


Attached: FA12DC08-DC85-4D95-945D-BCD3D867D6CA.jpg (750x1139, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>A nig walking out of school
>In other news, water is wet

take your shit where it belongs

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The hill wrote a whole article on it


>I was the only one to walk out at school
>apart from presumably the person who took the photo of me looking forlorn to post on ''''my'''' twitter account. That's a thing that 8 year olds have right?
Also what sort of insufferable virtue signalling mudshark has a twitter account called "biracialbookwrm"|


Nigger skips school. What else is new?

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Aww she's already got her a little orange prison jumpsuit. CUTE!

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Whites who are raising niggers need to be hanged.

Niggers do hate school, don't they?

>white single mother with a 56% child

kek everytime

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Full house Satan & Hitler

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>mulatto daughter

Her mother is going to be so pissed, because most mulatto girls date white men

>when you talk about yourself so much, your phone has learned to capitalize every instance of 'me', even in the middle of a word...


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>mutts thing skipping school is a good thing

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Dont you have to make inside the school to then walk out of it?

If she is all alone who took the picture?

? The fuk are you doing in here.
Kikes always claim to be non white when it suits their narrative

What a brave single mom and mongrel

if she's alone, who took the pic?

Maybe her dad did.

This is why you don't fucking race mix.

It's hell on a child growing up. Other kids don't trust you. You're never fully accepted by either of your parents' races. You get bullied a lot because everyone's got a reason to hate you.

Don't race mix. Keep your kids genes pure. Don't you think your future offspring deserve better than bullying and bigotry? Because that is what you sign them up for if you have mixed race children.

mutts are not white either

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Gas yourself yid

You are such a fucking faggot

>first grader
>knowing anything about politics
>libtard mother probably told her to do it
>teachers too spineless to stop a child from walking out

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>First grader

Gee, I wonder if her parents had any influence on "her" decision to walk out. Did the powerful history lesson of Columbine she received in Kindergarten motivate her?

The kid’s account name is The Tiny Diplomat kek

This. The woman literally created a cursed life in order to use them to virtue signal. She deserves a fucking stoning.

Her twitter account, you can tell it’s her mother doing all of this


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Well... sorta... i guess...

> Maybe her dad did.

That feel when you try to make a joke and it bombs.

Wasn't bad, people don't get German Humor. The curse we where born with lad.

What's a biracialbookwrm?

>her mother is white

oh boy...

a mutt that manages to read


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Poor kid is probably being pushed into an isolated and embarrassing life. Mom seems to want to force her to be a nerd and she's becoming a traditional kind of nerd, the kind that no one likes.

>I'm alone at school

Then ((((who)))) took the photo? I love how it's so carefully staged, even the choice of astronaut outfit is for maximizing the propaganda value.
And judging from the comments, not even normies are retarded enough to buy this lazy leftist neocon kike garbage photo.

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>I'm all alone at my school
Then who took the picture?
Where is the picture of a school?
Why is the photo aimed down to the ground? What are they hiding?

I don’t get it. Mom is white. Is the kid adopted?


Mom forces her into politics at this age

yes I'm sure a fucking 7 year old has a goddamned full understanding of Columbine, which took place 12 years before she was even born

Met with Hillary......

Coalburner that reads cuckporn.

inferior to a whitebookworm, superior to a blackbookworm

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If she's alone who took the picture?

I read about a school that paddled a couple of students for walking out in a gun protest. Good shit.

Weird...where’s dad?


stop being racist user everyone knows black people are at maximum intellectual capacity once they're in the first grade

>biracial bookworm
>Astronaut suit
Sounds like they're overcompensating for something. To her defense, apes have been in space before.


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Not sure if this is her actual biological child, but in the case of whites adopting little niglets, Enoch said it best on the Shoah that they are literally fashion accessories for upper middle class white people.

So do we want public school indoctrination on kids or not?

>All alone
So who took the picture then, a fucking spider hanging from the tree?

>Water is wet
Actually, this is a source of debate for many of them


I almost feel bad for these women but then I remember they fucked up this lifetime so they have to pay the price. Maybe next incarnation they won’t be such dumb broads

>A little black girl is crying!
>Quick, burn the constitution!

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Social media was a mistake

Well spotted windmill!

>Mutt visiting with her mongrel Hagia Sophia, Christian church that was conquered by mudslimes together with byzantine empire.
This picture literally speaks thousands words. Sad on many levels.

8.5 / 10. Her Dad will take her unicorn riding later this afternoon.

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what does her father think about this? oh...

Too bad nobody dog napped it

Jesus Christ nice find

who took the picture?


my wife is a teacher. A first grader would not be allowed to leave by herself.

I noticed that too. The mother is crazy.

goblina is upset b/c her mom forced her to wear that costume and then Mom came to school and pulled her out of school for this pathetic photo op
and Mom did it for the hits
leftists are fucking insanely abusive

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>not realizing she's crazy from the fact she birthed a Goblina

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This reminds me of my mother saying when watching those police chase and rescue videos that "it's all fake, who were filming them?"

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>there is nothing wrong with race mix-

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Is that the Hagia Sophia?

Sad thing is, the daughter is more likely to get with a white male further muttering the gene pool


Parents who do this shit need to be locked up. That girl is now going to be ostracized at a critical age all because her insane coalburning mom had to virtue signal.

>future biracial astronaut
statistically speaking I doubt it

I think its the other temple turks built in the image of hagia sophia

I was in that thread. Good times

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>tell this to white men
got the wrong demographic, the future of the white race is dependent on white women so we're totally fucked. White men not fucking other races doesn't mean shit.

Is she autistic? She is wearing a NASA costume and walking out alone over some politics her coal burning mom sold her.

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I hate everything about this, especially mothers that use their children for attention.


Imagine being an American diplomat for a moment and consider all the Jewish manipulation and kvetching you would have to endure, holy cow.

From the related gofundme page:

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, we meet to learn our songs for our choir performance. There are scientists who have proven we can music makes you a better reader. It's called the "musician's advantage" and this is why rhymers are readers.

>There are scientists who have proven we can music makes you a better reader.

Why would I expect someone asking for free money to proof read their text.

>on a on a

Such a wondrous witty response, you kikes sure are clever, baka
Prob a millennial too

In 10 years I would date her as long as her crazy mudshark mom isn't a part of the package.

so they pollute another family's gene pool? sounds crap


Never said that it is a good thing

>Alone in the dark

Yeap its clearly mother

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>when the canadian kid goes on a on a trip to france


opinion discarded