Trump is the best president ever !
Incoming shill hate
you're golly gosh darn right he is
fucking BASED
Can't wait to watch you brainwashed faggots try to worship him as he rots in prison.
Drumpf is finished for sure this time
But in all seriousness, we can't let this
guy get his hands on the nuclear codes
Why do leftist faggots even come here for? Is your side of social media really that sad and pathetic that you want to spread it here too?
Like he wouldn't get pardoned by Pence.
Brainwashed? Nah m8 your a cunt, sulking on a election loss, you should've gotten over his win, but nah your complaining still
It's just fun watching the other side constantly make excuses for behavior they would've wanted to murder someone like Obama over. As long as the person has an R next to their name, they can act like as much of a cunt as they want.
I've actually got a coworker who is a birther too, so I wouldn't be surprised if he lurks somewhere around this board.
God, I wish Awoo would make me her slave.
Itt things thatll never happen
I guess you are too fucking stupid to realize he has support only because he ISNT a Dim.
Dont vote le centrist cuckboi and then lecture people on integrity you dumb cunt.
Get fucked nigger!
Most here hate republicans as much as democrats.
I was all for Obama in his first term. You would have though that him giving billions to wall street brokers who caused the gfc (and subsequently retired because of the payouts from obama) Should have been the first hint that he was worse than George Bush.
What excuses can the left give over DNC smashing their phones with hammers, pleading the 5th even with immunity deals etc while Trump states publicly he will speak freely and openly under oath?
>born just in time to experience the greatest presidency in the history of the USA
None of that stuff is good, but I'm not foolish enough to think that Trump is somehow a better alternative.
The man blatantly lies more than any other politician in the country, sucks up to the country that meddled in our election, lashes out at the slightest criticism, appointed a man that made us lose net neutrality, appointed a man who doesn't believe global warming is caused by human activities, struggled to tell the neo Nazis marching last year to fuck off, lies about his wealth, goes golfing more than any president in recent history despite constantly complaining when Obama went golfing, and is trying his best to undermine the investigation into Russia's interference in 2016's election while pretending he has nothing to hide while doing so.
Feel free to pretend any of that stuff is okay if you want, but anyone who doesn't have their head firmly lodged inside of Trump's asshole knows that none of that shit is remotely normal or acceptable.
There's plenty of real criticism of Trump but none of what you listed comes remotely close to legitimate.
You have to go back
I hate trump because he’s a neocon faggot, and I hate /ptg/ because they’re the cancer that’s killing us.
Back to your containment thread
If none of that is legitimate then you're very lost.
I'd probably have a better chance of convincing someone to leave the Westboro Baptist Church than convincing you to stop blindly supporting a man like Trump at this point.
Her name is Momiji you fucking retard, have you even played Touhou at all?
Shouldn’t you be watching CNN you ginormous faggot
why the fuck would he go to prison he did nothing wrong you fucking inept troglodyte
I don’t watch any news besides RT, now fuck off newfag
What are you trying to say? Pastanigger?
I don't know, why would he constantly be trying to stop the Mueller investigation into Russia's election interference?
If he's got nothing to hide, then the investigation being completed would only end up vindicating him. And yet every day he's growing more eager to fire Mueller and end the investigation. Why do you think that might be?
Well his lies I see more as banter. He hasn't lied about a policy position yet unlike every other politician.
Australia, Russia, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia and many more interfered with your election as do those and America interfere with other countries elections. But if you think 13 Russian shitposters made a difference because they put out ads for pro muslims and pro jesus to drum up support for Bernie and Trump in the face of Hillary's 1.3 billion dollar election campaign then I really don't know what to say lol. Don't forget the biggest thing those 13 Russian trolls did was stage a massive anti-Trump rally which the left and their media absolutely loved.
Far as net neutrality goes, Google and other social media giants need to be broken up in anti-trust trials like what happened to Microsoft. I hope that does happen because they have a strangle hold on the majority of the internet in this age. The rest what you say sounds more like shill talking points. He criticised what I assume you are referring to as the 'neo nazis marching' which was organised by a jew and a guy that organised the leftist occupy wall st movements. Same as he disavowed David Duke over and over for the last 18 years, (David Duke is the reason why Trump walked away from running in 2000). He goes to mar-a-lago all the time because its about the only place he can conduct business without a billion leaks happening like at the white house. You need source for the undermind russia investigation because the Comey memos just released prove he wasn't and he also proved another years worth of funding for Mueller's Russia investigation.
In the end, leftists are fed a heap of shit to shape their opinions instead of looking at the facts. I suggest lurking more here where censorship doesn't exist to shape your mind.
Your level of stupidity is only surpassed by your consumption of penis
Because I’m better then any of you newfags, now back to your containment thread kike lover
so, you hang out on a national socialist board
because it's fun?
do your coworkers know?
Damn straight! MAGA BITCHES
That’s so cringy that even trump himself would hate it.
More like DRUMPF
Am I right guys? haha
seriously guise.
we cant let blumph get the nuclear codes.
>Establisment Democrats are corrupt
>My solution is to vote for even more cartoonishly corrupt right wing politicians
You’re right, neoliberals suck. Their politics are only interested in helping corporate America , and paying lip service to minorities, and starting wars all over the world. By contrast Republicans want exactly the same thing minus the lip service to minorities. We should be dragging BOTH Democrats and Republicans and shifting policies further left to solutions that can actually help Americans. Single payer healthcare, free college, $15 minimum wage, etc. Also Trump is pants on head retarded and constantly lies.
If your faggot ass cannot see that the whole investigation was launched under false pretense then you are the fool of the the thread.
Its actually very catchy
>I suggest lurking more here where censorship doesn't exist to shape your mind.
You just like lurking here because it reinforces your viewpoints. The majority of the threads here are people worshipping Trump, peddling conspiracy theories from Alex Jones, or just complaining about black people and jews. I check back here occasionally just to see how you people constantly justify your undying love to Trump. The fact that you think the neo nazi march last year was organized by a jew is pretty telling.
>leftists are fed a heap of shit to shape their opinions instead of looking at the facts
Right, so me listening to the findings of 97% of the world's climate scientists who say global warming is caused by human activities is an example of me being fed a heap of shit then I'm guessing? I'd be better off listening to oil tycoons and the ramblings of a douchebag hotel owner instead of people who've studied the climate of our planet for decades?
Your shitty holier than thou attitude is exactly why trump got elected and why he will be your president for 8 more years.
You anti trumpers are complete idiots
That is just retarded and if you told me you were older than 20 I would think you are outright lying.
I tell you now, I pay far more money a year for 'free' healthcare than even most Obamacare policies that slug upper middle class people.
I tell you what I care about as a 36 year old with a house, wife and 2 kids. Employment, education, health, immigration control and the economy. All I saw from the democrats was virtue signalling and race baiting. While Trump ran on a true grass roots movement of doing hundreds of rallies which he still does now as president, reaching the people with his message of jobs, immigration control and economic policies. Thats what most people care about. What most people don't care about is trannies using both toilets and diversity quotas in the corporate workplace which is what the democrats ran on.
If it's a false pretense then how is it that they keep coming up with convictions for more and more Trump lovers so far? If it was nonsense then this would've ended a long time ago.
But all the evidence in the world isn't going to change your mind. You decided a long time ago to support Trump no matter what, and even if the investigation finds he committed some major wrongdoings, you're going to call it bullshit because it makes your savior look bad. Your job is to defend him no matter how much it's proven that he's fucked up.
You'd vote Trump again even if he broke into your home and took a shit on your face as you slept. You people are beyond help.
I'm gonna say this is a "du_bs sandwich" which makes op's statement true and heterosexual.
I make a massive point and all you do is pick 2 lines about lurking here and the fact leftists are fed a heap of shit.
Why don't you try another reply to refute the facts I made. Oh wait you can't.
At least with age you will become more intelligent, hopefully.
You sure have all the answers i can see. So who was your choice for presdient? Randlet?
Guess what.... Didn't happen. Now enjoy your tax cut (assuming you aren't an unemployed lazy nigger), the denuclearization of NK, the complete breakdown of media, the left, the institution and STFU.
We could not have asked for a better president. fools like you are preoccupied by the shiney shit while REAL change is happening.
Are you this dense? Really? They WILL find anything when looking. Also the findings have ZERO TO DO WITH RUSSIA AND THE ELECTION.
if you have ANY bit of honesty in you, you know this is a partisan hit job. Period.
And if you are for it, you are for the deepest of states and a government that is out of control. Something that would happen in Germany 1940.
I would vote for him again for 1 main reason.
pissing off anti trumpers like you. It makes me happy.
I cannot wait until he wins the Nobel peace prize.
Check back in then ok user?!
>Your shitty holier than thou attitude is exactly why trump got elected
He ran saying he would “drain the swamp” then proceeded to appoint even more corporate shills. The republican tax cuts only help millionaires. Everybody else just got a thank you card with a $10 bill in it. The 2016 election and everything that’s happened since pissed off too many people that have previously voted Democrat. People are mad- they feel like they got cheated by a party they trusted, and got a middle finger from a guy they hate and all of his angry online acolytes in response. You wouldn’t know it if you just hang out here in your echo chamber, but shits going down come the midterms in November
Alright I'll go back to your post.
>Australia, Russia, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia and many more interfered with your election
None of those countries were setting up entire fake Facebook pages filled with bullshit trying to divide the electorate here last I checked. And there were certainly more than 13 Russians involved in this interference.
As for net neutrality, I'll never understand why you people are against that. A company could very well start to censor some of the racist or antisemitic shit that gets posted in places like this.
And as for Mar-A-Lago, he goes there because he's a lazy douchebag that doesn't care about looking like a hypocrite for golfing more than anyone else after complaining about it for years. People are going to leak what he's doing no matter where he goes because he's a dangerous joke.
And again, with the Russia investigation. If he has nothing to hide, then why on earth would he care if it continues? All it would do is prove his innocence. And yet all he does is lash out at it and complain about fake news. Fake news to him is any time someone calls him out on being wrong about a fact or lying about one of his past positions.
I agree.
Based Britbong
Ahahahhahah you are in for a rude awakening dem. Come November, the house and senate will stay Republican as is.
Pelosi will be far away from the gavel.
>10.00 gift card
This is exactly why we will win again.YOU LIBS are digusting and vile creatures.
The democrat party is a fucking mess
I agree you are mistaken. Trump's weakness is his Israeli ties.
Go for it! I'll be over here laughing my ass off when you one day need health insurance and end up unable to get it thanks to his reforms. Or maybe Jow Forums will get censored or slowed down thanks to the lack of net neutrality.
The only thing that would make a Trump lover see the error of their ways is if they suffer directly from something your savior does. Until then, have fun living with your head stuck inside his asshole all day. I'm sure it's nice and warm in there. You'll be safe from all the mean fake news as long you stay put up there.
Says muhammad.
Bin that knife
Omg you outed yourself as a leftist faggot.
Please leave this place asap.
King nigger was the worst presdient of all time.
Did you read anything I said? I’m not a democrat or a liberal
You'd be better off not peddling false paradigms.
Get all the way inside that orange butt hole! You need the full experience, you gotta completely surround yourself with it. Don't ever stop!
>0.02 shekels have been deposited into your juden pile.
Andrew Jackson, Washington, and good ol' Teddy still have the trinity, he'll need a second term if he wants to beat them.
The eyes fucking nails it.
neocon kike lovers don't belong on Jow Forums
Australians went from the greatest shitposters to the most bat shit retarded. This proves it
Actually, yes, I have played Touhou. Pretty fun. Too bad I'm am literal shit when it comes to bullet hells.
Ok lib.
I loled ty
13 Russians were charged from the Mueller investigation for tweeting and fb'ing about Bernie and Trump. Also setting up a massive anti-Trump protest as I said that the left and their media talked up as I said. That completely negates anything you and the rest of your ilk have to say about it. I can't even see how a normal person could think otherwise. Again, if you think they did a better job against Hillary than her 1.3 billion dollars and totaly DNC opposition then what does that say about the DNC? When you consider the opposition Trump faced on both sides plus the media, while having a shoe string budget during the election then why on earth would you want the dnc leading America anyway???
Nothing you said is based on facts, nothing you've said is based on truth or reality. Its all your feelings. Do you get tired of losing so much or do you get off on it?
You guys will never understand that in spite of all the negative media coverage, independents who saw through the bullshit won it for Trump. Trumps support is higher now than during the election.
You should read the Comey memos again, he didn't care if it continued. He fucking approved Muellers budget afterall to keep the shit going for another year which you cannot refute. What he cared about was the silly bullshit, the FISA warrant and the fact that he's told by the head of the FBI he is not under investigation but yet of all the things that were leaked to the media, that fact wasn't. Shit even Mueller has said Trump is not a subject of his investigation just recently.
You may not admit you're wrong but you can't blame people for thinking that you and others like you are deluded morons who still can't get over the fact Trump won. In six years time you lot will still be carrying on like porkchops instead of accepting reality.
And how much longer will you brits be on pol before your government arrests you? Is Theresa May the best PM ever, or the bestest?
I LOVE DADDY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+1000 internets to you
I accept Trump won.
And I also accept the reasons he won:
1. Hillary was a terrible candidate that needs to fuck off despite winning the popular vote.
2. There's been a right-wing bubble fueled by Fox News and AM talk radio where anything close to facts are ignored as long as people get their new tax cuts.
3. Russia made an effort to help further divide people by using social media to spread disinformation, most of which ended up benefiting Trump.
Here's what not accepting reality sounds like:
"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally"
But if you read the investigations about illegal voting, he's not wrong.
satan has speaketh
No, he did not lose the popular vote due to illegal voting.
He was wrong. Period.
Unless you've got a source that isn't Alex Jones or some other conspiracy theory garbage to back up your claims then let it go.
dumb awoo poster
Conspiracy !== Lies.
He lost the popular vote. Let it gooooo already.
Men also landed on the moon. 9/11 was not an inside job. Sandy Hook was not a false flag.
Let it all go.
>The country that meddled in our election
What by creating some twitter accounts with a couple thousands followers? Or was it the BLM facebook memes? Oh no waait they h..Hacked tt.. t... the DNC
Everyone just accepts the Russia meddling thing like it actually had a significant effect
You used the "Period" rhetoric, which shows you have no real conceptual or cognitive grasp of your own arguments. The investigations into Illegal aliens has shown there was more than enough in California alone to give Hilary the totals she had (he was indeed winning by a landslide till Cali reported in). So, the evidence is in, and your world view is cracked and broken. But, you know this subconsciously as you have already been told all the evidence, hence you using that "Period" statement of one who is invariably lost to cognitive dissonance and knows you can't defend your thoughts of anyone looks closely.
>people ignoring everything but the tax cuts is bad
people are allowed to vote for whatever reason they want to.
i will absolutely vote for trump again BECAUSE he lowered my taxes AND essentially neutered obamacare which saves me hundreds of dollars a month.
i don't give a fuck what else he does so long as i don't have to pay HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS A MONTH anymore.
this filter is hilarious.
i hate s 0 y, but love onions.
onions are great!
kys kike
Prove it then. Prove there were millions of illegal votes. Let's see a source, it should be easy.
If it's anything like Alex Jones conspiracy theory nonsense then you can fuck off back to your fantasy land.
Wait can I get a source on that? I heard that they started an investigation have they come out with the findings yet?
1. What does that say about the DNC then who colluded with Hillary during the primaries to ensure that Bernie would not win? Why would you want the DNC in leadership when they did all of that plus more? It boggles belief to think anyone would want that.
2. Fox news is the only right winged outlet, however they are still owned by newscorp who owns plenty of leftist media outlets. Last stats I saw showed that Fox news has about 48% positive coverage of Trump, compared to about 95% of negative Trump coverage from other media outlets. In reality Fox news treatment of Trump should be a benchmark for all media, being almost 50/50 split of opinions for that media outlet. Not that you would know regardless, since you don't watch fox news.
3. Russia and many countries helped to spread disinformation, mostly against Trump. Again a testament to how good Trump was during the election cycle to fight against it all and become victorious on his campaign of a stronger economy, more jobs and common sense immigration control.
And yes, millions surely would have voted illegally that much is obvious. You can easily search youtube for a clip by Obama endorsing it a long the lines of 'they won't get you if you are undocumented and vote'. I voted for Trump in both California and PA from here in Australia using the sites that leftists were promoting to vote against Trump.