end up as the loyal protector of the greatest enemies of his own people?
How does a man of European ancestry
>in b4 he's our guy
He deserves death by starvation in a public gibbet, and he knows it. How a man gets to be this much of a Judas is unfathomable to me, but I'm sure some of the shills here can give some insight.
Some people aren't after anything logical. Some people just want to watch the world burn. Some people watch furry porn. Some people are faggots Jerry!
>make the world burn by protecting the status quo enemies of my flesh and blood
Surely you can do better.
fpbp where are the shills when you need them
Because he wants money and power.
>the loyal protector of the greatest enemies of his own people?
He's defending cancer?
>Money and power.
So there's no money or power to be gained in subverting and destroying the swamp? Do you actually believe that?
Of course they don't believe that. His insider knowledge would make him one of the most feared men in the world if he turned.
Agreed so what's his deal, how does any man become such a hollow shell fighting at behest of the golem?
It's a chess game. Your people are destroyed but you save yourself.
Follow the money, user.
So turning into the most powerful whistleblower in history wouldn't help him how, exactly?
it's what happens when you abandon the humanities to communist jews. all those meme degree faggots stemlets laugh at filter into law schools where they proceed to work tirelessly to destroy their countries. the flower power protest generation are the ones running military, government, intelligence agencies, etc. all institutions are controlled by these kinds of people. all instruments of power are in the hands of these kinds of people. it's too fucking late to wonder about their morality.
Friendly reminder that his deceitful testimony before congress is one of the reasons the Iraq War happened.
By having awful secrets.
You're saying he's trying to destroy his own people and country because his professors brainwashed him? This seems like a stretch...
That and he is cynical and greedy enough to always support whomever and whatever personally benefits him the most.
But again, this implies that there is no benefit to becoming the most powerful whistleblower in the history of the world.
Why fid you post that guy? Aren’t you perfectly describing Donald Trump?
selfish about one's life is a right given to all jews, for the greater good of all jews he would turn just to save his life and not be seen guilty, if he were a jew. So, he probably isn't a jew by the standard bloodline or mother method, but being in the FBI and Vietnam I can say without a doubt he's the Sabbatean-Frankist crypto jew kind like Col. Micheal Aquino
I wish I was one of the people that moved the pieces.
Those responsible for electing Trump and his merry band of shylocks and grifters are the true enemies of the American people.
Thank God for Mueller.