Chinks are Subhumanoid scum
It is always best to tenderize dog before cooking it.
China is #1
I wonder if they would do that to whites if it came to war..
I doubt they have the physical capability to do that to a 600lb amerimutt
We should’ve let Best Japan finish the Chinks off. They’re nearly as bad as niggers, but just conceal it better.
Chinks are among the absolute lowest form of scum the human race has ever produced
Wrong lad. Carnists are subhumanoid scum.
An ABC/Washington Post poll?
Chinks are the lowest of allahs creations.
The Japanese are the only exeption to this.
The japanese are not chinks. Learn your slurs.
oh shit i thought chink was term for asians in general, what word should i be using then?
Who would want to eat mans best friend....
Wait, why would anyone want to eat a predator, aren't herbivores better in that regard?
the japs are gooks
the chinese are the chinks
lrn2insult m8
Absolutely backwards,those men
i thought the vietnamese were gooks.
yeah i know that nip is for the japs but what word would mean asians in general, or does such a slur exist?
>Its not screaming, its just the air leaving the body
In seriousness, cooking animals like that is a terrible idea, the guts explode and spoil the whole meat
chinese are subhuman
slanteye or shovelface are the only two I know that cover the broad spectrum of yellow-tinged drones.
The only general Asian slur I’ve heard is slant eyes.
Jesus fucking christ, at least kill it before you boil it.
I trust the average jew above them.
I'll never forget that webm showing dozens of them look then walk past a dying toddler
Nuke them
asians have a sub-human culture, the reason no one would help a dying todler is because to them, its just another distraction from there daily lives, life is extremely cheap in most asian countries and they all know it.
if you have seen the video of the chinese man who gets in a car crash on a highway, both cars are totaled and hes standing next to the wreckage on his phone in the middle of the highway, another truck comes along and runs him over and is clearly not slowing down, the thoughts of the driver were most likely "i will not slow down for people because a person should not be standing there and i dont have time to slow down because my job is at risk"
Yeah dude, or that criminal guy grabbing a toddler from his/her head and tossing him/her to make a distraction for his escape.
Or that one video where a guy stomps on a kid, with people passing by casually.
Excessively human. Albinoids are the inhuman ones, and that is our advantage over the baby rapers and the eaters.
Sorry for my grandads, which taked Berlin.
unless you're a vegan complaining about this then you're just a virtue-signaling hypocrite
We should have let the nips fuck up China and the Germs remove the kosher kebab
There is a qualitative difference between killing something and torturing it.
It isn't the killing that irks me so much as the grotesque pettiness. It's degrading.
Let me guess, you're a petcuck and this retarded comment is about what chinks do to dogs?
Dogs are carnivores, meaning they slaughter the innocent on a daily basis to survive. Each living dog requires the slaughter of hundreds of innocent lives per year to produce dog food.
A dog only acts as a stand-in for a real child and pointlessly pushes your girlfriend's eggs closer to their expiration date as you waste precious time taking care of the substitute instead of your own real child.
As a white man, you should be trying every day to forcibly suppress/kill the pathological altruism inside of you that irrationally drives you to care about outgroup creatures such as dogs, cats, etc. This instinct only worked in an all-white society and is now obsolete.
Getting a pet is de facto participation in white genocide. If you like dogs, you are the enemy.
For those of you who already have dogs: If you can't bring yourself to kill a useless freeloading parasitic outgroup beast that passively acts as a white genocide enabler just by existing, then how can you possibly hope to kill actual human liberals when the civil war begins?
I strongly advise you all to kill your pets as practice for hardening yourselves, and also to free yourselves of what is objectively a useless burden costing you thousands of dollars in food per year, made up of the corpses of the sort of mercilessly slaughtered innocent animals you are right now pretending to care about.
Pets are a proxy burden to the race you claim to care about. Every second you waste looking after an animal could have instead been spent as labor toward the wellbeing of your people. If you have pets then it proves you don't actually care about your race at all.
You all talk here every day about how you're going to start putting your race first, and everyone else dead last. PROVE IT by killing your useless pets.
Dogloving one of the typical indo-evropean thing.
also to the people saying that japanese are an exception to the insanity of asian culture, are dead wrong, the japanese do equally sick things eg the 'taji dolphin hunt' were they use brutal methods to kill dolphins one of the earths most intelligent species which we now know are very aware of pain and what is going on around them, and the excuse of why they do these things? "muh culture" "muh tradition"
to understand the mind of an asian who does these things would be trying like to understand why a person from the 1600's did the things they did.
plenty of the stuff that happens in the meat industry can be considered torture
probably on a much bigger scale than the dog torture, too
Psychopath / Sociopath detected
Get the fuck off this site you degenerate fuck.
Wish Hitler was still alive so he could gas your animal hating ass.
If you don't have a gf, a pet helps meeting women and teaches one the responsibility and benefit of having a child. I do agree at some level with the parasite idea, because pets can easily become a plain old burden, especially those that don't know any useful skills.
As someone who works In a Casino I can guarantee you yes Chinese people are not human, I'm a expert on them
Murdering a dog is the clearest sign of being a subhuman unworthy of life.
I don't associate with slaughterhouse workers, likewise actors, whores, Jews and journalists.
Simple enough principle, chuckles.
*tips fedora*
not many people care about a dog being killed or farmed, its the lack of empathy or awareness that asians have for others and especially animals that upsets people, they are unintelligent and ignorant to things around them and it causes them to torture animals because they dont know any better, because they dont care, they dont know how to care.
your talk of killing pets is not relevant to this thread.
how does that relate to the argument?
Lol OBSESSED keep thinking about us faggot
The only man with sense in this thread.
Sorry for all the basedboys with hurt feelies giving you shit.
>As a white man, you should be trying every day to forcibly turn into a psycholathic chinkoid/jew
They would probably try and then die of heart attack... Or cut off the fat and render it into oil to fry the meaty parts.
Unless it's a pitbull
No gunz stay mad Aussie fag
user, what's wrong with that rightmost dog's lower jaw? Pink werid looking flesh.
Lol. Absolutely based. How can chinks get away with not giving even the remotest fuck about anything? Imagine if we had such freedom in the west...
Chinks should be removed from the Earth. I fucking hate chinese they are the niggers of Asians.
t. achmed
>let me tell you who is human fellow humans
Any Asian can be a gook
All Asians are slants. The Chinese are chinks. Gook originally meant Korean but now, confusingly, also means Vietnamese and perhaps other southeast Asians. The japs are nips. The Filipinos are flips, and possibly also gooks.
>nips are best slants
Although they look better on paper, they intrinsically repulse me more than niggers or spics.
>asians have a sub-human culture
No, they have subhuman insectoid brains
>let me tell you who is human fellow humans
>oh dont mind my dogo death squads going full holodomor mode on dogs
please take your ignorance somewhere else, pitbulls are just big cuddly babies who like cuddles, mine loves me and would protect my family with its life, i let my pitbull in the same room and my newborn all the time and it only growls when a stranger enters the room.
(pic of my pitbull "pibbles" he only looks angry because a toddler was staring at him and he got scared)
Your whole reply can apply to any carnivorous species on earth.
Too bad you are too dumb to realize dogs aren’t carnivores, they are omnivores. Specifically, they are scavengers which will feast on carcasses if they are able. This goes back 60,000 years to their Canid ancestors, wolves, when we first started incorporating them into human routine.
If you’re not trolling, you’re just an idiot. You’re likely a bitter, life-hating gook who is trying to justify the disgusting practices of your heathen countrymen.
You’ll never escape the third-world life, and this eats at you everyday, in a way that is much deeper than you could ever impose on a dog. You will rot in hell, after spending your life achieving nothing worth remembering.
fucking shit hole
>let me tell you who is human fellow humans
>let me tell you who is human, fellow humans
You are absolutely retarded. Our ancestors breeded dogs to be loyal companions, to help us survive, hunt and keep company. Nothing is more based than a man that owns a dog that is breeded for work and actually used for it, like hunting dogs.
What makes a man white other than his skin color? His compassion for other living beings, be it dogs, cats, cattle or niggers. This is what is lacking on all of the other human species, this is what helped the white man grow as powerful as he is.
And before running your dumbass mouth again, look into dietary requirements of dogs.
CATS are carnivores in the true sense of the word. Their metabolism is very different than dogs, which is simply verified by feeding a cat a meat-only diet. They will thrive. Dogs will not. This is why idiots who feed their dogs “raw food only diets” commonly are put in their place by veterinarians.
All of you fucking pussies should be grateful that such desensitization training material exists.
You need to harden yourselves against the pathological altruism of your white genes and relearn tribalism.
If you're so much of a girl that this incredibly tame video actually makes you experience fee-fees, remind yourself that this dog is not a member of your tribe, your bloodline, or your family, so you don't have the slightest reason to care about it
If any of you have any useless pets that just shit and eat, such as dogs, I recommend you kill them as practice to train yourself to prefer logic over emotion
Logically, there is no reason for you to have a pet dog. It's a costly annoyance, and with its small size and cute face, it has hijacked your instinct to care about "cute little lifeform" which is supposed to be reserved strictly for the babies you should have had by now.
Pets are a white genocide plot, only whites really care about pets because of pathological altruism, and those pets sabotage your paternal instincts if you don't already have kids, you'll always see white girls with dogs wait until their mid 30s to think about a family and then it's too late.
If you can't bring yourself to stop caring about some stupid fucking animal, then how do you expect to survive a civil war?
Also your pet requires the slaughter of thousands of animals per year just to keep them alive with giblets created out of the corpses. You can't just ignore this, pooh-poohing facts is what shitlibs and redditors do.
Fuck you all, I don't feel any negative emotion whatsoever toward these Chinese women, but my hatred for you feelie-weelie cucks knows no limits.
>let me tell you who is human fellow humans
Why the fuck would I want to embrace tribalism? Look how far the people who still live in tribes got, they live in motherfucking mudhuts, killing and eating eachother. Get the fuck out with your shitty baits.
Yeah too bad there were scums here too but atleast the society is appalled by it.
Stop hiding your flag Zhao
They really can't cut their throats first?
Fuck yea they are! Japs are master race chinks, fillipinos are nigger chinks and the other chinks fall somewhere in between.
>China #1
Spotted the curry nigger
That was a long reply.
Your delusional rant is either a sad attempt at a troll, or worse, pseudo intellectual, existentialist fodder which is so far from any cohesive point that an average meth head degenerate could come up with something better.
Just go kys and make the world a better place.
He belongs in tribal Africa
Not an argument.
Aaaand another sage and ignore ....
Reread it, I know it’s in English but you can try harder than that
I am not morally responsible for the feckless and infantile behaviour of thumbheads and dgens.
>"Chinese are monsters! Glad the West has better treatment when it comes to animals!"
Top kek
I tell people all the time we should have nuked the chinese when we had the chance. It gets me weird looks and people are shocked thinking im just being edgy but no, these "people" are worse than niggers, niggers are animals that belong in Africa, chinks tho...
Brits and Americans sided with Chinks and Jews in WWII over honorable Germans and Japanese, literally every people the Anglo allies with is the evilest
I don't know of any American meat manufacturers who boil animals alive. Do you?
I am grateful that a voice of reason and sanity still exists in this world. With the overwhelming whining of blue-pilled soys, it can be truly disheartening to. Thank you, and please keep posting your red pills whenever these slide threads appear.
The Japanese wanted to use biochemical weapons to spread epidemics in China to cull them off, I wish they had been successful and not been stopped by the Americunts
I would have no problem killing a pitbull. Problem is their hyper personality and locking jaw.
The problem is the fucking stupid owners who "rescue" horrible violent dogs. Just get it put down and tell your kids it's taking a long nap, jesus christ.
In Asia, many people view Dogs as Household Assets and many others view them as family pets. In Vietnam, people either raise dogs as pets, guard dogs, or as livestock. Many people are poor there so dog are a reliable source of income for some. Some people also steal dogs, known as dog thieves, who go to villages and steal people dogs to sell them to people. People there love dogs but they also don’t value dogs not their own highly, most dogs are valued at around 100~ usd. People there do no believe in adrenaline rush making dogs taste better so usually it’s 1-2 hits to the head for painless kill. People do not enjoy the killing of dogs, it’s simply business there
Are you upset that Pol/ is shit talking about you're beloved Asiatic Waifu master race?
>All of you fucking pussies should be grateful that such desensitization training material exists.
I've watched like everything bestgore has to offer but chinks torturing dogs for fun is just sick. Unironically kys you nigger faggot
>That was a long reply.
Not an argument.
>Your delusional rant is either a sad attempt at a troll, or worse, pseudo intellectual, existentialist fodder which is so far from any cohesive point that an average meth head degenerate could come up with something better.
>i.e. "I don't like your post"
Not an argument.
>Just go kys and make the world a better place.
Not an argument.
Pathological altruism and sympathy for outgroup organisms is what destroyed our world.
We need more abuse like this. It's a healthy exercise in reminding ourselves that ONLY we matter.
If you have any pets, I suggest you kill them as a desensitization exercise. If you can't bring yourself to kill your worthless parasitic pet (that probably costs you thousands of dollars per year to keep alive and shits everywhere and subsists off of other brutally murdered animals that were transformed into giblets to be sold at the store), then how do you expect to slay commies in the race war?
I command you all to kill your pets.
whoever is doing this needs to be killed in the same manner. It is simply torture.