All those knives came from bins

>All those knives came from bins
What the fuck bongs? Why would you just surrender your blades like that?

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To create the ultimate killing machine: A knife golem.

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that's pretty beautiful

to worship the god of weapons

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Why the half of the knives are kitchen knives? Why would anyone throw away their kitchen equipment?

These are the faces that want you disarmed

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i want to buy that for decorating my future gun range

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Because it's not about practicality. It's about worshiping the state and giving up all self-determination to complete your transformation into a bugman.

>all those sharpened butter knives
fuck Britain

Brits can't be trusted with cooking, have you seen British "food?"

Maybe an old knife and you needed throw it out anyway? Why not let the knife become part of a meme?

So this is the bong equivalent of murderkube...

The irony in their shirt is that those same winged creatures would use a sword against them and even teach us how to make them.

Why won't *gets nail bombed* you just *gets run over by truck* give us your kitchen knives *doesn't interfere with rape gangs*, don't you see *gets killed and sold as kebab* how unsafe we are?

Because the meme might grow out of control and bite you in the ass.

what a waste of knives

What the fuck is this Dark Souls bullshit?

What is this, a castlevania boss?

Wow that's not very tolerant of you

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>please do not touch

You just know right there some fat middle age police officer who's cucked beyond repair insisted they put the warning there because even tho those gun are fucking BROKEN ''there a possibility that someone gets shot''

It's like those gun instructor telling you never to look into a barrel even if the fucking gun is dissembled.

They make me throw up in my mouth.

Are wpmen literally the most retarded shot on this planet, even lower than niggers?! Yes or Definitively?


That looks amazing, genuinely impressed that something so badass was commissioned by the state.

>It's like those gun instructor telling you never to look into a barrel even if the fucking gun is dissembled.
But you literally have to do that when checking the barrel???

Many will say to just put the cleaning rod in there. Fucking faggots they are.

How did the sculptor get a license for that statue?

it looks like their logo is carrying two scabbards as well, I can't imagine what else they'd be

Normally I have no problem with knives and angel statues, but there's something oddly unnerving about that sculpture.

is that 40k art?

Because blacks usually carry cheap kitchen knives for stabbing and they discard them when the police are spotted.

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stat the knife golem /tg/

I don't think a jap can really talk when it comes to food.

Muslims believe in angels?

Dudes, is that on odachi on the far left? That extended tsuka makes it look like one.

How the fuck would that wind up in a bin? That shit's like $200, easy. No one who's enough of a mall ninja to acquire that in the first place would ever willingly part with it.

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I've spotted a slight flaw in that plan, you see, the sort of PEoPLE who want to stabby stab, well, they will simply keep their knives, only the people who never would stabby stab would bin that knife.

>most of that knives is simple kitchen knives

My guess is a nigger stole it from a collector and it was confiscated in a police raid.
Or even worse it was confiscated directly from it's owner.

That's the joke. The police was so ineffective in gathering "illegal weapons" that they had to supplement with store-bought kitchen knives. That odachi probably belongs to some poor kid that ordered it, and it was intercepted by customs.

Most UK knife crime is done with simple kitchen knives, though. Chavs and pakis aren't buying Gil Hibben bowie knives, they're just getting cutlery out of their moms' kitchen drawer and stabbing each other.

OI YOU CHEAKY CUNT, do you have a think license for having those thoughts

Can't have bad cooking if you just eat bugs.

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Idols will talk and move about.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Secret ending boss

It got binned by the bobby patrol, user.

That's a fucking radical sculpture.

We truly are living in the end times.

>Implying people dont need knives on kitchen

>UK surrendering to itself
Looks like we have a lot more in common than we thought

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so there's a bicycle wheel in that angel somewhere?

It's perfectly legal to have knives in your kitchen.

We're both surrendering to non-white invaders that's for sure.

Becaise it's combining biblical imagery with something fairly close to fulfilling end times prophecy, "and the sword shall be melted down into a plow."

How are you going to get it home if you can't carry it in public, genius.

now lets say im bake a cake, and I take it to a party across the street. However my friend doesnt have a good cake serving utensil. So I bring along with me a carving knife to cut and serve slices of cake with.

Not so fast Nigel. There's like 6 sushi restaurants within 5 miles of my house, but I have to go to a gay bar if I want some spotted dick.

I will never comprehend the comically roundabout ways of treating all of the symptoms but none of the problems.

You can transport it, just not routinely carry it.

Depends how much of a cunt the police officer is.

The government IS the problem, of course they're going to blame everything but themselves.

It's definitely more to keep some idiot from trying to climb on it and break something.

Top kek

Nigga what the fuck is "not routinely carry", you can't just spout these nonsense words and expect me to understand. Of course I can carry a fucking gun or a knife, they are not very heavy.

absolute fucking soibois

bin that art

toplel but also eww

Look it's all context based. If you're a middle-aged white woman with a carving knife in her bag on the way to a BBQ no police officer is going to give a shit. If you're a pakistani youth in inner city london with a machete strapped to his leg they'll pick you up for it.

It means you can't carry it like your wallet.

what is corrosion

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So it's a race thing?

Why? How much carrying it is too much?

You eat raw fish and cold rice you slitty eyed cunt. Fuck off

Nah that was just for comparison. Though the majority of knife crime is of course committed by non-whites.

This. There's a misconception here that this kind of shit is aimed at the entire populace when in reality it is only targeted at feral "yoofs" in shithole urban sink estates. No one is giving up knives from their kitchen draws or silly shit like that that some seem to be suggesting. I'll he the first to accept the sorry state of my country but misconceptions and outright lies help no one

This too.

someone post this on Jow Forums

im sure it'll make their day

Looking into a barrel is bad because of the power of suggestion. You don't want your body to be used to the feeling of looking down the barrel

So two people carry sharp implements meant for cutting things, and this is an example how they differ how?

>the majority of knife crime is of course committed by non-whites.
Of course they are, the majority of ALL CRIME EVERYWHERE is committed by non-whites.

To be fair that is a fucking awesome sculpture.

One wants to cut pork cutlets and one wants to cut other gang members? Intent is pretty important when it comes to crime.
Did I misunderstood your question?

So shiny... So chrome.
Am I the only one who's attracted to big knives? Or everyone on Jow Forums is a gunfag?

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Im carrying routinely my knife because i may get hungry anywhere, so to make buterbrot i need a fucking knife. And nobody, nobody gives a fuck here. As one relatively smart guy from russian youtube said "Im carrying my knive routinely, because im carrying my knife routinely, thats it.". You can make a complaints only if i cut someone or assaut using that knive, unless it just a FUCKING UTILITY TOOL. And this you will never understand, britcucks, if someone wants to carry a KNOIF with malicious intent you will not stop him despite all that bins around.

>they have to specify that no cctv cameras will be recording
I think that red-light cameras are too much, & thankfully, so did my city, & had them removed.

How is the carrying of a knife in itself a crime then? Cutting people or pork are actions. Punishing people now for things they might do in the future is insanity, you can justify killing babies like that.

Anyone can grab a piece of wood and sharpen it on some rocks, then proceed to stab someone with it. Humans are very creative when it comes to killing. You'd have to tie everyone down and prevent them from doing anything other than breathing if you want to prevent humans from killing.

The principle of that is all well and good, but I'm not going to oppose seizing knives from London pakistanis. Once again, the police officer has a great deal of jurisdiction in the actual event, whatever the law may say.

Meanwhile your shitty meme country has never invented a single dish. And don't give me that "mut poutine" shit either- it's fucking cheesefries.

a fucking leaf.

Proper knoif is always good.
t.proud owner of couple big knives

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>t. Ching Chongyu

>actually defending this nightmare police state
Ffs where is your pride, man?

You could easily kill someone with that sculpture. Just mount it on a car in head height and just DEJA-VU down the sidewalk next to a mosque.

More than a 3 inch non-locking folding is more than you can carry without specific purpose that isn't 'self defence'.

Holy shit it's the Shrike.



No they fucking don't, they literally have 0 right to tell anyone anything. They are specifically selected for being low intelligence, highly replaceable people. Most of what they do is ensure people hand over the loot, don't resist their children getting raped and protect politicians from consequences of their retardation.

That's what I was thinking haha

>nightmare police state
Jow Forums memes got to your head man, don't be so dramatic.
I'm not defending my country - it's going to hell in a hand basket, and I'm not defending the police - incompetent faggots that they are, but this knife thing has gotten a little out of hand.

Apparently they do have something called fish & and brewis. I'm well up on the fish part but remain woefully ignorant as to what "brewis" is. Perhaps a kind leaf would care to enlighten me in that regard.

Are you on drugs? What the fuck are you talking about. People have used swords for self-defense for like a 1000 years. You're just making shit up.