Is there any future for white women?

Is there any future for white women?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Strongest_Man


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The future is black.

Or should I say... the future is BLACKED

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Is this even real? I mean this is very awkward to digest that people are thinking in that way.

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Well your royal family's future is most certainly blacked.

niggas btfo

It's a fetish account like most stuff posted here about women being nasty, because people don't bother investigating images.



Jews and the sad minority of roasties are getting desperate.


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>shitted dot com

stay mad, faggots

Still why is Black people a fetish? It is insulting to black people in general if they get it.
I mean this thing should be wiped because it's degrading for all types of people.

The smugness of this fetish is what bothers me the most. Like yeah sure some interracial couples might fuck, but I don’t see anywhere near as much flaunting when a white dude fucks a black girl.

BLACKS are stronger than wh*Tes

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Just for the sake of a shittake though, if it's supposedly desired...

Why does it need to be encouraged? General human behaviours would sugguest that you'd likely do something if you desired something.

Because of american society, and it's stereotypical conceptions, and the REAL racist types (People who legitimately think other people are inferior to the point they'll treat them like children) who encourage such stereotypes

Why west being so weak and going full
hedonism rather than a balanced between it and stoicism.
People just want to play and enjoy life, refuse to work seriously and logically.

If Stoicism become a thing people would judge thing base on science and logic thus remove filthy black long time a go. Society would be so much better base on genetic algorithms and darwinism.

We want to see women being degraded but regular bestiality is disgusting.

and then there's this

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we are reaching levels of degeneracy now that shouldn't even be possible.

so its another cuck acc of some nigger, asian or white cuck who stolen pics of some random white girl? its amazing how retarded these cucks are not realizing you can reverse search images they are using. saw like 20 of these cucks accoutns pretending to be white girls and literaly all of them had stolen pics of some random girl from instagram

Yep sure. Could be could as well not. Who cares?

hmm. There's people like that everywhere, sad little world!

they are also 450,000 years underdeveloped and 15 iq points more stupid.
And they lack the desire to create.


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I'm talking about on average.
To create the world's strongest man, you need to pump a lot of chemicals in him.

Anthony Joshua can kill Eddie Hall.

>t. Race that's never made it to the top five of any Strongman competition

Literally weaker than asians

Who cares about IQ?

You can't make a woman cum with your big IQ you stupid wh*Te dog

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>muh iq
Can you feel IQ like you can feel the BBC?

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sure he can m8

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fuck off chink

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>most racially loyal
How low is the bar set?

He literally can.

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I'm feeling your IQ off the screen and it's telling me to quit Jow Forums right now.

look at these triggered faggots

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Quit Jow Forums, embrace your BLACK DRAVDIDIAN heritage and make a wh*Te woman cum!

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Didn’t know britbongistan was so cucked

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Somebody has never watched worlds strongest man

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will you chinks ever stop?

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>calls us triggered
>spends all day crying online about how his race is getting demographically replaced by superior BLACK men

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She's not white though, she's very visibly a slav, most likely an eastern one at that.

> literally

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I said "on average".

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Are you a monkey or just some retarded cuck who thinks it’s funny to shot on his own people? Have you even thought of the consequences of having Britain turn into a county full of niggers? Can you name a single nigger county you’d want to live in?

said chink who spends time complaining about AMWF porn having downvotes

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LOL their whole selling point of getting BLACKD is literally muh dick

This guy thinks he’s an American black who have white genetics but in reality he’s a skinny, alien head, pube head, small dick Somali

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Your entire nation got blacked

Daily reminder not even prostitutes


>y-you are a ch-chink
Lmao, this denial and cope.

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T. Inferior nigger who lives in the white mans country because of his obvious inferiority

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he is asian, niggers dont post shits like this.

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I think that you have never seen a Slav before

Shut your mouth wh*Te dog. You would lower your gaze in submission if our paths crossed in the streets

Chinese women belong to BLACK men just like white women. Both of them are fucktoys for big black bulls to play with.

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>white mans country
BLACK people founded Britain.

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Well average just ain’t good enough nigger hahaha

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>who cares about IQ
Anyone who isn’t on the same level as a literal fucking monkey

>tfw you are so cucked you cuck yourself by one race to not get cucked by another

This is what happens when you call a BLACK man the n-word outside of Jow Forums!

Know your place or we'll make it known.

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kek nice one brother. saved.

absolutely triggered
you low tier faggots come here with your low tier bait, and get BTFOed on every thread
you're seething because you've probably been rejected a million times by white women
guess why? they're the most loyal, as data proves

becuase you are, i have been here for some time to spot you incels. i can spot nigger when he posts, you are not one, you are using same phrases asian masculinity is using, its so easy at this point, also you are here for some time too, UK incel

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Isn't the next picture in this series her with two black eyes saying she will never trust black men again?

Our national Rugby team has to have a certain number of blacks in it by law. This is because its white dominated.

Where did this muh genetics is betta than yos come from?

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>has no proof
>y-you're a chink


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White boys know they're inferior. White women are going black all across the west.

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>is obviously triggered
>calls others triggered

Your entire nation is getting blacked.
While you simply sit there, shitposting.

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You aren't turkish.
This doesn't work. You look like a tool.

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Mashallah brother.

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She's def. an eastern Slav or heavily Slavicized. High cheekbones, her nose shape, chin and eye color are textbook examples of eastern slavic women's features.


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This triggers the Jow Forums virgin.

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Oh, so you’re that chink with the tiny cock whose jealous of white peoples obvious superiority. It did seem odd that your spelling was ok. Why are you so butthurt?

w/e zipper head

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>b-but black guys get all the ugly white girls us alpha nazis reject

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No they didn’t. You’d have to be retarded to think that thing is a nigger, especially when the skin was intentionally darkened by leftists. Also you avoided answering my question because you’re a bitter, pathetic little chunk with a small penis who hates his obvious inferiority. Stay mad faggot

Tommy, it's time to go to bed.
Karaboga post tommorow, okay?

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Whites are stronger statistically "on average" as well. If you dominate the top like they do they push the average higher by default.

Incorrect, the nation is getting Akbar'd.

France is getting Blacked.

Whiteboys shouldn't be calling anyone else's cock small, you snaggle-toothed anglo has-been cuck.

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Only Jews,head cases and fat chicks go for black dudes.

atleast use proper photoshop


The time is now.

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Lmao no

>being this retarded
LOL the first Europeans were BLACK

Niggers do that to anyone anyway, that’s why they’re hated my small dicked Asian friend

and why would you tell him that, you stupid kike? Oh, wait, I answered my own question

>we gave women handheld computers and they used them to take pictures of themselves
>they use handeld computers to take pictures of themselves fucking niggers

No, that was just a story made up by American "researchers" to advance a pro-nog agenda.
>But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.

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Sorry that we have higher-T.

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>long wong bing chong
Hahahaha fucking gook insects

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>y-y-you can’t prove I’m a chink

It’s obvious mr small penis