This is probably a stupid place to try and enter into a serious conversation, never the less, has any user studied the Talmud or have a decent knowledge about the Talmud?

Would be interesting to hear and learn more, obviously you hear the horrific quotes that are cherry picked out, how accurate are some of those used as an example of the over all messaging of the Talmud?

Attached: talmud.jpg (500x300, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Talmud is a rule book
the jewish talmud came from the babylonian talmud which was the Masonic talmud before that.
From scholars I found out all the volumes contain 25% law and the rest are ways to get around those laws

>25% law and the rest are ways to get around those laws

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Right I was under the impression that it was a discourse in regards to the meaning or interpretation of the torah?
Are those laws issued in regards to the torah?

It traces back to mystery schools of Babylon, child sacrifice before that. There's really nothing more to learn beyond, unless you plan on sacrificing children for earthly power

jewish religious literature is expansive. the talmud is the record of a jewish oral tradition, said to have been given to the jews independently as they awaited Moses to come down from Sinai with the commandments. Nearly all published Talmuds contain the commentaries of the Ashkenazi rabbi Rashi on the inner margin.

midrash, talmud, kabballah, and many others, rabbis study it all.

That is what I thought in regards to the published Talmuds, I didn't know about the first part. Thanks for sharing

Who cares?
There is only one Word so why waste time reading a book of heresy?

Well that was sort of the reason for the thread, can't be fucked reading it but am interested to know what is says in short.

>“A Jew is intrinsically good. A Jew is a part of God above. Even if at times he strays it is not because he has become evil. It is only that there is evil within him that he has to cleanse. However, to separate with a million degrees of separation, a gentile is an impure thing. The entire essence of the gentile is evil and impure. Even if he occasionally does good deeds he does not thereby become good.”

This is from the book "Tanya" which is the foundation for Chabad Lubavitch Jews

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please be weary of the Moses "story":

It's like Jewish critique/social commentary on a whole host of issues, including the Bible. It's basically the Jews doing what they do best, blasephemy, gossip, rumours, secrets, deception, you name it. The Jews have taken their original doctrine through Torrah, and combined man made teachings of the Kabbalah and Talmud, to create Judaism. In this sense they are still the exact idol worshippers from the Bible, meaning they definitely should NOT be in Israel, because their God is not Jehovah and they hate Jesus Christ


no one care of the jewish mein kampf
also SAGE

Because they say jesus deserves what he got in it and some other things like mary is a whore.


They reverted to Apis worship when Moses left for a few days on the mountain. They always harbored idolatrous and esoteric attitudes. The traditional account for the reception of the oral Torah was that a group of elders waiting for Moses to return received a direct revelation from God that they did not write down concerning books and laws that Moses had yet to given them while their fellow tribesmen worshipped the golden calf all around them. Funny stuff

Israeli citizen Yossi Gurvitz, a former Talmud (yeshiva) student reveals the racism, homicide and child molestation-advocacy in the Babylonian Talmud and subsequent authoritative rabbinic legal texts authored by Rabbi Moses Maimonides and Rabbi Joseph Karo (“Shulchan Aruch”). He reveals Judaism’s sympathy for Islam and its undying hatred for Christianity.

Rabbinic laws intended for access by Judaic persons only, teach that goyim (gentiles) are malevolent. For this reason, the goyim are grouped together with those categories of criminals and transgressors who cannot act as a witness in a court (Shulhan Arukh: Hoshen Mishpat 34).

to avoid a rebellion by the goyim, devious exceptions to the rabbinic law are made in public for the sake of pacifying (mipnei darkhei shalom) gullible goyim.


thanks alot user

Have you spent some time studying it?

Back in college I had a Jew friend who grew up Hasidic but turned his back on it and Judaism and he redpilled me on a lot of stuff. He said rabbis always eat non kosher shit and just disguise it in certain bags so others don't see. He also said they love sleeping with puerto rican hookers and when he was working at some jewelry shop as a kid the rabbi would always bring in a whore but cover her with his jacket and take her to the backroom. He said Jews are all about breaking their rules and making sure other Jews do not notice.
My coworker worked in the NYC subways '68-98. He said Delancey St. Always had Hasidics flirting with black trannies after midnight. As a kid I said something like but they're holy men like preists, surely not... and my dad told me their rules mean a man dressed as a woman doesn't count as defiling them (orthodox jews strictly segregate from females) and they think svatzas are animals anyway

>The author posed as a Jew to infiltrate their inner circles.
Actual Rabbi son of famous Grand Rabbi wrote a book about judaism and human sacrifice. No need to infiltrate, he admits it here.

>Blood Passover - Rabbi Ariel Toaff


>Have you spent some time studying it?
No, just reading commentaries of others

The Talmud is the written “oral” torah of the Pharisees. The “burdens” referred to in Luke 11:46. Jesus mocks their interpretations right before this like not walking over graves and elsewhere calls them hypocrites and the laws of man and not god.

Basically the Talmud is a very psychopathic and materialistic drawn out interpretations of jewish law and ways to circumvent them which is why the orthodox have eruv cables and pre-programmable ovens and all sorts of stupid backwards shit. It’s also jewish supremacist and sees non-jews (non-pharisees) and animals.

The talmud is concerned with living in this world and living in the moment, nothing about enlightenment or spiritual development. Nothing about the future. There is nothing in it about being a decent person. Just some stuff that says you should obey these laws which will make you a decent person but only because god will punish you otherwise (then proceeds to explain how to circumvent these laws).


>There are two Jewish laws, one established in 2nd century AC & was in force during WW2. And the second law, which always existed and is called in Hebrew Kiddush ha-chajim
>The 1st law says that in an emergency, the Jewish community can sacrifice lives of part of the community to save the rest. In short, the community can decide that, for example, in an emergency sitation they sacrifice all their children or the elderly, etc.
>This is the fundamental difference between the mentality of Christians, our civilization, and the Jewish mentality
>If someone tells you about a "Jew-Christian" civilziation, then there is no such thing, cuz this law excludes our civilization.
>Even Marek Edelman spoke how Jews behave like a flock of lions in a threatening situation. Lions throw the weakest ones to death to save the rest. And this is the norm among Jews.
>At the same time, we Christians - since the beginning of time, we have had one principle: in the situation of a threat, the stronger protect the vulnerable
>So in a situation of danger, even in the Middle Ages, as we known from many writings, when the enemy attacks, then the fathers, husbands, brothers, grab the swords and other weapons.
>And the children, women, elderly are in the safe place. The enemy can only get the children if they kill all the others, including women, grandparents, and the like.
>It is in our mentality & civilization. The child is something holy, it is something that everyone defends to the last drop of their blood. However, it is different for the Jews.
>A Jew has the right & an obligation to sacrifice part of the community in order to save the others.
>And the second Jewish law, Hiddush ha-haim, which is not possible to understand for us, for the people of western Christianity; is that a Jew is obliged to save HIS own self above ALL ELSE.
>And they can save their life at the expense of gentiles, Jews, Muslims, etc. Everyone
>They have one duty, to save themselves

Woah that's heavy, I lived near a very jewish suburb of London for a few years was weird
ThanksThat is a very Interesting point I never thought of that correlation so it is essentially written form of everything that Jesus stood against!


>weary = wary + leary

The absolute state of leaves.


the talmud is the fount of racism. German Nazi self-worship ultimately derived, by a western occult (Giordano Bruno, Johannes Reuchlin, et al.), from Kabbalistic and Talmudic doctrine

>Hitler's Grandson Teaches Talmud in Israel

let that sink in

These are the types of people that truly feel the "goyim" are cattle, the types of people who study the Talmud. They are fundamentalist, just like Jihadists and other Islamist retards.

Their "religion" is literally just ritual sacrifice and extreme snobbery. They screw black prostitutes in public, not as a fetish, but because in their too-clever-by-half minds, blacks are not people, therefore it "doesn't count." They tricked an upstate New York municipality into building an entire subdivision of mcmansions for them, on the understanding that they would pay or at least offset the cost: then they claimed the residences were religious offices. They collect welfare despite being healthy and able to work, because it gives them more time to "study" Talmud. The bitterest anti-Semitism you will ever read is from normal Jews who have to deal with Satmars, Williamsburgers, Haredim and the pests of Kiryas Yoel.

“Unfortunately, despite the primacy of ethics, most Jews associate being religious solely with observing rituals. Throughout the Jewish community, when one asks, ‘Is so-and-so a religious Jew?’ the response invariably is based on the person’s observance of ritual laws: ‘He (or she) keeps kosher, and observes the Sabbath; he is religious’ or ‘She does not keep kosher or observe the Sabbath; she is not religious.’ From such responses, one could easily conclude that Judaism regards ethical behavior as an ‘extracurricular activity,’ not essential.”

hundreds of residents called township leaders asking how they can avoid arrest or get amnesty related to an alleged public-assistance fraud scheme that could stretch into the millions of dollars, according to one law enforcement with knowledge of the ongoing probes

because of reports of couples declining to be legally married in order to claim benefits intended for single mothers, like WIC

Orthodox Judaism is the purest form of religious autism.

You know your system is rigged when you have to literally cheat God by finding loopholes in it.

What is even the endgame of orthodox judaism? They don't really believe that breaking some laws results in a punishment in the afterlife. So why be so strict about them?

Because, presumably, God will continue to favor them in the physical world if they do so. That seems to be the only answer.
Remember that the Jewish Messiah is literally only there to make them kings of the world.

>read jewish lies goyim!
how about you read the Words of God, The Holy Bible?

torah forbids Jews to cross OVER the city limits on the Sabbath, so Jews built tunnels under the city limits so they could cross UNDER them and not break the Sabbath. You can still see the remains of these tunnels in cities like Antwerp.

It is the same mentality with you muslims. I have known a few Arabic and Turkish heroin and cocaine addicts who had no problem smoking heroin on alu foil in front of their wife and children, but would not drink a drop of alcohol and scoff at me if I brought a beer with me.
Jews also have a piece of thread around their neighbourhood so they can circumvent other laws related to the Sabbath:


>tfw installed KosherSwitches everywhere
No more getting schvartzers off the street to turn off my lights, it makes getting out off G*d's rules by legal technicalities so much easier.
The whole touchscreen craze is only because the world jewery wants to get rid of the buttons.

Even the ovens and tv remotes are touch-controlled now, so the jews can safely use them on shabbat.

Jewish lawyers, man. And the only person to ever live who they wouldn't defend is Jesus of Nazareth.
Knowing one's enemy.
I've been to Seders and other dinners with Orthodox Jews, and the amount of secularism is astounding. The rabbi says explicitly that their religion is for earthly matters, and all the prayers revolve around smiting old enemies. Christianity is the real Judaism. What we now call Jews are basically atheists with OCD hang-ups.

Know your enemy?

kikes are the synagogue of satan

>all the prayers revolve around smiting old enemies

It is a Blessed Deed to Kill “anti-Semites”: "Amalek . if a certain person is an Amalekite or following in their ways, it is a mitzvah (duty) to kill him (see, Kol Mevaser 2:42).

All gentile women without exception are: “Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah” (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes).
—BT Sanhedrin 81b - 82a.

BT Kiddushin 66c: “The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft.” The uncensored version of this text appears in Tractate Soferim

Idol worshippers are liable to the death penalty under the Talmudic “Noachide Laws.”
—BT Sanhedrin 57a.

All of the inhabitants of the world are compelled to accept the Noachide laws. If any non-Jew does not accept these laws he should be killed.

The call to execute all those "among the nations" (goyim) who do not accept the Noachide laws (not just those who are prisoners of war), is indubitably present in Hilchot Melachim 8:10

When passing a church they utter a curse upon it as follows: “Beis gee'im visach Hashem.” —Birkath ha-Minim, 12th Amidah. BT Berakhot 58b.

Only Jews are human. Non-Jews are not human.
—BT Bava Metzia 114b. BT Kerithoth 6b and 58a.

Regarding a Jew stealing from a non-Jew, the act is permitted.
— BT Sanhedrin 57a.

Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a gentile.
—BT Baba Kamma 113a.

If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
—BT Moed Kattan 17a.

Children, life and sustenance do not depend upon merit but upon mazal (one’s lucky stars).
—BT Mo’ed Kattan 28a.

The Talmud is just a reflection of the schizphrenic, sociopathic moloch mind. Atheist jews see themselves no less "chosen". Instead of God, they rationalize their supremacy by nature, natural selection or evolution.

It has one salient lesson:
There is no objective truth (not even God's word), if something can be rationalized within the framework of semantics, it might as well be true.

This is inherently sociopathic. If someone has a high enough verbal IQ (without any other intelligence), they can rationalize ANYTHING; and their reasons will possess the veneer of truth.

It comes from the idea that Jews have divinity, they can counter God because they are God. They justify/rationalize their evil to defeat good. There is a very evil sociopath element to that

It is written in our ancient scriptures that the Jews are superior and were chosen to be the Gods over the nations, the leader of all nations. Despite being small in number, our scripture contends, the Jews will rule over everything, including all the goyim. But we will meet much adversity in this journey, especially from the tribe of Edom (which is ambiguously referring to European people) and another more mysterious tribe called Amalek. We are commanded to exterminate every last one of the Amalekites and Edomites. This is in the Bible, not even the Talmud or Zohar.

Kabbalistic works go into more detail. Jesus was considered the son of God, and God himself. But Kabbalsitic works, even those who predate Jesus, say that all Jews are not only the children of God, but are God themselves. Jesus may have been better at harnessing this fact, but every Jew is God and this divinity is the source of their power over the goyim. Being one with the Creator, Jews can will reality into existence. Even without training. But training increases this connection to the Ein Sof within. Everything you see going on is willed by us. This is how it is written in the Zohar and Talmud.

It's because Jews are divine. This is the orthodoxy of Kabbalah. Jews are not harnessing magic external from they, we are harnessing their own potential as being God.
It comes from the idea that Jews are divinity, we can counter God because we are God.

Midrash haNe'elam 6:14-20