is trying to say
She's a great writer though
difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
>>haha cringe xDDDD
>keep crying changs
I would be too. They spent so much time and effort tanking their sexual market value.
>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
so this is what a beta orbiter looks like: Udwvjvro
how utterly embarrassing lol
keep em comin lad
Mud people are disgusting enough but why are they hanging around with a bunch of proud boy faggots? Tiny? I bet his dick gets hard with another one up his ass ...
Women should be banned from publishing books
haha you fucking idiot of course im gonna bang a white girl since she is hot. Not race mixing is only good for white people, africans and sandniggers will always want to racemix with whites since they are hotter and have superior genes.
>keep em comin lad
>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
It's okay Chang
>keep em comin lad
See Nobody wants white women anymore, they're loose sluts that will fuck anything with a pulse at this point and there's just no more thrill in landing one. Plus, their feminist bullshit combined with their princess complex is intolerable for any length of time.
>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
Is there a link to a pdf or something? I want to cringe.
based netherbro
>>keep em comin lad
Those people are considered pure white in America
Hey my name is abdul
Fuck off dude im gonna prep the bull
You have to admit hes pretty cool
With his big black dick
Fucking my waifu till shes sick
Tighter than a kung fu grip
Yeah im a cuc.k and proud of that
Doesnt make be bad
When a nigger fucks my wife in bed
>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
>>>keep em comin lad
>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
>>>>keep em comin lad
>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
nice gif mate. Im sure there are a couple good whites out there, not like i know any, uh, but you know..
explain this shit
>>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
Never have I known a.greater pleasure in my life
Than when I prep the bull and he comes in my wife
ay dios mio
>>>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
prolly an anime scene or something
I love the nigger
Cuz their dick is bigger
The thrill of a white girl is when she is forbidden. Now that they toss it at niggas the fun is gone. I'd chill with this dude he's got the right idea. BEGONE THOT.
Asians, like most people, are generally unattractive. Some are surgical monstrosities. A few are naturally good-looking. Fetishizing a race is a sign being a brainlet.
>>>>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
>>>>>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.
>>>>>>>>>>difference is,I met Nip chicks and while on average an Asians looks like shit compared to a White woman,the qties are far better.