All characters are white

>all characters are white
>based on a whitest mythology, norse one
>all about fatherhood and growing a real men
>no pc agenda whatsoever

How is this allowed in 2018?

Attached: dadofwar.jpg (370x465, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>claims there's no pc agenda
>pizzagate shit on the front cover

user, i...

What's the pizzagate shit?


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>God of Onions on OLED 4k + HDR on a PRO
I've never seen a game looking this good even though I'm a owner of a beefy PC.
How they'd do it?

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Oh my god, when did they turn so!y to onion?

Isn't the voice of Kratos a fucking nigger? LOL, you whiteys can't compete with the superior black man's deep voice which roars still echo in the wild lands of our ancestral land AFRICA! #Blacked

Are you absolutely sure there isn't a black chick with an afro somewhere in that game?

How can you still watch Hollyjew productions?
Are you retarded?

I just saw a clip where Kratos was earnestly picking flowers to heal a boar with and burst out laughing.

This nigga once cut hermes legs off just to take his shoes.

pizzagate retards have a huge list of symbols that indicates childeatinglizzardpedophiles. It consists mostly of Greek, Latin characters and Symbols.

no just because there's some kid on the cover and it's a video game which means there's violence and sexual situations, and now it's going to involve children. don't you have a kirchner riot to go look stupid at ?

He's shilling. There's nothing.

It’s been remarkably SJW free so far. Haven’t noticed any subversive messaging or subtext besides maybe the implication that the Boy might not be Kratos’ genetic lineage. Otherwise it’s a fun, litty romp. Zelda breath of the wild had more potentially controversial bits for us than this does (cross dressing link etc)

>our ancestral land AFRICA
So you recognize you are a nigger yourself
So much for Argentina being white

Didn't Kratos murder his wife and child and used that to justicy murdering the greek pantheon?

That's right. Wh*te Argentin*ans are a complete minority (my guess is that they are maybe 20-30% of the population), the majority are native american immigrants from Latin America and we the african-americans are the rising force of nature that will take over SOON. LONG LIVE AFRICA! LONG LIVE SENEGAL!

"I know literally nothing so I'm gonna start spewing as much shit as I can"

Boy is Kratos' son, but he's also somebody the Nordics would know very well as a guy who's sole purpose is to fuck everything up.


Ares, the original God of war induced Kratos in a bloodlust and made him kill his wife/kid in order to make him insane and keep him as a killing machine puppet.


>it's a story about a man killing all your people's most sacred icons

It's spiritual warfare, ya dip


I can no longer support these 3rd person shooter games. There is very little difference between Metal Gear, God of War, and Horizon: Zero Dawn. This is worse than EA buying up all of the game developers back in the 00's, and it's going to ruin video games until people stop buying this shit.


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it has gay characters, I guess

"i didn't even really comprehend the post so i'm just repeating an insult"

kratos is voiced by a black man

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That's a significant spoiler if that's true.

It's God of Soi.... Not war... Look at the bearded goof on the cover. Sailing off to get his Nintendo Switch.
Basically it's a pussy game for pussy players. Have fun with that.

>no political agenda 6/10

ps4 exclusive FeelsSadMan

just play witcher 3

>Douglas Christopher Judge is of African-American and Cherokee ancestry
not fully, so honorary white American

>Whitest mythology
>Norse one


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And a more white one is....?

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>honorary white American

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Good argument tin foil

We all know mods love onions

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game is trash,dialogue is trash and full of little PC shit everywhere, one girl says something about a race being good at building stuff and kratos respond : "and they are also annoying,based on the two we have met"

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ask me anything about Old Norse

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was it good?

what do you mean by "it"?

was it good as a whole?

digits confirm , based nicaragua

My poorfag computer won't let me play it, does Kratos kill Thor and other norse gods?

>based on a whitest mythology, norse one
>Ares and Kratos n sheit
Did I miss something? Quick rundown?

>murdering the Gods
>no anti-white agenda

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Yesterday I think, sIoIybIoIy also gets turned to basedboy.
Two nukes was either too much or not enough.

I know he kills Balder. maybe also Móði and Magni. Thor is untouched.

So his kid is Loki. His kids almost as much as a faggot as you are then

So he kills the god of faggotry and thor's two retard sons?


Air Jordans?

Was made since 2013

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this new onion meme? Exams kept me away from Jow Forums these last few weeks.

Kratos was losing a battle to barbarians and so he pledged his soul to Ares in exchange for winning the battle. Ares later tricked him into killing his own family. So he got revenge and with Athena's help killed Ares. Now that his 'soul' was free from Ares, he tried to kill himself to finally end the nightmares over killing his family. But Athena and the other God's wouldn't let that happen, they made Kratos the new God of War instead. The nightmares didn't end however, so Kratos ruthlessly used his powers to crush Sparta's enemies because he didn't give a fuck anymore. The Gods got pissed at his misuse of power and Zeus killed him, but he escaped from Hell, went back in time to stop Zeus from killing him, and then tried to kill Zeus instead. He ended up killing Athena (she jumped in front of Zeus), and then he vowed to destroy everyone on Olympus for screwing him over. He goes back in time to get some Titans, charges mount Olympus and savagely murders every God, and then attempts to kill himself.

>god of faggotry

It really looks lame. Kratos was supposed to just be the player and allow you fuck everyone and everything up.
>now we have Kratos in the Last of Us... oh boy

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baka desu senpai

>gay ID

I hope they will have an emulator ready in 2019.

Its a new word filter for so y. Jow Forums had started a meme that onions increase testosterone (opposite of soi)

So its basically a shitty version of Spartan total warrior?


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>back sheath

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Let me guess: they don't have a sex mini-game in this one.

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>So its basically a shitty version of Spartan total warrior
that was a shitty version of Dynasty Warriors. I remember trying to play it but I just got gang-raped by everyone

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Are they going to kill Thor and Odin?
Zeus was a rapist jerk, Odin was actually cool.

Kratos has sex with Atreus. it's really sweet, progressive, and powerful.

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He is just saying that ancient Greeks were Nordics

Ancient Greeks were basically Jews.

not a meme... yet

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Looks cool

b.but it also looks like an interactive movie... and not a game. I hate "games" with too many cutscenes and scripted events (like forcing you to look at something etc.).

can anyone answer a spoiler for me?

Does Kratos get the Blades of Chaos at any point?

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I hope GOW will make a game based to Baltic remova religion as well, its wery underated.

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Modern Greeks aren't same as modern greeks.


When you get killed by a fucking mistletoe after your mom made your dad pull strings so that nothing happens to you, you are forever the god of faggotry

Yeah man.

>Yeah man.

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>White man rage the game



Will you raise your children as Norse first speakers? That would be pretty fucking comfy

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i'm going to invent my own language so my children are entirely fucked when they become adults.

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That's the thing I like about greek gods, they're kind of pyschologically realistic. I mean if you were a god you'd be a dick, don't lie. this christian thing where god is all-loving makes no sense to me

gods a reflection of the people who worship them, so imagine how degenerate Greek society was... and is.

Hm, good point. I guess that's why the west are a bunch of pussies who keep turning the other cheek when they get repeatedly slapped.

>this christian thing where god is all-loving makes no sense to me

>sends you to hell for all eternity


That doesn't apply to Norse but sure you do that.

Also I find it hilarious that an American would respond like that, seeing how you all can only speak one language and probably thinks that is the norm and something else than that is impossible. lel

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Well, in Norse mythology Loki turned himself into a female horse to get fucked by a stallion and gave birth

>pretty much
Christianity is a form of Bolshevism: a means to control the retarded masses and make them subservient.

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det er ikke mulig i praksis. vulgærspråket, altså sånn som folk flest snakket til hverandre normalt, er altfor dårlig belagt. det vi har mest av er sagalitteratur, lovtekster, skaldekvad (alt sammen fra hǿytstående menn, i formelt språk), og bare et par vulgære runeinnskrifter med ett og annet banneord. vi er ikke engnag sikre på hvordan folk hilset hverandre normalt.

dessuten er det faktisk en dårlig idé å snakke et språk til barna sine som man selv ikker kan snakke helt flytende. på grunn av dette er det f.eks. en dårlig idé å tvinge pakistanere til å snakke norsk/svensk i hjemmet. barna lærer bare å snakke gebrokkent av det.

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