>Tasks Create memes & Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit & stay well hydrated Spread flyers and stickers in your city
Caught the virus ... it ... changes you ... gives you strange urges ... being whipped with a red hot rod made of barbed wire for example
Still got most of your life before you, m8! Don't despair, be patient but stay on guard ... and if an opportunity presents itself, grab it by the bloody balls and don't let go!
Hard not to despair when I live in such an awful country but I'll heed your words, friend. Thank you.
Jeremiah Allen
It's more that you fags could hope for.
Lucas Bell
Niggers love shoes and Deichmann makes huge profits off the rapefugees when was the last time you were in a Deichmann or whatever shoe shop? There are always I REPEAT ALWAYS groups of up to 10 negroes shopping for Nike sneakers
Aaron Gomez
you are wasting a shitload of traffic on this clickbait almost 90% is advertising CDN bullshit these days depending on your geographic location and network speed this can make a huge difference if you avoid it all along t. rural and suburban potato link owner
Kayden Rodriguez
Solange die den PoC Afrika zurück geben, soll's mir recht sein.
Zachary Lewis
Haha, nice. At this point I don't care anymore, I'l just be edgy to my hearts content.
>not buying dreifachvernähte Stiefel from the Österr. Heer
Ob's shilllt oder sperg'd ob der Jude uns lacht! Der thread glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht! Gespammt sind die Register, doch froh ist unser shill, unser shilll Es braust unser thread da im Shill-wind dahin!
b l o o d r e f i n e r i e s
Okay. I have to say, that butt is virtual perfection, a symphony of polygons.
Haha, das muss n' Bernd sein. So dumm ist noch nicht mal Antifa. Well played, KC, well played.
ok if I had potato internet I would also block that shit but I'm on a 400Mbit/s connection with unlimited data so it's no big deal for me
Parker Edwards
The general is still open, go look for yourself and decide whether it's a honeypot or not. Use your brain.
Gavin Gray
Had my share of personal crisis in the last few years too ... painful to get through this but there is no other sane way than enduring anyway.
Things will change again ... look at Austria, I did not expect what happened to be possible two years ago. Ok, it is just a start but still.
Recently was presented with a real good opportunity concerning my career ... also would like to go into politics in the long run. I'd say even more change is imminent and I would like to be part of it. Do my duty. Grab fate by the balls.
checked. the 'official' narrative i seem to remember was related to a broader audience in a book and basically revolved around a missunderstanding i think. this seems to go well beyond that. also, the channel has only 10 vids or so, but seems to draw quite an audience for that
Hudson Gutierrez
Maybe things will get better in my own life, but for my country? I don't think there is much hope. I have no love for this land or the people dwelling within it, it's why I come here instead of Brit/pol/. Living here is suffering, you have to be an extrovert all of the time, adapting to this terrible "lad" drinking hooligan like culture that has taken hold of this country. You end up in isolation if you don't, like I am now. I don't know if it's like that in Germany or Austria but that's the norm here, drinking yourself to death every weekend until you fall flat on your face. Then it's back to the 9-5 Monday to Friday with the occasional "pint" with the "lads" during the week if you can. Oh, and don't forget about the football either. Got to watch that as well. This land is a degenerate dumping ground. I feel like a foreigner here, like I don't belong on this soil. I have no connection to this country or it's people.
Jonathan Parker
I drawed this. Do you guys like it? :D
Caleb Lee
Vanguardism faggot detected. You should rename your files at least.
Zachary Davis
>this seems to go well beyond that. I'm not seeing it. The video espoused a pretty tired version of the story.
Similar (maybe less regular drinking) here but never had much to do with such people. Same issues with finding some friends you can have a meaningful conversation with ... took me some years with lots of disappointments. Then again this 'behaviour' is maybe not so culturally entrenched here, even many 'normies' here have actual interests besides drinking and watching sports. I once lurked the Brit/pol/ for a while and found it rather ... underwhelming.
Robert Fisher
ok, imma take your word for it user, this probably follows along the lines of the 'official' containment narrative. still an interesting point though with what types of narrative the intellectually impotent intellectuals seem to work to delude themselves into having the inside scoop
Hunter Diaz
from the comments:
"wir schaffen das" will have the same value as "Ich bin ein Berliner" when more enlightened historians look at our era with perfect hindsight
EDIT: in the speech she compares the refugee crisis with the collapse of the DDR, which Germany also dealt with. The DDR had 20 million undereducated, indoctrinated people and a failing economy. Germany handled the integration of East Germany. The refugee crisis is peanuts in comparison. Context matters.
The huge growth of the German economy since 2015 is also partly due to the influx of new workers in a country that had already reached total employment. A lot of refugees are educated and Germany is in sore need of skilled and unskilled labor. It's why I moved to Germany myself and despite my impeccable record, it'll be 2 more years before I can apply for a passport (which I won't)
Finding meaningful conversation with people over here is near impossible. It's all small talk garbage about football, the weather and whatever else. Closest I found to meaningful conversation wasn't even with people outside, it was on here.Brit/pol/ has gone that route too. No actual discussion whatsoever just moans and groans about the same political drivel that has been discussed to death and talk about tea or whatever until the thread gets purged. You've been there so I suppose you have a rough idea of what it's like. When I get myself sorted out, I will move away from this country. Even if Germany or Austria or wherever I go isn't much better, at least I'll be around people who I can somewhat relate with at least.
Ayden Bell
>comparing low iq niggers with eastern germans will you can, without a doubt, teach a ape the alphabet he will still be a ape