Is terence mckenna our guy?
Is terence mckenna our guy?
not really
karl jung shill
he makes roots for sjw
not redpilled
don't listen to this guy, ID says underage. enjoy ban youngfag.
He said we should reduce the male population
Fuck no sage and kys op
He's very interesting but I wouldn't trust his politics
No, he was basically schizophrenic from all the drugs he did, talking about space aliens and interdimensional time elves. Don't do drugs
>karl jung
>not our guy
Looks like a back-alley Tunisian knife fight
we should, they've been pussified
yes. pol has always been an ANCAP board
is that Anthony Cumia?
Of course he is
Transdimensional vampires exist and suck your energy
he has lots of redpills, and the only negative thing I have ever heard about him was on Jow Forums, He said something about stopping male dominator society by reducing the number of males in the general population?
recently he is accused of adovocating the one child policy? SOURCE?
no, he was a sophistic hippie working for US government Intel, he was an agent, he admitted it. Look it up.
He's a corpse, and his soul will turn eternally in pitch black hellfire. Fucking degenerate.
How the fuck can fire be black, stupid?
Yes in some aspects. In others no.
im pretty sure he died like 20 years ago.
hes trying to tell you hes gay
All true
He was how the MK ultra went viral globally instead of just brewing in melting pot of America's cultural fabric. His message spread out and went viral amid the masses of uninformed wage slaves abroad who made excellent candidates for mental manipulation and covert affairs. Mckenna was a satanic element of the faithless hippie generation who had lost its tradition and sought to reinvent itself by blending faiths into a Unitarian commie collective while disregarding that multiculturalism relies on more than just sensory stimuli and charismatic orators such as Mckenna or Leary.
Mckenna's work on psychedelics is interesting, but he was a feminist and pretty much a sjw zombie when it comes to politics.
I personally have only recently heard some negative opinions of Terrence McKenna.
>he was CIA
>he wanted males destroyed?
>he was a Hippy psy-op 2.0
He's definitely my guy. But he does hold some SJW beliefs at the core of his talks. His discussions on psychedelia and what potential we hold is really red pilled.
he even talked about how everyone should fuck and not worry about monogamy and everyone should be cucked by everyone
He glows in the dark
I don't think he would have went along with the universal sjw madness, he would have called it fascist.
Yes, he favored a matriarchal society over patriarchal society.
No, humanity does not make progress in it's knowledge by taking drugs and sitting in an arm chair. Getting off your ass and doing empirical science is how we find out the truth. Degen hippy.
It's a Chesterton reference you soulless philistine. Jesus Christ does your country even have a culture anymore or is it all curry all the time?
He'd be right about the one child policy and I'd agree with him, and did, until I discovered the pervasive antiwhite sentiment infecting all forms of media. None of these other noble societies are going to reciprocate when you fall on your sword, white man. Stop praising the false doctrine of self sacrifice when it is to a horde of feverish, bloodthirsty savages that want to see you deposed and your kingdoms ruined. This is the weak trying to rend power from those who've earned it.
t. tree hugger turned realist
I dont know what a chesterton is
Very intelligent, well read and thought provoking but I doubt that he would be what pol would let pass as "one of them".
He's basically a person whose life style would fit for a smaller group of like minded people living in something like Hawaii(to where he retreated) and having a good/interesting time until they go extinct. They are observers and not creators.
I've been thinking like this since 1968, talking about it like this since 1980, but I never knew what... how it would come or what it would be. In the last few years, with the rise of a technological, a cultural artefact like the internet, I now see how it will make its way into the world. We are building the nervous system of the human oversoul. We are individual units operating under social rules that are pushing us ever closer toward dissolving our societies... societies—human groups run by rules—into telepathic collectivities of some sort. ... We have come to the end of our sojourn in matter. We have come to the end of our separateness
It is now very clear that techniques of machine-human interfacing, pharmacology of the synthetic variety, all kinds of manipulative techniques, all kinds of data storage, imaging and retrieval techniques– all of this is coalescing toward the potential of a truly demonic or angelic kind of self-imaging of our culture... And the people who are on the demonic side are fully aware of this and hurrying full-tilt forward with their plans to capture everyone as a 100% believing consumer inside some kind of a beige furnished fascism that won't even raise a ripple.
whos this tunisian knife fighter?
When did Willem Dafie change his nane?
"We have to stop CONSUMING our culture. We have to CREATE culture. DON'T watch TV, DON'T read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your OWN roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are — NOW — is the most immediate sector of your universe. And if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered. You're giving it all away to ICONS. Icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that, you want to dress like X or have lips like Y... This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion. What is real is you, and your friends, your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And, we are told No, you're unimportant, you're peripheral — get a degree, get a job, get a this, get that, and then you're a player. You don't even want to play that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world."
whats NPR? National public radio?
He mentioned something about how all political ideologies are cancer and we shouldnt' adhere to any specific one. He's really nice to listen to in the background. Of course, a lot of his thoughts are just pure insane.
No op he is not. He is a CIA larger who encourages people to find the elves. Protein, yu can't.
well said.
he's alright
This is the most asshurt I've been in a hot minute.
he was literally controlled opposition and ideological agitator who was arrested for drug smuggling by INTERPOL and was offered a deal to work for Intel. So no matter how appealing some of his abstractions might be and his liberal drug policy, its meant to compliment the mind control program.
McKenna was almost certainly a plant from intelligence agencies hence why his insanity has spread so far. If you want to learn about mystical things Manly P Halls The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a great start, but after reading that, it's good to challenge everything in it. Love Manly, but he in no way encapsulates every aspect of the subjects he touches.
>"DON'T watch TV, DON'T read magazines, don't even listen to NPR."
Extremist shit like this is why I don't listen to people like him. He's saying "don't be informed, don't be a part of society, be so individualistic that you can't connect with anyone else because you've created your own bubble and they've created theirs".
Fuck that noise. Be informed. Get your news from multiple, varied sources. Be educated. Be trained in your civil standards. And interact with your fellow citizens. Be engaged.
Not everyone on a Mongolian basket weaving forum will know G K, calm down.
What kind /ourguy/ spends his time collecting butterflies in the amazon rainforest, hallucinating off of roots given to him by literal ooga boogas, comes back to civilization and cries about how bad the West is, all while teaching people how to smoke dmt and eat mushrooms in order to meet interdimensional machine elves?
McKenna was my first redpill.
this is our guy
No, he’s too good for Jow Forums. It’s way too toxic here. Too many unstable children that live in fear of the environment around them
McKenna was very smart and had a lot of great points and ideas but ultimately he missed the point.
food of the gods was a good read. made me rethink our evolution.
reminder that machine elfs are Mononokes who gave him cancer
poor bastard is never in any good movies recently.
That's Anthony Cumia
it's complicated for me. responsible use of psychedelics has definitely made me a better, more honest person. but the culture around them blows. people use his writing to justify abject hedonism.
fucking colin quinn. too bad colin is part of the seinfeld mafia or he'd probably have a lot less to lose on the social justice front. i bet he'd be a motherfucker in social opinions on the state of the youth
I was listening to one of his lectures and he explains that during some of his firsts DMT trips where he met intelligent beings that he would be rub his chest and breath heavily to relax. Eventually realizing he was indeed still alive and in his room.
But at that point wouldn't he be completely passed out?
controlled oposition.
they wanted info on how the culture would create problems for the system.
the elites got scared with the hippie movement, actually protesting against war, inequality and modern slavery
>green pill
Nigger his brother is a legit scientist and most of what Terrance stated was as anti globalist as it gets. He constantly warned about brainwashing and addiction to television and corporate subversion, he was just a very smart hippie.
He was good at articulating how our institutions are manipulating us, but his whole alternative was just
>dude drugs lmao
One post by this ID. Why even respond? SAGE
>controlled oposition
forgot to add that he mostly spoke truth (like alex jones or david icke) but the main thing of this gatekeeper was he was focusing on the experience itself and on "machine elfs" of DMT making a subtle shift of attention to the visuals and hallucinations which are not important at all and depend from person to person. IMO, what is important is what you feel and how it changes the way you see things AFTER the experience and they way it changes your perception on things(doors of perception by aldous huxley is a great book to understand that). Not important how the "gnomes" look or how hipnotic his voice was lol
He is still interesting to listen anyway, but not to taken very seriously or very deep.
Also terrance predicted memes kek.
he has some good insights on psychedelics, but his politics are shit, muh racism, feminism etc.
Terence would be horrified if he ever saw the state of free speech today
He played his part in making people aware of other dimensional beings, and the increasing novelty of this reality, these are biblical concepts that atheists are less willing to consider, some drugs are known to force the revelations upon you. Salvia is one and it's still legal to mail order in many places. He was a huge fan of it.
anyone else unironically see Anthony Cumia in that face
or social media compaines
oh shit its not just me
has he been made aware of this
that's the definition of gatekeeping
My favorite quote by him.
Also conspiracy theorist neo-nazi's btfo:
Terence Mckenna on relativism:
No just asking this shows how little you know of the guy.
But hey I'm here I'll talk to you for posting this anyway....
“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
That's Terence's whole conundrum in one sentence. And apart from this (it being a general statement) the guy was a genius in his own way, a (real actual) shaman, it is a fitting title and we should be thankful for him receiving this recognition from respected people who dedicate their lives to the ancient mysteries without going public. One of the few titles left in this world that proves and validates ones genius as an actual human being - and not as some cooperate fake debt slave drone, not a title for a marionette, if you will.
Nothing I say can do this guy worth. A shame his library got torched, but he will be on the internet to be found by anyone for a long time to pass. Next to the other people who you can categorize with him, like he did himself but with their books.
The internet is truly keeping some people reachable for generations to come, so basically Terence will be around longer than OP. Speaking of OP; now piss off you shill enslaving fake debt generating warmongering jew
Has he ever said or done a single useful thing for the world? Take LSD and know yourself a litle better...okay thanks Terence.
You have to have, like, tripped balls before to, like, get what he's, like, saying man.
Yes. He endorses collectivism, but after carefully listening to his words I think he means of the natsoc variety.
Fine, I'll keep the interdimensional time elves which are actually bouncing balls that can create visual 4d language with their mind and teach use how to do it to myself.
I worked out for 2 hours and skateboarded for 2 hours for cardio earlier and after I was completely exhausted I sat down and tried to meditate, and it actually felt like it was intensely working moreso than normal. I felt orbs of energy inside my body for the first time, that was a new feeling.
I remember listening to this in like 2007. I remember thinking he was right but in hindsight it's amazing how right he was about memes.
His theory is that eventually we will grow to be interdimensional beings who can create physical visual 4d objects that convey meaning like words do. It seems out there but if you look at memes it does seem to be heading in the direction of a transcendent visual language.
>What is real is you
I thought he believed that the ego was an illusion.