Brown girls are fucking disgusting

Brown girls are fucking disgusting

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Tell us something we don't know, fat ass.

Biological girls are fucking disguating

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We’re stealing your men white girl

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They look better than wh*te “women”

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Pic unrelated?

The gynocratic system is fucking disgusting

She is jewish


A white women is ok till she reaches about 22, then she looks like a 90 year old women. NO thanks. I prefer my wife to be fuckable into her 70s. THanks.

No way she's mostly Ashkenazi

I want her to eat my Ass.

Unironically true. I discovered what work hot is at my last job.

My was about 28ish, pretty thicc but with a cute face, looked like Demi Lovato. Thought she was a solid 8.

Then I saw her outside of work while I was doing Christmas shopping and I realised she was a 5 at best.

The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spot spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested

My last boss*

Hey faggots. Why are you and the posters that follow responding to this thread?
I can give you a couple reason:
You’re a faggot who want to talk about women on a politics board with 99% men
You’re a loser who has no woman
You’re a newfag who doesn’t know how to s*ge
You get baited constantly

In b4 bump limit

They honestly stink and smell like poo. Melanin is chemically related to feces, so the smell is almost identical.

brown girls all have mustaches, it's fucking gross.

The best part, is they don't need to wear a lot of make up. White girls have to put color on their skin so they don't look like dying cancer patients.

I wish brown girls IRL were as cute as the ones in my Japanese animes.

That flag guarantees the classiness of a comment.

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But they pluck them out or use nair. White girls have them to, but they think because it's blonde hair that we can't see them. It's gross.


how do I stop being the guy in your pic
I'm so fucking WEAK

Mixed maybe. My dick doesn’t care.

why do you want to? Indians are white

race mixing is only wrong when non-white men do it
> pol logic

Tbh part of what I liked about that boss was she never used to wear makeup to work, I'm not a feminist or anything but I respect that alot.

Plus since she wasn't piling on grease onto her face every day her skin wasn't as bad as every other girl's

wears watch on left hand
because of what happens with right hand


This board is fucking pathetic. If you faggots spent half as much time looking for a girl as you did talking about it, “white genocide” wouldn’t exist. What kind of faggot seriously sits around all day posting in “brown girls are gross” “white women are degenerate” etc. I hope everyone who posted in this thread gets cancer. Oh, and s***

The problem is white girls like to tan to look brown skinned, and they fuck their skin up.

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How sticky are your laptop keys, you closet case shit eating faggot? Self loathing fuck kys

she's clearly indian, bud

I'd love to sniff that pussy.

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dont fuck much do you OP

It's literally harder for me to get an erection from brown women. My cock knows the truth that my mind was often afraid to reveal. Brown girls are not compatible with my white penis.

blonde body and facial hair is less noticeable though and doesn't look as bad as gross dark hair. Plus brown girls are way hairer than whites and asians. It's a total turn-off.


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more for me

3D girls are fucking disgusting

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I wanna "bitch lasagna" her so bad

You faggots are maladjusted weirdos who post about women all day while not actually knowing any. Shitting up the board 24/7 jerking your little dicks. Unironically kill yourselves

I don’t know. I’m attracted to her body but what about the smell?

Go suck a black dick you whore, and fuck off.

>le white women turn to hags mid 20's meme

Must be a 56% mutt thing, 'cause I've never seen it.

Brown girls ARE gross, and white women ARE degenerate (and gross).

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>thick eyebrows
>shitskin color
she's mizrahi alright, probably even yemeni

>Some girls are fucking disgusting, regardless of their skin's color.
There, I've fixed that for you, faggop.

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it also may have to do with the sun, whites really aren't meant to be outside gloomy, rainy europe. just as shitskins aren't meant to be in europe.

Case in point: some faggot is talking about black dick. You guys are literally retarded and sad. “White women, cuck, roastie, degenerate, black cock”
Pols favorite words


you should go to Israel and open her vagene
#openborders #loveknowsnoborders

Brown girls are so...

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are you trying to cope with your inner mutt by posting this?

reminder that niggers are fat and diseased

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