/idf/ - Islam de France general

Here we discuss with brothers, sisters and dhimmis Islam in France

Welcomed: French Muslims + kind non-Muslims
Unwanted: 56% mutts, Imam Tawhidi, Shias and bigots

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Die shitslamic degenerate.

If anything, Europe under Islam wouldn't be that degenerate.
>no sex clubs
>no gay prides
>no drunk people in the streets
>no sex in public at night
>no porn
>no feminism

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Wouldn't there be bombings tho

i cant wait to wipe you off europe

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Go back to whatever sandy shithole you came from

Too bad it comes with the superstitious delusions.

56% mutt reporting in

Imam Tawhidi supporter here
>If anything, Europe under Islam wouldn't be that degenerate.
but you wanna marry and fuck little girls right?


>every Muslim is an immigrant
I'm a convert

Tawhid is the most senseful and simple theology

Not if it's against degeneracy. Nothing wrong with terror attacks on gay prides.

>but you wanna marry and fuck little girls right?
I said Islam, not catholicism.

>I said Islam, not catholicism.
thats little boys XD
whats your take on Imam Tawhidi
and his aim to reform islam?

Islam degenerates just as quickly as other religions. Just look up the Fall of Baghdad and the pool of feminism and loose morals the region was. Or how muslims destroyed the library of Alexandria in the 7th century, because the books that agree with allah were cinsidered redundant, and the ones that disagree heretical.

The only reason Islamic countries worldwide are so traditional is because they are unstble authoritarian shitholes, after decades of war and regime change. Post-revolution societies always revert back to tradition, to form the new hierarchy.

I only accept genuine Kabyles Muslims. Berber/Arab rapebabies should just go back to their desert.

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do you have more information about this?

The youth in France vote Left wing Melenchon, we will stay here no matter what you say


Lmao no they don't, check stats Mahmoud

Fuck you OP

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you're a shia innit

Montre les toi, le FN est le second parti mdr, le premier c'est la France insoumise, et j'ai été dans un lycée dans le nord, les jean-FN ça n'existe pas y'a que des beaufs pour voter le FN

Will never happen, annoying but funny. Every Muslim knows he’s just anti-Sunnism, he’s not the first one to try this and he won’t be the first to succeed. What he promotes is like a catholicized Islam that contradicts the Quran. As long as it explicitly contradicts the Quran you can be sure Muslims won’t listen to him except some deviants.

Since when was it Muslims who burned the librabry of Aexandria loool

They do, in the south at least the French youth voted Melechon mostly. 2nd in youth voting was Macron in Paris iirc

Mdr tellement ça, je suis dans une ville etudiante du sud et tous les jeunes ont votés Mélenchon

Le vote Mélenchon c'est surtout les racailles en tout genre + les bourgeoises blanches écervellées .
Marine Le pen est devant sur le vote des jeunes .

What kind of French guy would want to discuss Islam?

This guy

>pic related

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also we arent forced to adopt arab culture right ? just add european culture + islam and we are good

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It's not even about political parties, the vast majority of french people are tired of Islam and don't want to hear anything about it, no matter wich party they vote for

Why do you think we are one of the only countries who banned the burqa in the streets and the veil in schools ?

Why do you think you will never see someone wearing a veil in a public sector job and almost never in a private sector job ?

We don't want your religious dictatorship here

asking because im thinking to convert since also

Islam > weirdo Paganist cult

oui les fameux jeunes qui votent FN mais qui ont tous des copains musulmans, emploient des expression arabes a longueur de journée et ecoutent du kaaris ou maitre gims, changez rien!

et j'attends encore tes sources ou preuves

Fuck your Fake Ahmed

It's a very geographical thing, south east is full of fashy goy.

Stop posting your mudslime bullshit, ya goat fucker

Nobody gives a shit about your 3rd world peopl
start assimilating you douchebag

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im from north east and my town voted someting like 40% FN

Y'a que dans ton quartier de Seine Saint-Denis où les jeunes parlent comme ça .
Dans les quartiers blancs des Hauts de Seine , personnes ne parlent comme ça ( à part pour se moquer avec un accent maghrebin )

Quand on apprend la valeur de l'argent on cesse d'être un crypto-coco, branleur. Ou alors on devient un déchet / punk à chien qui n'a pas d'adresse pour voter.
Le monde ne se résume pas à ton forum de merdeux ou ta fac de socio, et si le FN est en baisse, le fait est que la droite radicale/souverainiste est la plus forte dans la jeunesse. Pourquoi tu crois que l'autre con tourne la casaque sur l'immigration ?

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don't worry we are spreading in ur country too



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pont-a-mousson est ma ville

vazy montre tes sources ou preuves je les attend

That's hard to believe. Your new generation is become more and more western and pozed everyday. Now couple that with your low iq and rape rates.

he wanted to ban the hadith which he said was at the core of radical believers
don't even know what that would sound like but terrorist sound pretty anti everyone to me
>contradicts the Quran
>"book of peace"
>terrorists want to take over the world

France is not my problem, but you will not believe Europe will be Islamised.
Not even you can be so blind.

there will be civil war in England Italy and France, and every non-European will be deported or killed

I do not believe you are even aware of how much Europe will change in the next 5 years
we survived the black pest, we survived the 30 years of war, we survived ww1 and 2, we will survive you too.

flows of blood remember that

Regarde ton prophète le sale pédophile muhamarde

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End your life sandnigger.

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shut up Frog

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yeah keep talking that's why mama merkel is importing a ton of syrians refugees every year and they elect her again, and do you really think young people would want to kill or deport their muslim or black friend, you're dumb nothing will happens stop dreaming

Yeah, that is for sure the worst part.

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yorarien et lesquen est juste un clown

accept your fate

Fils de pute crève

Dégagez sale nègres de sables, race de pédos sanguinaire.

How are you doing fellow semites? inshallah we will destroy the white race once and for all by the end of this century

we are working on it yahoudi, france and israel will be majority muslim by the end of this decade :)

Majority Muslim is slang for smoldering ruins?

well if the french will resist we will be forced to destroy their "country" and to make a genocide of dirty babtous (wh*te "people").


Stop shilling, basement dweller.

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found the babtou fragile

lol the guy only do something like 8% and is mostly voted by old people, you make me laugh

Vivement qu'un bon babtou aille dans une cité fusiller du bougnoule, toi et tes sale congénères.
Mais pas des racailles non, on va s'attaquer à vos darons cardiaques qui jouent au PMU en buvant du thé.

mais oui c'est ça continu de rever il y aura rien du tout tu fais que cracher ta haine sur le net

Je me réjouis profondément que des pédophiles de gauche violent et butent des petits arabes dans des caves. Continuez donc à les enculés ces avortons islamiques.

les terroristes prennent grand soin de ne jamais frapper aux natios (comme par hasard) attaquez donc des gens susceptibles de tuer du padre cardiaque en représailles qu'on rigole.

Muslims are Jewish pawns confirmed.

I might be fragile but my .22 isn't. No mudslimes in my neighborhood.
JMLP scored 0.74% in 1974. In 10 years radical right will win, and if it doesn't there will be a civil war. Trust me, you don't want that. You might have the cities, but we still grow the food.

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>eat raw poultry -> go to hospital with salmonella or prob. die
>eat raw pork -> no problem
which of these animals is unclean again?

>koran is the exact unaltered word of god
>your prophet rode into the heavens on a winged horse and birds can only fly because god himself keeps them from falling down
yeah right... unicorns are real and what is air?
what did he mean by this?

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Can't wait for communists to rise again and put an end to all this religious LARP.

and who will vote for them, the old beaufs of 30 years old, lol, the younger people vote for melenchon and there's more diversity, nothing will happens and I live in a town you will have to accept that the old France is finished and that you will become a minority no matter what

there's no radical right

Redpill me on no-go zones. How bad are they?

hey achmet, if you keep dehumanizing us you will eventually create a mindset in which we'll have no moral restraints whatsoever when purging you. you might want to think that thru again.

leftism is in it's death struggle, intersectionality makes these moron devour themselves.
conservatism has comeback and most younger people see the muslim/lefty alliance very clearly. they know what you're up to and even the lefties start waking up and realize you're using them like a hen. once the lefty hen stops laying eggs which it will inevitably do you'll eat it.

Yet we still are 80% boi. Catholicism is rising again with FSSPX and traditionalism. Young whites make more children than 20 years ago. People leave towns for countryside, the only pussies left for you are roasties and fatasses.
Communist LARPers are subhumans, see pic related. So are the majority of mudslimes on the internet.
There is, but not in traditional parties.

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Muslim here living in the Eastern part of Germany. I have no hope for Europe. Europeans will die and be replaced beause they abandoned Christendom and embraced a degenerate secular lifestyle with consumerism as their religion. I work in a company where most of my department is full of 40 something boomers. They REALLY fucking hate religion of all kind. I'm a very private person and extremely secular in my appearance so I don't talk about religion at all but just the fact that I'm from a Muslim majority country triggers them so much. They keep asking me bullshit strawmen about Islam. They thing religion is the cause of all conflicts (laughable). They are hedonists through and through and don't know what it means to sacrifice in service of others. Lust, anger, greed, materialism and large ego, these are their Gods now. I consider them to be subhuman so I don't care that they are committing collective suicide because the women are too fucking "emancipated" and self obsessed to marry and make babies, women want fun and party and clubs, they don't want to sacrifice. I will not shed a tear when Europeans are extinct. They chose this fate.

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Go for it man.

There are so many ways to be a Muslim, it's crazy. Besides, if you join a good masjid (not hard to do), the community is cohesive and your sheikhs can help you with marriage.

That's why the AfD got only 10% from people less than 30 years old, your party is popular among those between 33 or 44, old boomers

>no economy
>third world living standard
>50% are incest ribben monstrosities
>no culture beside the mohammed pedo cult

No-go zone is a buzzword for high crime neighborhood. Imagine the average American high crime ghetto and think about 10 times better infrastructure, crime situation and sanitation. That's the European "no-go" zone.

>no bigots allowed
>lets discuss how great Islam is
pick one

You're a retard, Istanbul has a better living standard and culture than my shithole town in Thuringia. Economy has very little to do with religion. Do you want me to start naming the shithole sub saharan African Christian countries? It's not Christianity that results in poverty and low standard of living.

Most young people especially those from high school have muslim and black friends, do you really think they will want to kill or deport them, dumbfuck

>Istanbul has a better living standard and culture than my shithole town in Thuringia
t. Mehmet

>Start assimilating
No one wants to assimilate to modern Western culture.

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I hear you man.
But I chose another fate. Vocal as well as in the voting boot. Being too vocal will cost you
- sanity
- social life
- work
Voting does nothing. It is all the same shit eventually.

I stated above that I'm Muslim, though not a Turk

>Île de France
Is this a coincidence or a ((( coincidence ))) ?

first it's not "my party" and second where's your argument?
from nothing to 10% in one legislative term is a lot.
conservatism is much larger than this one meme party. in west germany economic liberalism is conservative.

ah and btw , no answer. hmmm i wonder why.

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I do have Muslim friends, but they didn't try to import an incestuous and tribalist culture. They assimilated to ours. They're all Kabyles from Harki descent.
Anyway, I'll answer your question : I'd probably stop any of my high-school friends if he was a threat to my children or community. You'll better understand that when your pubian hair will grow.

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Once they learn muhamed was a pedophile, a rapist, a serial killed, a thief and had mental health problem, they will.

>Not if it's against degeneracy. Nothing wrong with terror attacks on gay prides.

>barely saved from becoming Protestant during the 17th Century
>barely saving itself from becoming Muslim in the 21st century

What is wrong with you people

If there was a second tour high schoolers would vote 32% Le Pen and 68% Macron

Afd is a manifestation of this secular age. If you listen closely to their agruments you hear how they hate religion in general, not just Islam, but trandition, orthodoxy and clergy.

It was all predictable. There is a hollowness left behind in the heart of the European man by the loss of tradition and classical civilisation, monarchy, the church, priesthood, tradition, pilgrimage. Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire sought to fill this void that had resulted as a result of Godlessness with man himself. Was it wise to try to replace community and Godliness with self indulgence, nihilism and hedonism?

We see the results of that now. This secular European age has its own solutions, unbridled consumerism is supposed to make the modern European feel better about his pitiful condition. Indeed the Europeans have become a scattered people in a dog eat dog world, suicide, record depression rates. It is no good.

Lack of belief combined with living in a wageslave culture in a capitalist society inherently results in social alienation of the individual from the society. The European starts feeling powerless and estranged from society, he lacks any meaning and purpose and experiences isolation and depression. This is where parties like AfD some in with their ultra
nationalistic and fascism-lite rhetoric, they try to give meaning to this lost European soul, either invoking feelings of racial/nationalistic pride. This too shall pass. Without a connection with the divine the European is destined to remain chained in this worldly hell.

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me too and of course i don't want to deport or kill anyone.
why do you even include blacks, only black muslims might become problematic. so let's just cut it down to muslims.

as a muslim in western society you will need to accept that secular law stands above religious law.

i know more than half of you would be in favor or changing that once you become a majority.

the thing is, even if you're a majority you cannot use democracy to end democracy. that's the idea of a republic.

Such a bullshit pic related. Not even the numbers are correct. Just one example:

United Arab emirates has 25% non Muslim, yet your infographic states that it's 96% Muslim.


>no degenerate
>nothing to do with pisslam

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Bullshit why does Albania have a Christian PM then

muh based islam

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High schoolers still are brainwashed and afraid to be seen as racists. They need to have a few redpills and witness how shitty and stupid muslims really are.

Fuck off shitspawn

That's the bluepill. I asked for the redpill, Mehmet.