Post slums from your country. I'll start.
Post slums from your country. I'll start
That's middle class at best in India.
Formerly one of our greatest cities
Looks like eastern Europe but it's more clean.
>that's middle class at least in Russia
I can post of other countries, in europe
Would you rather live in slightly cleaner apartments as the only white?
Ur all shit.
I think they demolished this ghetto.
We're always fed this story about how the peole who live in these places are disaffected, and that their plights are a result of those with wealth and power preventing them from building up.
So if that's the case why are they all dumping copious amounts of trash into their communities?! How is that any one else's fault but the individual people who are doing it?
We will have cartoons or w/e with a poor town covered in garbage and a scene where some rich ass holes speed through and toss out a cup. And that's how we're supposed to rationalize it. The reason poor neighborhoods are dumps is because rich people visit to shit on it. Just like the people themselves are poor because rich people shit on them.
West region slum.
East region slum. Infested with flips entering the country illegally. Flips to Malaysia is like Mexicans to USA.
Just check this vid.
I'd rather be dead right now where I live.
I went to Kuala Lumpur a few years back. I was very drunk and I had to go to a compound on Jala Bukit Desa (Tamen Desa area). Taxi driver dropped me of 15 minutes away due to shortage on cash.
I walked while I was very drunk. What a shithole. I saw rats, the size of pigs. Damn. What a mess.
Now this is Eastern Europe.
Typical Indian reserve in Canada
you made it out in one piece tho famalam
The new Fallout is looking great
I know that place. Absolute degeneracy. It's amazing to think that it still exist till now
They did.
It's usually not people. But various coloreds. Gypsies in my pic.
True. I saw some people hanging and chilling, but no one approached me.
It helped that I am 6'5'' (2meter). Tall dude.
Center of KL is nice by the way. Had a good time. Lots of cheap liquor and Aussie chicks.
Good food, good drinks, good women are all we need. Btw, checked.
>Post slums from your country. I'll start.
>I can post of other countries, in europe
Given that you, like a typical squatemalan corn nigger spic, can't read or follow directions, I am going to assume that those pictures are either of your central american shithole of mexico, or considerably better than your shitty retarded country
No longer exist but is the most iconic one.
Literally no one can compete with this. Unless Chernobyl was a thriving, futuristic metropolis before that shit went down.
holy shit was this the aftermath of a riot?
Is that a real life le 56% face
this pic is fucking horrific to me bros.
You are a faggot.
Audibly kek'd
come on poland show me the real stuff
"The Sails" in Naples, famous buildings you may have seen in some movies/series. Everyone hopes it gets nuked sooner or later.
most of these look 100000x better than a slum in argentina
id probs would not b able to tell im in a slum if i were in sweeden.
Are there any examples of slums inhabited by pure Aryan whites? These all look like slavs, mutts, and nonwhites.
Apart from those burned cars and a little trash that doesnt look bad
Truth. I was going to post a pic of a pot part of my town, but nothing in any Canadian city like a Rez.
I don't know, it can be. The place was turned into a park after the district government ordered evict it by force in late 90's.
Honestly the worst slums i ever saw were in France. Fuck i hate this country.
As for Switerland this is the closest i can think of.
That's Russia
Well, South Africa but that's because of the political situation. I looked at poor towns in rural US/UK/Canada/Aus but they all seem to be either immediately post-natural disaster or abandoned due to industrial disaster.
>what's a ditch
8589 Kenney St
Detroit, Michigan.
actually looks kinda cosy desu
Don't have any desu
I can give you a google maps location if you like XD
ps. I dont
fukin gippos thirst Napalm
This is also how most of the native reserves look in the US despite having vast wealth from the casinos
blows my fucking mind
gypsies obviously
Would love to have a Fallout: Latin America developed by Obsidian
>the state i was born in
>feeling overwhelming fascist ideologies
ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu why wasnt the holocaust real
We just make ours disposable, and rebuild every 20-30 years.
Is the Bijlmer considered slum in The Netherlands?
What is that suppose to be? I can't see anything. Typical Swede. Post people, not some buildings.
>picture related is how a slum looks like
woah where is this looks pretty cool
Have fun :3 this is paradise
ps. if you got flamethrower please borrow it to me
Nah, in middle class we now get outer walls made out of bricks instead of concrete. It's a little but step up.
yes and no. the housing is alright, by no means 'real' slums but you would not want to live there, so yes
Spikes on the railing six floors up. What happen?
Vancouver and surrounding areas are only place without harsh winter so all the scum of the earth congregates there.
DURGS and more DURGS
Not exactly a slum, but the biggest commieblock of my city. Picture is from the 50s.
That's the best you can find? That luxury. I can type in gypsy village _name of country_ and find a better slum or i can just search India.
looks like nice cheap houses...
is there a problem living there ?
friggin gypsies
This looks like a regualr street, maybe a bit gloomier. Is it really a slum ?
And here seen from the bottom
Where is Brazil flag with the favela's ...I think that would be /thread