Hello my fellow MED BVLLS, how many n*Rdic women did you conquer today?
John Parker
First for Nordic boipucci belongs to ROMAN BULLS
Gabriel Smith
The Mediterraneans will hold Europe together. Hail their People. Fucking Snow Nigras BTFO
Christopher Sullivan
Remember when Germanics conquered half the Med land lol
Remember how Portugal, Italy, the Balkans, France, and the British Isles all have 10-30% Germanic DNA now and were ruled by Germanic aristocracy for like a millenium, lol
Exactly, France is what happens when celts, germanics and romans breed with each other.
Easton Jones
>There werent very many there to begin with, but they remained the aristocracy regardless. >You've probably got 10 to 30% Germanic in you as a result A legitimate excuse, and yet you overlook the dilapidated state of the Roman Empire in order to make your Germanic "conquest" seem impressive. You also neglect to mention the fact that most of these people were foederati who were granted the right by the Romans to settle the lands they came to occupy, meaning that there was effectively no conquest.
Chase Evans
delusion, after Osternigs were kicked out, the initial Lombard elite coming afterwards as Byzantines set in south-central Italy got almost completely absorbed, culturally and genetically then particularly after the battle of Legnano the HRE influence was de facto null Germanic influence in Italy is almost everywhere completely negligible
The native Brits (before the Anglos), Irish, and French are genetically very similar to Germanics. They kind of form their own genetic cluster. Germanics differ in that they drifted apart on their own for the last thousands of years, but they've got the same starting ingredients. This is why you can tell apart Germans and French, but they're still genetically close.
That cluster is the current one, how is that not the case?
Matthew Davis
faggots you are not arabs
Nolan Rogers
Take a look into the average french, or are you telling me niggers are genetically close to them?
Jeremiah Miller
Say shill, I think you may have browsed other boards too much. "Eternal" threads aren't really very Jow Forums-like, nor is linking previous threads, nor having editions. The brits do it, PTG does it, but nobody else does and it looks a little stupid.
Just some friendly advice.
Isaiah Gray
>yet you overlook the dilapidated state of the Roman Empire in order to make your Germanic "conquest" seem impressive this is such a shallow point. you can say exactly the same about rome lording it over incompetent barbarians in her heyday. it's the nature of empires.
Blake Hill
>The native Brits (before the Anglos), Irish, and French are genetically very similar to Germanics. I don't know what your point is. They're not the same, and the evidence of this is if you refer to an intra-British cluster map where the distinction between native Briton and the broader English population is obvious.
And whatever the genetic similarities between native Britons and Germanics, the former is closer to Romance-speakers linguistically being that both descend from the Italo-Celtic branch.
Basically a germanic cuck saying WE WUZ CELTIC N' SHIET
Cameron Mitchell
Theyre a lot further removed from you than they are from Germanics lol
French just look like Germanics with darker hair and slimmer skulls
Benjamin Perez
>Theyre a lot further removed from you than they are from Germanics lol Good for them?
Julian Thomas
>French just look like Germanics with darker hair and slimmer skulls the delusion ITT keeps increasing by the minute traditional anthropology always regarded the French as being essentially an Alpine and Med people, hardly like actual Germanics i.e Scandinavians
Anglos or Angles are Germanic and came from Denmark. Depends on which region of France.
Adrian Clark
It's because without them they know they are cultureless cavemen. I'm noticing a pattern of nordicists, they have to claim that X people were part of them in order to have some sort of importance in history, it's pathetic.
Luis Wilson
Southerns are closer to Italians, the more you go North, the more niggers you start seeing.
Jordan Jenkins
It's not at all a shallow point. It makes the supposedly glorious Germanic "conquest" of Rome seem much less impressive when one accounts for the fact that Rome was already in its death throes. This is not even addressing the absurdity of characterising what was effectively a migrant crisis and the product of foedera as a "conquest".
I see no such comparison between Rome "lording it over incompetent barbarians" and this, save in specific instances. The Romans fought a united Gaul, something that was practically unprecedented, and defeated them. They smashed the Carthaginians thrice. They subdued the warlike Iberians, even though it took them 200 years and had to resort to assassinations to achieve that end. There is virtually no comparison between the Romans consolidating their empire by hard labour and a bunch of Germanics zerg-rushing over the Rhine and setting up shop for a state with both feet already in the grave.
Jayden Reyes
>the more you go North, the more niggers you start seeing.
>brainlets trying to grasp genetics The data is ample, go look at it
I don't feel that much affinity to the French as they're not Germanic, and I want some clay back from them. However throwing together a 'Med' classification is retarded. It's genetically a wider group than even 'European' would be, and culturally basically meaningless in any setting but historically.
they are genetically a bridge between west Meds and NW Euros, that simple you are the clueless clown ITT nevertheless, their major ancestral component is still essentially early neolithic Eurofarmer aka west Med-like, steppe ancestry is what defines and sets apart Germanics and Slavs the most
You didn't even bother addressing the fact that the native Britons are absolutely, unequivocally genetically distinct from "Germanics," so I don't know why you're calling anyone else a brainlet.
In any case, accepting "Mediterranean" as a meta-ethnicity makes perfect sense if you're not a Germanic idiot who can only view the world through a racial lens. The Mediterranean nations possess a cultural and linguistic affinity and a history that is bound up with one another, first by virtue of Rome and later by virtue of Chalcedonian Christianity undiluted by Protestant error. I have no idea why you, as an outsider, think you have any say whatsoever in the matter.
Asher Walker
are levantines, north africans, albanians, coastal croatians med? this is a very vague classfication desu
Brody Anderson
I am from Italy and I can confirm this. "northern" Italy is nigger land. The south keeps them at bay.
Charles Smith
Because the North is richer and actually the most important part of France.
Zachary Hill
Or maybe it's more cucked since they have germanic genes, simple.
Dominic Long
I consider them so. Except Albanians, they are more turkish.
Landon Johnson
> the fact that the native Britons are absolutely, unequivocally genetically distinct from "Germanics," so I don't know why you're calling anyone else a brainlet. What fact? You just claimed something out of the blue. You're plain wrong. I don't know if you're pretending to be retarded, or hope to throw people off that just typing something will make people assume you know what you're talking about.
The languages derived from vulgar Latin obviously are a result of the Roman Empire. 'Some' of the Mediterranean nations possess a cultural and linguistic affinity. Basically only Greece, Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain. The balkans, Turks, and MENA are wildly different.
This is basically just one big black hair brown eye inferiority complex cope post.
Sorry guys. We hit their heads so hard last time we beat them
Ethan Adams
in both cases the more vigorous culture won. the romans conquered because they had a sophisticated military system backed up by a robust state. the germans defeated rome later because by that point they were more numerous, more confident and more dynamic than the romans were, and they were best suited to exploit the power vacuum.
Levi Adams
>pic and? do you even know what you are posting you dumbass runecoon? L + B means length plus breadth, you said they had slimmer heads, which concerns only breadth, blatantly wrong since their cephalic index is on the high end what a clueless idiot
I dont care. I have no problem with Greeks but I have been there and it's pretty clear that they are lazy, incompetent and corrupt. Greek mythology and Roman Empire and all that shit is pretty cool but doesn't have much to do with what and how they are today
Elijah Gutierrez
You may pass but watch your tongue around these parts, *nglo. We've got our eyes on you
>what is Tripoli Sit the fuck down, you got destroyed by us.
Same argument can be made to Germans and Scandicucks.
Grayson Martin
>one big linguistic sperg about the use of slim instead of another word for small The typical french head is small, rounder, and with a pointy chin, opposed to a more stocky skull shape.
Cameron Taylor
>What fact? You just claimed something out of the blue. You're plain wrong. Did you even both looking at the cluster map I posted?
There are clear genetic distinctions even among Brythonic peoples, let alone between Britons and "Germanics". The data is incontrovertible, so that last sentence of your first paragraph is a little too rich for me.
>Basically only Greece, Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain. Greece doesn't speak a Romanic language, you utter buffoon. Linguistics is merely one facet of the shared heritage, the other being romanitas which had been reconfigured into an Apostolic Christian identity. I mentioned this in my last post but it seems you have the convenient habit of disregarding things you're incapable of addressing.
Ahhh i love to fuck german and english sluts when they flood Greece.
Aaron Evans
you could just say you were wrong and clueless, it would be more honorable than this ridiculous damage control
the typical French skull is overall morphologically closer on average to north Italians than Dutch and Scandinavians, reason why traditional anthropologists like Coon, who actually took hundreds of measurements, classified them as being largely Alpines
feels good to have a giant dick and be hairy as fuck
Grayson Fisher
you're ugly greasy hairy cunts who cant even settle a shithole bitchfight with turkey. lul
Elijah Wright
>Same argument can be made to Germans and Scandicucks.
Hmno Germany still looks a little bit better than Greek for the most part (except Berlin and NRW) With migration it will change over time. The corruption and incompetence will rise.
Eli Rogers
Still better than being a white limp wristed no balls cuck, lel
It had nothing to do with being more dynamic. What a ridiculous idea. It had everything to do with the fact that the Romans simply could not respond to entire nations sweeping across the Rhine as refugees fleeing the Huns. And they didn't even bother to respond in most cases. They simply enlisted them as foederati and allowed them to settle various parts of the Empire, and when Roman administration utterly collapsed these barbarian warlords simply claimed an empty throne, only to be deposed the second someone who was competent showed up.
Iberia is a perfect case study for this. The Visigoths show up as foederatus to get rid of the noisome Vandals and Alani. Roman administration falls in on itself and the Visigoths rule for a brief period, largely unstably and incompetently. Then along come the Moors, who the Visigoths stupidly hired as mercenaries only to get elbowed out of power by the hirelings before fading into historical obscurity. It's pathetic to me that these incompetents are the people Germanics point to and beam with pride rather than recoiling with shame.
Jackson Lewis
>Hmno Germany still looks a little bit better than Greek for the most part You are massive and emasculated cucks, you literally have nothing to do with the germanic tribes. You are more likely to be a turk with that flag today or a slav.
You posted a map of only the British Isles. I said "The native Brits (before the Anglos), Irish, and French are genetically very similar to Germanics.", which is also clearly shown on a diagram in the very same post, to which you started replying. Look at that diagram and tell me the NW Europeans don't form their own cluster.
>There are clear genetic distinctions even among Brythonic peoples, let alone between Britons and "Germanics". The data is incontrovertible, so that last sentence of your first paragraph is a little too rich for me. This basically tells me you have absolutely no sense of perspective, and are obviously just making things up as you go along. According to your random personal standard, no two ethnic groups can be called similar.
You start adhomposting with: >Greece doesn't speak a Romanic language, you utter buffoon. and then the very next sentence (!) you follow it up with a retortion: >Linguistics is merely one facet of the shared heritage What?
You are quite a silly person
Isaiah Jones
France is a Latin country, nordfag
Matthew Rogers
He is Varg.
Hunter Rodriguez
I am a german slut and have fucked a Greek sharmuto while i've been there. He was nice and kind. But that doesn't change the fact Greece is still a shithole and the men don't know how to build houses. I've never seen so much sloppy craftsmanship And when you try to talk with the average Greek about whatever Aristoteles, Troy, anything about his "roots" he won't have a clue.
Isaac Gonzalez
>You are massive and emasculated cucks, you literally have nothing to do with the germanic tribes. You are more likely to be a turk with that flag today or a slav.
Yeah but we are talking about functional "ordered" society and standards for building etc. Until 2015 Germany was much better at that. As I said I dont have a problem with Greeks. Many guys there are very pretty. But I'm still staying objectively.
Christopher Wright
>they have tinier heads >actually they have tiny but wider heads! ok dude
It also literally mentions it's common in South Germanics in your picture
Oh no, if this goes on, maybe the average German will look South Italian in a thousand years!
Kayden Sanchez
Cancer thread.
All D and C scum get the rope. No one actually fights over who is Whiter.
Jonathan Peterson
traits of greeks >hairy (pubes on arms,coming out of ears) >fat >greasy >light poo skin >one giant eyebrow >crosseyed(whats the go with that) >smell >fat asses gross tbqh
Its not just to pick up a laughing old man facially devastated by sunlight and hard work as a racial example
Adam Green
Why not save your body for something better than cheap thrills? Virgin femanon at 27 here.
Parker Cooper
>You posted a map of only the British Isles. Yes, I'm glad you're capable of recognising the British Isles. Well done.
>Look at that diagram and tell me the NW Europeans don't form their own cluster. And I ask again, what is your point? You still have not articulating what, exactly, you're driving at.
For my own part, my point was that Britons are absolutely genetically distinct from Germanics, and even more so culturo-linguistically, a point which you continue to deny in spite of being apparently incapable of recognising or understanding the data of the cluster map I posted apart from the fact that "it's a map of the British Isles." What it suggests to me, which was my suspicion from the beginning, is that you are attempting to claim the Britons as an essentially Germanic people, which I perceive as a direct attack on their identity and their indigenousness to Britain as opposed to the Germanic Anglo-Saxons, who are aliens. Case in point:
>This basically tells me you have absolutely no sense of perspective, and are obviously just making things up as you go along. Nothing has been made up, here. Let me ask you: are native Britons and Germanics the same people? Yes or no.
>You start adhomposting with: It's not my fault that you had such an idiotic idea that Greek was a Romanic language. You know what sort of person has such an idea? An idiot.
>and then the very next sentence (!) you follow it up with a retortion: [...] What? What do you not understand? I was correcting your absurdly moronic claim that Greek was a Romanic language and then following up by stating that linguistics isn't the sum of what constitutes the Mediterranean identity. Are you slow?
Luis Baker
>they have slim skulls! >*proved wrong* >[commence intense damage control] embarrassing "south Germanics" are at the edge of the Germanic world, they are more like Germanized Celts, even by NatSoc standards who rightfully looked north at Scandinavians, a largely dolicephalic people, for a "pure" Germanic stock