It would be nice if you Euromutts can stop screwing the Germans. The day they wake up I am sure there will be nothing left once they have blown their anger. Its an occupation government but you Euromutts really disgust me.
Chancellor Angela Merkel has given up German resistance to a common European deposit insurance. In previously unknown clarity Merkel announced that the German savers could soon be liable for the banks in Europe. "We are also ready, in a perhaps not immediate, but more distant future, to make a joint deposit insurance system," said Merkel on Thursday at a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron in Berlin. Merkel remarked vaguely on the conditions: "We want liability and risks to be kept together," added the CDU politician.
Pay your own bloody bills you useless white faggots.
Dominic Mitchell
When it was about the Eurozone Merkel has always given up in the end. It was like that during the financial crisis and during the debt crisis and she will hand the Club Med our savings now. I'll hide my money in my matress before I'll give it to banks that are tied to Italy and Spain.
Carson Evans
Shit what? So I should get my money from the bank and store it at home?
Ian Garcia
Put it in US banks. It will be safe here
Cameron Lee
Not now, but that's the path she wants to set our banks on. And Italy's banks are just pure and utter trash. Full of bad loans. Greek banks are bankrupt ofc. It's again us Germans who should vouch for all of southern Europe. I'm sick of it.
Ian Morales
stop this madness and vote to exit from the eu
Joseph Lewis
>not saving your money in beijing
Joseph Price
We need to exit the banking union and probably the Euro. The EU is still salvageable in my eyes.
Good idea. Any more financial tips Mr Greenspan?
Oliver Thomas
This sounds cucky and unbelievably masochistic at first, punishing the entire country like that for something completely out of their control and not their fault at all but then you realize it will likely go along with a larger push for even further German control of the EU and its related financial institutions, regulatory power, etc. Germany basically is setting itself up to control the EU completely like a German Reich.
Lincoln Turner
Maybe (((invest))) it?
David Allen
Germany has an occupation government the last I heard. They cant do shit and have to bail everyone out.
Landon Scott
Good. Germoney needs to be destroyed
Blake Edwards
It won't just affect Germany, all northern Europeans will end up paying southern Europe.
And it's a problem that can't be fixed for as long as we have a union with both cultures. USA would face the same problem if it incorporated Mexico.
Adrian Wilson
Nobody said the Reich was easy Klaus.
Chase Walker
This would almost certainly end up giving them more power within and control over the EU and Eurozone though, if anything it would destroy any sense of independence and economic sovereignty lesser economically powerful nations and those which hold more debt have.
Oliver Gray
wait, wtf. I actually save my money so now I will be punished for not spending every fucking dime I have every month on vacations and stupid things?
Easton Gomez
There is nothing wrong with this. Keeping Germans weak is imperative for world peace.
Mason Reyes
is buying a safe illegal in germany?
Cameron Long
you deserve to be punished for electing merkel
Christopher Edwards
Robert Harris
Can you guys save money in Swiss/American banks? Financial retard here but I'd imagine as soon as some head bureaucrat starts blabbering about shenanigans like negative interest rates or taking away your savings account, it's time to get your money the fuck out of that country.
Dylan Wood
I could only imagine if American deposit holders would have to underwrite Mexican banks. I wonder what the reaction would be. The next union Germany has will have to be Northern nations only but include Switzerland and Austria.
Ryan Perry
Didn't the swiss already have NIRP?
Landon Reed
There already are negative interest rates here.
Dylan James
It's essentially raping the average German so that German corporations can keep the status quo and their export markets solvent enough to buy their shit. Pretty much raiding German bank accounts and giving it to poor countries so that they can continue to buy your corporations' shit and keep your economy afloat. Oy vey you shouldn't be saving money anyway, you should immediately blow it on frivolities, keep working like a dog your whole life to pay for some union slobs' inflated pensions.
William Bailey
>buy your corporations' shit Thyssen is German in name only. The same goes for the others mostly held by American hedge funds. The last big one that saw its ass with Kuka Robotics which went to the Chinese and GEA which was taken by another hedge fund.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Most Germans already spend 100% of their pay checks every month.
I knew this one dude who quit his job in an emotional fit after 17 years of working at the company (aka basically can never be fired). He lost his house he bought within 4 months and now lives with his parents at age 56.
Alexander James
what's his gamertag?
Aaron Green
>Can you guys save money in Swiss/American banks? Why would I? Your banks are even shittier. Just save it in cash.
>now I will be punished for not spending every fucking dime I have every month on vacations and stupid things? >now
>The next union Germany has will have to be Northern nations only but include Switzerland and Austria. Pretty much. This currency union is untenable as it is right now. It has to split in (at least) 2 parts.
Isaac Lewis
Ain't globalism a bitch. Yeah, there actually is a Kuka building near my office. I looked them up and saw that were owned by the Chinese. The same shit is happening in America, but Trump recently blocked the Broadcom acquisition by some Chinese company
Ian Bennett
I rarely spoke to the guy. He was an asshole.
Jace Scott
No, physical money depreciates in value and there is always the risk of it becoming useless by decree of the state. It is better to keep your savings in physical goods with value, such as housing or gold.
Brody Lopez
Yes there appears to be an odd trend with the Chinese buying up Western industry at the expense of the West. Politicians should get the rope in the end.