Debunk it

Debunk Pizzagate, showing us how you arrived at your conclusion.

I'm tired of this shilling shit. Debunk it. Show your fucking work.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ist debunked because msm says so

James Alefantis sounds like and is practically a perfect anagram of the phrase "J'aime les enfants" which means "I like children" in french.

It's not debunkable when the evidence is right in the fucking guy's name.

>prove my assertion false
Show me actual hard evidence. Not some fucking emails that look strange out of context, not some fucking logos that kinda, sorta look like a pedo symbol if you take away some of the lines and rearrange the angle; I mean give some actual hard fucking proof. Oh you don't have any? Then there's nothing to debunk.

if you post evidence than this thread will be 404'd, that's why cp is forbidden, that's why they boost deepfake into popular media bc if it will be too much to hide they'll Claim its all cgi

>that's why cp is forbidden

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those are 2 sketches of the same suspect you fucking retard

>implying it couldn’t be either of these 2 scumbags
Nice try skip

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Newfagg? Lurk moar

It has already been debunked, I'm sick of this pizzagate bullshit that has been going on for over a year. Totally debunked

doesn't work like that. Guilty till proven innocent...

I learned about the Franklin credit scandal and the satanic panic because i grew up through it as a pre-teen but of course not cluing in.
My personal investigation started in the 90's while working at a questionable internet company, the people who ran it were strange. I learned about "adrenochrome" but as its trade name "ACTH" which was an expired patent but the source of this chemical was the pituitary gland and the people who ran the place were also operating a porn company.
Patent is still up if you want to look at it:
>Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Composition
But I dismissed it all because wtf do I care.
Then I got a job in the government and was eventually fired for finding things I shouldn't have, and was put in the psyche ward after that for being too loud about it.
Since then I've lived a low profile life and stayed away from corporate or government positions because they all tie back to the same people.
When the Podesta emails broke I felt vindicated and started the research again.

>totally debunked
>doesn't show source
Very convincing user.

Shills don't debunk
They yell and scream and call names
They might send you a link to some fucking Snopes article if you're lucky

Attached: pizzagate.png (720x720, 710K)

>Shills don't debunk
>They yell and scream and call names
Like this

Name the company faggot

Imagine if you will, someone breaks into Trump's residence and shoots one bullet and that bullet goes right through the hard drive of his PC.

oh hey Satan, funny enough that was the owners nickname for their dad

i saw a super weird dr phil about pedophile rings

Silly leaf. Always a faggoty leaf

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first through a wall, then through a metal tower, then through all the data storage devices, with one shot.
Another magic bullet?

Why is it that everytime this thread comes up there's countless of people like you just posting
>it deepbunck u bullshit go away
>lol stupíd boomer
I can't even get properly informed on this subject because ofmmindless faggots like you derailing every single thread, if you don't like the topiuc filter it out and go back to your BBC threads you massive cockmunching faggot

basedboy test

hey there shill, what's it like knowing time is up for you?
you may be across the ocean using a proxy but the Admiralty Law spans the globe

Leaf won't name he company he worked for. Calls me a shill

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>debunk my ridiculous conspiracy theory that’s based on a series of mundane conclusions and shitty evidence
Go outside, take some deep breaths, walk around a little.

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>debunk pizzagate
You have to prove it's true before people debunk it, retard

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that's my life we're talking about, you're nothing, you're too scared to type one personal thing because you're a chickenshit filled shill

It's already been proved with extreme detail. Now it's your turn to debunk it if you think the evidence is insufficient.

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Citation needed

A Flickr image shows him at an event in washington a few hours before the kidnapping happened. Didn`t have time to make the plane trip.

Attached: podestahotdog.png (991x384, 16K)

Yeah that's it I came to an anonymous board to shill about a company I used to work for and provide only feelings instead of info.
Pic related

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called it, just a useless ego

>family friendly pizza spot
>with swear words and some characters fucking each others painted on the walls
>owner 1 of the 50 most important people in DC, but owns just a pizza place
>uses pedo symbols
>take photos of children bound, toddlers with lots of money or children dolls priced 1200$ and named "German baby"
>knows and had contacts/got money with people sentenced for minors-related crimes, including traffickers.
>takes pictures of some room(like a freezer) in the basement with #killroom
>admits in an interview to storing tomatoes in the basement
>lies about not having a basement when confronted about the allegations

there's pretty much pointing out that it's all true ant it's just a tip of an iceberg. yet DC police force refuse to investigate becouse owner and msm said it's not true. top 50 most important person in DC after all

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Sauce that plz

This. So. Much.

debunk this you loyalist leftist cocksuckers

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I really wanted it to be true

they cant do this and they know it.

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why doesn't podesta explain why the word pizza means in all contexts, because all of this revolves around him

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but Im pretty sure his sister has that surname. Would he get his sister to chang her name too?

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Thanks. Have a (You)

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You cannot debunk something that is not existent.
It is on you to prove it.
Why you obviouly can't.
Your chance to show us the smoking gun evidence, do it.

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theres so much more than emails and logos. is it all a coincidence? only a moron would think so

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>cant debunk a single post
So you're implying we photoshopped the cannibal artwork onto the walls of Hillarys campaign headquarter then?

>Not some fucking emails that look strange out of context, not some fucking logos that kinda, sorta look like a pedo symbol if you take away some of the lines and rearrange the angle;

Dude it is the exact same fuckng symbol. What lines need to be taken away? and you're saying its not the same because the besta pizza logo is tilted at an angle?


Attached: Clintons protected child theif Laura Silsby-Gayler.jpg (1696x5024, 708K)

hahaha I love when they try denying it

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what does one do when seeing these symbols at disney?

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>debunk my poorly compiled heavily artifacted jpgs that are just a compilation of loose connections and baseless claims with no sources whatsoever, made with absolutely no concern for coherency or proper image composition

Cannibal Ritual artwork proudly hung on the wall of Hillary Clintons campaign headquarters

debunk this

Attached: cannibalart.png (864x580, 611K)

You cannot debunk the absolute truth. You can change the world around the truth to make it appear untrue, but it is still the truth.

Uuuuhhhhh rope?

debunk this you kikes

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it didnt actually hit the hard drive, at least, it doesn't appear that way. But if the computer was shot that gives them plausible deniability if they get rid of it

Pizzagate was really pizza bait.

Nah they genuinely fucked up

Reread your post. Let it sink in how stupid that was.

Your task is not to debunk "pizzagate" itself because it is only a name given to a phenomenon of connections. Your task is to debunk the connections. Now go fuck yourself

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I haven't seen this posted in any pizzagate threads. The song Mein Hertz Brennt by Rammstein is absolutely pizza related. Never thought to look up the lyrics. Video is a piano version of the song, but serves as the best conveyance of this filth due to extra creepiness.

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Presumably Epsteins island, third pic could be Hillary.

no no, that's not how it works.
why don't you actually prove it?

>he cant debunk a single post itt


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From James Alefantis Instagram, which he quickly set to private after he heard the pics are floating around on the Chans.

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which loose connections and baseless claims are you referring to? it isnt hard to fact check each of the claims made by the jpg

sorry for the cancer music but check that clip

I know that the Podesta Group was hired to be the PR firm for Amber Ready, a database of children accessed by the privately owned AmberAlert system.
Clinton Foundation were donating money to specific orphanages in Haiti, one of them being the source of the thirty odd children Laura Silsby was caught trying to smuggle in.
Clinton Foundation also has special channels to deliver children from around the world like Kazakhstan and such.
Laura Silsby gets off easy and disappears, then gets married and becomes Gaylor.
From that point she gets a job as a Marketing VP of Alert Sense, the notifying arm of the AmeberAlert system.
How """""coincidental"""""

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"that little baby'" so he doesn't know this baby? also why is he talking about him/her in the past tense as if the baby is dead now?
Surely this guy is being investigated and if not, he's probably a spook or a fed or something conducting a blackmail or sting operation. I mean even if there's technically not legally enough evidence to start an investigation, surely there are some cops who are going to look at this and do something, anything about it? do their own private investigating?

It's already been proven.

It's debunked because the MSM says that it is. People are that weak willed and stupid.

somewhere out there might be a video of bill clinton having sex with an underaged girl on little saint james from one of his trips

can someone give me cliffs on pizza gate ? Isn't it basically that elites are pedos. And is that really so surprising ? Haven't every elite been a pedo ? Not saying it's right. But don't think there's alot you can do when they will always do it

>it isn't hard to do my research for me, just prove my arguments correct before trying to argue with me