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nice bullshit fake news video, bot

I really want taco bell right now lads

Get ready for the slide.

>The Triple Alliance of 1788 was a military alliance between Great Britain, Prussia and the Dutch
it's happening


and even if it was real, I give no fucks, war is hell, may the best most blood lusting warrior/s win.

White helmets are filthy propagandists paid for by the West so it doesn't surprise me one bit that they staged this.
Besides this being on RT, which is state sponsored and hence biased, the children in the video look like they're confused rather than injured.

You will care when you're out there being shot at during wwiii, just need some more made up bullshit to drag your country into it.

when ww 3 break out im blowing the dust off my AK and happily take part in it, I'll be robbing and murdering people, breaking into armorys and selling the gear I steal to hep spread more war.

you go cry humanity a river, I shallnt drop not 1 tear

fuck u and have a nice day.

guess I am a bot then you dumb mutt
what are you, a shill, a boomer, a reddit refugee, a jew?
just watch the video

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I'm sure it will happen exactly as you describe it, Mr. Schwarzenigger...

am sure it will too.

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>defending Assad

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I mean why do you have to lie about everything
europeans dont care about sandniggers, stop prettending you re the good guys, just fucking own it instead of pumping all these bullshit lies about being humanitarian and only acting in self defence, only retards with no power believe this

kid looks like peter thiel


Fuck right off Russkie proxy troll.

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It probably has something to do with evolutionary psychology. They had to commit to subterfuge for almost 2000 years. At this point its somewhat ingrained into them. As for the appearing humanitarian thing, look into something called Tikkun Olam

>europeans dont care about sandniggers

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>They had to commit to subterfuge

Correction: They didn't have to; they decided to

lol no

These fucking assholes.

get me a number 3
i don't know what that is, but three is a strong, solid number

Thats no suprise. A chemical attack by Assad made NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. why would he do this when he is winning? why, when the whole world watches syria?

Show your flag you hooked nosed cunt.

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kys putinfags

i'll take 3 beefy 5 layers, extra nacho cheese.

oy vey putin is exposing us quick lets send the memeflag army to shill it!

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Who could've seen this coming?

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everybody knows it's fake but no one cares. If Israel wants war and Americans dying for them they will get it.

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First you must prove a gas attack actually took place. Then you must prove it was launched by Assad. The colors match up for the tank to chlorine and it doesn't look like a fresh paint job.

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same yellow tank in barrel bomb

Attached: Syria-Unexploded-Barrel-Bomb-Contining-Chlorine-Cylinder.jpg (598x329, 50K)

I like how the tank is fully intact even though it was dropped from 7 miles above. Also notice how of all places it precisely landed on a bed of all places. Find out who benefits and you find your culprits... I am the Walrus.

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This is a hell cannon. Usually used by rebel forces to shoot propane tanks. Notice on this image
The fins look designed to allow launching from a hell cannon. In my opinion, this was probably launched from a hell cannon

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> I'll be robbing and murdering people
wow you sound like a nigger

Iran is at your border and you needs Jewmerica to save your inbred asses once again. Do the Earth a favor and gas yourselves.

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what probably happened.

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>watching russian propaganda

gas yourself kike, RT is like CNN you gotta realize the truth lies between the two, also please gas yourself you little boy wee wee sucking coin clipper, There is good reason you get kicked out of every country you try to suck the blood out of.

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I think this shit was to made to trigger some russian response, no one cares if they were the jews or fucking space niggers who did this, and since russia didnt respond to this attack, can we just move on, fucking Jow Forums is getting boring this the same shit day after day

RT is KGB regime propaganda which is only posing as a shitty TV network, you proxy flag moron.

And everything else is CIA regime propaganda

What's your point?

CNN can be bad but you cant say its controlled by the us government...

I had a vasectomy done last week so I don't make my gf pregnant.
We are going to adopt a child from Syria instead.

Russian, other countries are not mirror images of you own shithole dictatorship where everything is nationalized and centrally controlled from the Kremlin.

It's the same bloody kid that's all that matters, you can determine who is telling the bigger porkies by that fact alone.

Wheneve gas is involved it's the jews. For some reason they love using gas as a false flags. See holohoax. See various other false flag chemical attacks.

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ur a porkie

>other countries are not mirror images of you own shithole dictatorship where everything is nationalized and centrally controlled from the Kremlin
no, your mutt media is literally even worse. Remember all those supposed past chemical attacks that were never proven to be true but your media took them as true because your zionist government wants them to do so? All the falseflags happening both in the US and outside, the last presidential campaign and all the lies around it, painting Snowden as a traitor and so on up to even both world wars?

You cannot claim that RT is "kremlin propaganda" when every other mainstream media is two times worse than that

> Remember all those supposed past chemical attacks that were never proven to be true

remember mh17?

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>But if God wants guns? What Tuna.

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Don't post this russian propaganda shit.
No one believes RT anymore.

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>No one believes RT anymore.
A lot of Americans still do though.
They are not the brightest.

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Please you faggots fall over yourselves trying to suck Assads dick

>When honest news and serious journalism comes from Russia
We the USSR now boy

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my nigga

I like the part where CNN reporter is sniffing the backpack filled with Sarin gas

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Seen it its staged the people shooting the video as well as providing aid to crisis actors are the white helmets their known for falsifying fake reports youtube.com/watch?v=ytpt4sgoxYI

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fucking hell

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Why do Jews love gas?

Look up World War One. It was a fucking Jew who helped create chemical warfare but in actuality it was his wife a smart German women who basically gave him the idea and the ability.

The Jew was considered a war hero in World War One then when World War 2 started hitler killed all the Jews who worked for him and basically made him work for his freedom lol. The Jews wife left him before world war 2


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hes a Amerimutt what else do you expect youtube.com/watch?v=8AViBLKRHk4

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Vaughn’s death stare is glorious.

wow these kikes never ceases to amaze me