>Not supporting Israel
Why not ? Are you gay? Did not think Jow Forums was muslim lovers
>Not supporting Israel
Why not ? Are you gay? Did not think Jow Forums was muslim lovers
fuck off JIDF, we support IRAN HERE.
Stop that
She is the vehicle through which more misery will be brought.
>Look at these beautiful women justifying my political opinions Jow Forums
>Meanwhile, in another thread
>This is why women ruin everything Jow Forums
Reminder: Israel is losing the demographic war and their disgusting rat-faced people will ALL die. They will ALL be driven into the sea, and there isn't shit they can do about it.
I cannot wait to watch these disgusting heebs' flesh melt off in nuclear fire.
Oh my, fucking THIS
Jewish birthdates are higher than Arab ones.
Birth rates
>thinking with your dick
Seriously just fuck off already, you're cringy as fuck
But user, If I support Palestine that just means all the QT Kikess princesses come over to Murica and Europe :)
Don't you want a Palestine so the QT Israelis become your neighbors? You aren't a gay, are you?
Yeah, the Ultra Orthodox birthdate, and that JUST happened like 2 years ago if I'm not mistaken. If you guys have more Orthodox Jews than you really will get overtaken and shoah'd.
That is a captive European girl.
this is the girl in OP pic
Listen to your fellow tribesman Moshe.
No, even the secular ones are having like 2.5 kids, and religious ones (not haredi) are havink like 3-5 kids
Because we hate jews just as much as we hate muslims, how is this a hard concept to understand?
When you are forced to leave for the sake of peace, you guys will have enough people to start filling pic related.
bring a jacket.
What the.....
I hope you get banned for antisemitism...
Special forces.
LOL? JIDF ??? LOL it's a myth
Til tinfoil hat please
These are JIDF shills.
It's part of their public relations doctrine.
sage in all fields
you are ridiculous. no one take your baits anymore, stop wasting your time.
Those aren't even semitic jews. Good job stealing eastern European girls. The racewar can't come soon enough.