We did it Reddit. We've gone too far. We made some poor cuck quit his job, cry on camera...

We did it Reddit. We've gone too far. We made some poor cuck quit his job, cry on camera, and dance around political incorrectness to talk about niggers in his store.


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Other urls found in this thread:


this brings me pleasure

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The fucking dildo on the table KEKEK

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They are not fake coupons, he's just a racist!

This guy is a Basedboy cuck. Still sucks Kendrick Lamars dick even after seeing all the dindus act like animals.

Attached: c61.png (800x750, 106K)

reminder that liberals hate niggers too, they are just more "tolerant"

Such impressive work lads, well done.

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fake, gay, and hilarious


Glad this faggot got fired. Maybe he can take the /sig/ pill, he's already emotionally triggered on niggers.

His mic is so shit I can't hear him. Quick run down

"niggers came into the store and ruined everything so I quit"
He never said niggers through, but we all know who the "gentlemen" were he was speaking of

>Some people are coming in with fake coupons... I don't know how to handle it, corporate doens't know how to handle it

Holy shit.

>numale is at starbucks
>they get a call from niggers saying they are coming and will film the entire thing to show they are racists if they don't handle free cofee
>niggers start calling the girl on the phone a white bitch
>they show up
>chimp out
>ask to change the store music to rap
>pound the counter desk asking for more free drinks like a western saloon
>more people show up
>they all demand free shit
>some goes in the bathroom shitting and pissing on the floor
>guy quits job realizing how niggers are subhumans

They deserve this 100%, if you work at starcucks consider quitting because Jow Forums might just bring it down

>play like kendrick lamar
>who won a prize by the way, go him

Faggot still sucks black dick. What will it take for basedboys to learn?

Attached: wewuz.png (1201x800, 1.66M)

>It's like they are turning on us
Gee you think faggot? Wow the shoe is on the other fucking foot, enjoy your chimpout you fucking earned it.
You aren't the good guys you told the American military to fuck themselves when they asked you for coffee.
This is what you get leftist and niggers are scum

The funny thing about all of this is that to stop it, all corporate had to do was say "No, we won't honor those coupons". But:
>muh virtue signalling
>muh implicit bias

Attached: c.jpg (679x420, 53K)

Literally this guy, literally this script

>We've tried to hard to speak up for these people
>they're turning on us
>why aren't these people mad at trump voters or gun shops
>we're the good guys


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The first time they accepted one they fucked themselves.
The fact that they accepted one after all the coupon shit /b/ did years ago? Free ps4s? Do you guys talk?

Looks like a longneck lamp to me.

This could be a quality troll, he uses pol-language towards the end of the video

looks fake



>if black people come in demanding stuff you give it to them
I'll give them the bidness end of my fucking 12 gauge.

>we did it
>obviously proper money is behind this

It's fun because this fucking white male work at starbuck.

>it's like they're turning on us
They were never on progressives' side to begin with. They're just taking advantage, and they couldn't be more opposed to any of the things progressives care about like anti-racism, women's rights, gay rights, not abusing their own children, etc.
Now that normal people are finally starting to realize this, maybe society can finally get out of this limbo and stop enabling these antics.

the comments are hilarious

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1. Working 4 months - 14 months / Typo?
2. World Star Hip Hop "squad".
3. "Act right, white bitch".
4. 2 Iced Coffees / 1 Double Chocolaty Chip Frappacino
5. Corporate authorization

Defo seems to be the guy - we need to find the video these dudes uploaded to world star.

ALSO: What exactly are we planning on doing once we've found him? I think it'd be great if we could red pill him by offering him a hand somehow - crowdfund something for him / get him a new job?

We get more mileage out of it if we reform him as /ourguy/.

>I have now had 2 different men explaining that they are "God" and they are instead "three persons", so I had to give them 3 cups!"

Checked and kekked.

Attached: Checkem2.png (480x375, 225K)

>I have now had 2 different men explaining that they are "God" and they are instead "three persons", so I had to give them 3 cups!

I don't care if this is a ruse, this is gold.

If we pay him. He would become /ourgoy/

> I think it'd be great if we could red pill him by offering him a hand somehow - crowdfund something for him / get him a new job?

This would actually be pretty great.

You made the meme a reality. They're no longer fake coupons, they're real.

Well done.

Like a monster who tracks down a little female child, just to give her shoe back.

We would be showing we are not monsters inside.

Social Just'd warriors

>I think it'd be great if we could red pill him by offering him a hand somehow - crowdfund something for him / get him a new job?

obvious Jow Forumsack pretending for our benefit.

Worth a shot.
Based job only though..
Construction, stripclub bartender, etc...

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Lulz have one (You)

>fake coupons
this is either a larp or the funniest shit I've heard all week

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>crowdfund something for him / get him a new job?
We could send him a coupon for Starbucks.

I don't know how you missed it tbqh.

Attached: StarbucksCoupon.jpg (1024x791, 116K)

Top zozzles


Oh I saw it; I just can't believe anyone would fall for it. Either way I'm loving every minute of this.


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you should go and try it. If they don't accept it. Just look them in the eyes and say "Oh... Its because im gay right? Why you are so racist?"

>two different men explain they are god and actually 3 persons so need 3 coffees


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If StarBucks publicly apologize to Sam Hyde our Leader (for serving him a cold coffee). We will stop harassing them. Someone needs to convey this message to starbucks.

I had amused sympathy for.Captin Starcucks until
>why take out on us why not trump voters or gunshops
Because you are bending over with your ass cheeks spread with a little note cellotaped there saying 'FUCK THIS HOLE'
>we tried to take care of them, we're the good guys
Says your education and chosen media. Which BTW YOU SOUGHT OUT for fefes.
I hope his two weeks notice is exactly the same the stupid cuck. That's what you get for cucking at STARKEKS.

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He sounds like Jonathan Ross.

I'm going with

>2 different men explaining that they are "God" and they are instead "three persons", so I had to give them 3 cups!"

Attached: Kek.jpg (640x480, 104K)

> make a Starbucks quiting video
> Jow Forums starts making Starbucks quitting videos describing chimpouts

fuck off bong

noone quit their job, just sme fag 4channer larping to make it seem like the cockamany sceme worked

>"W-we're the good guys!"

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Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucks!

>Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucksBan assault coupons!

They're destroying the safety of our starbucks!

>Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucks!

Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucks!

>Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucks

Ban assault coupons!

They're destroying the safety of our starbucks!

>Ban assault coupons! They're destroying the safety of our starbucks

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The nigga get his reparation right

Attached: YES.png (791x537, 128K)

Others will learn from this mistake

The level of redpilling will increase

Fascism rises!

Das rite nigs going to get it soon.

Can't find it on World Star - not too familiar with how effective it is at indexing videos however all of the usual keywords coming up for anything in 2018 are pretty thin on the ground as far as any low view count amateur videos of people going into Starbucks.

On the one hand given nothing happened except they had coffees made perhaps they didn't think it worth uploading / couldn't be bothered.

On the other, it does look like this guy has a completely new Reddit / and Youtube account - so it could be a clever troll...

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>yfw this escalates to "have sex with me for reparations or you're racist" and girls do it

>we're the good guys why are they doing this???
get raped by a pack of niggers faggot starcucks btfo

The best part about this is that the QR-code spells "Nigger" when scanned

Attached: pappista.jpg (194x240, 10K)

The voice of the muppet in the video (face undisclosed) is on this Vocaroo blagging Starcucks that they must accept coupons in this Vocaroo (? You decide).
Well spotted, I'd left it on after doing a thing last night that ... you don't need to know about.

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It would be very interesting if we could fan the flames and see how far...

>"do X or you're racist"

...can be taken. After all we're not the ones giving them this mentality we're just weaponising it and turning it on its subscribers and proponents.

i told u fools that was just someone talking to their friend larping as starbuks hq but u guliable fucks eat it up

I liked the one that scanned to "This is a robbery, empty the register!"

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Thats pure genious

They know full well that it's fake, they just see their opportunity and are willing to use it.

If this is a troll, I give this goy a 10/10 in acting skills. Entirely convincing.

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Russian hackers win again

"the insane people"

Bad anons! Bad!

>go to starbucks
>just sit and record a the employers while they look at you scared of
>do it everyday until they quit

Okay, I'm halfway through. He's a troll. He's hitting it out of the park. Megakek.

are black people out trolling us?

God my sides.

Man this thread. I kek'd hard at the basedboy apology video. I kek'd hard at the YouTube comments. I kek'd hard at most of the comments in this thread.

Honestly, this whole Starbucks thing is beautiful. I don't hate black people. I do despise niggers. Seeing this left wing establishment feel the fury of trying to embrace niggers is amazing.

I just hope we can find a way to give Starbucks exactly what it wants: more diversity everyday.

Ye but corporate doesn't honor them. The cucks who work there pay for those drinks.

How about
>segregate or you're racist
this could be funny with all the safe space retards out there

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No niggers are just retarded and violent, that isn't ebin trolling.

It's bizarre that the word, fuck, is acceptable but not the word, crazy.

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Hooka pipe.

Nah, you wouldn't. Stop larping

Attached: why not both.jpg (545x291, 33K)

It's a fucking dildo..

Dildo, bong and acoustic guitar..

So what happens when you tell them to fuck off aside from losing your job as a starcuck?
What's the worst that can happen?

>Makes sure the guitar is in the shot

Too bad he's already quit. Otherwise:
>Id him and his store
>make coupons offering free blowjobs from him if you're black
