Stefan's becoming a Christian

It was only 10 or so years ago I remember first finding Stefan and FDR during my "enlightened atheist" phase. If I recall he wasn't even on YouTube at the time, he was just hosting his videos on his FDR website.

It's crazy how now he's come full circle, just as I have, and is now defending Christianity and God.

Who could've ever predicted this? Not even Q could have, I say.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>psued takes """contrarian""" position
Imagine my shock

>Stefan's becoming a Christia
Now that's a change I am interested in seeing.

Just like the Fyodor-- militant socialist tuns Christ.

Now Molynew --passifist anarchist turns Christ.

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Who cares

muh cucktianity

Give it a few years of thinking mate you'll figure it out

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Literally who

Bought the fucking tshirt m8. It's bullshit.

If you don't know who Based Stefan is then you need to get the h*ck outta here buddy

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I'm not saying nor do I believe that God is literally real or any of that, just that the juvenile position of "dude lmao religion is gay, God doesn't real" is completely unsophisticated

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>Unironically giving a fugg about argument man.
He's obviously in it for the money.

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Stefan should become a Singularitarian

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>Thinking transhumanism is anything other than crypo-eugenics

I thought Jow Forums was this covered at least.

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Shit I'd take an end to dysgenics at this point.

If Christianity is a Jewish creation you'd think they'd be pushing it instead of suppressing it

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He won't be able to resist the dollars that will pour in if he does. He can't swalllow the nihilism pill so he'll end up making something up. Christianity is the most profitable.

anybody tearing the soulless degenerate empty atheist league a few new assholes is okay in my book for various and profound and heartfelt reasons. you don't even need to be religious, you just embrace spirituality because it's right and good for you.

Fine, since you faggots keep reposing this meme, riddle me this: if Christianity is responsible for white genocide, why do liberals and jews hate it so much? Why has it consistently been the vanguard in the fight against encroaching degeneracy?

>tfw no real counter argument

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Jesus said I have come no to bring peace but a sword
Ultimately the religions of peace and love (Islam and Christianity) are at their core religions of self defense very effective in times of struggle


hey if there is no fear of any afterlife penalty,
you can become a leftist, kill girls by leaving them to drown, and walk away from it.

makes sense, leftists dont fear hell, so they do what they want on Earth.
And what they want is all your money, and your enslavement.

The fact that he uploads 50+ minute long videos where he rationalizes all his brain-farts is amusing but I lost the patience to watch.

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True Christianity is the ultimate redpill. Just remember two things. The term 'judeo christian' was invented in the 1970s to try to lump us in with our enemy, the Jew. Also remember 'WWJD' is a push toward Christian pacifism, created by a Jew in the 1990s.


But for reals, (popular) Christianity used to be pretty redpilled and pro-white. It is one of the foundations of western civilization and one of the things that make that civilization so great and successful.

But (popular) Christianity has been subverted to shit over the last 100-200 years. It really started going downhill with the introduction of the (((Scofield Bible))).

Watch Jay Dyer's arguments, and look into the history and actual teachings of Christianity. It's not nearly as blue-pilled, cucked, and pacifist as the Jews and Boomer churchgoers would have you believe.


also this

If a big dummy dum dum like Stefan can upload videos of his "brain farts" and make so much money you should make videos too, imagine how much money you would make with your astronomical IQ

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Did he change your life or are you just a fanboy?

Agreed. His ethos is the shadow of derivatives of original ideas packaged for people who can't or don't read.

>Openly accepts a "philosopher"" who does it for money.
Yeah, what a guy.

>pretty redpilled and pro-white
At least be honest.

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>thinks this is an argument for racemixing
>ignores all the other shit in the N.T. that is against racemixing

Whens the shift end at pine gap?

The true red pill is that excessive universalism is the cause of white suicide, and that Whites need to become less empathetic/guilt-prone if our race is to survive.

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Neither, I just think people in low positions calling people in high positions "stupid" is the most boring bullshit ever

>Drumpf didn't actually earn any of his money, in fact he's actually STUPID
>If I had a loan of a million dollars I'd be a billionaire just like Drumpf, he's so stupid and I'm so smart, I'm just oppressed that's why I'm a fucking loser

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You're religion is literally universalist, "all are equal in spirit", anti "worldly" religion. The flesh is irrelevant. Denying this is simply saying what 99% of Christians believe to be not really the case. Ad that's just race let alone the actual pleb ethics.

>The first will be last and the last will be first
Yeah really fierce.

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Esoteric Tolkienism is the only viable spirituality for the west. I'm not even being sarcastic.

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Can't blame Stefan though. Everyone goes through that edgy atheist phase.

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Reminder that Libertarianism isn't a real ideology, its just the larvae stage of fascism.

He says whatever his audience wants to hear.

>the jew can't play both sides

Also, you still think that Europeans willingly accepted Christianity?

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>during my “enlightened atheist” phase

Absolute cringe. You don’t go through atheism as a phase you retard. Don’t actually tell me you literally chose one out of thousands of religions to follow for no reason other than you knew a bit about it

Stop pretending that there wasn't an atheist subculture that developed form around 2007 to around 2012 before falling off the rails. A lot of people read The End of Faith, and the other "Four Horsemen" books, and then spend half a decade working through the aftermath.