Why don't white people take advantage of their opportunities?

At my university in Canada, all of the STEM fields are dominated by Asians, Arabs, Indians and a few whites. The majors that white people are focusing on aren't necessarily going to lead to success. They squander their education and the opportunities our parents never had.

Pretty much all of the white students at my school and people I grew up with come from affluent backgrounds and went to good schools but they end up wasting it for an arts degree or some crappy skilled trades degree.

I know this sub loves to bash immigrants and non-whites but why don't you ever talk about the problems in your own communities.

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Other urls found in this thread:


slaving away for toilberg in a tech job doesn't make you successful

>skilled trade

this is why i laugh getting paid £30 and hour to weld after i get smug comments from people who went into stem and are basically a still a lab apprentice

I like to program as a hobby, I think doing it as a job would kill the enjoyment

the longer i do welding the more I get paid

Depending on where you are in Canada, whites are a minority.

I do it to build something my children and family can use so they don't have to struggle like I've had to. I'll invest the money I make from working into things like stocks, rental properties, franchising a business, etc. Things that I can afford because I work a high paying job and I can retire in 20 years.

The return on STEM isn't as good as you're making it our to be. A lot of people who could go STEM if they wanted are going the MBA route because that's a more secure future.

Most of the people I know who went into skilled trades didn't go into them because they wanted to but rather because they were too stupid to get into University.

This type of youtube.com/watch?v=vxeM8ucicqw

tell me about it. All of my highschool friends had 2 parent households and would have had no trouble going to college. I had a single mother with no income and I put myself through college.
>all my friends are skill-less faggots barely scraping by whining about their pathetic lives now while extolling their superiority over niggers and spics even though niggers and spics are literally doing better than them.

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>too stupid to get into University
I got a vocational degree and I am doing better than anyone I know that has a 4-year University degree.

>this sub

r u me?

You're the minority. Some of my uncles are millionaires and don't even have an elementary school education.

Don't bash the trades bro, some people aren't built for STEM but prefer to work with their hands

>this sub
almost got me, OP

>Some of my uncles are millionaires and don't even have an elementary school education.
inheritance? lucky investments? How the fuck?

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They own their own successful businesses. One Owns a pizzeria, another owns a glass repair business.

well. good on them.

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since when is canada white

Aren't universities in Australia the same as I described?

nope, why would they be? have you ever seen our demographics compared to yours?

This pretty much.
U of T is divided into 2 main groups, whites and non white immigrants / jews / Asians. The latter dominates exact sciences and engineering while whites (even foreign students) are the main population of faculties like sociology and anthropology (whatever the fuck that means).

>trade school was offered for free if you did it simultaneously with high school
I took the offer, now getting an MBA. Supporting myself by working in that trade, self employed, I make $30-$100 an hour depending on the job and customer. I don’t like this enough to make a career of it though.
>they’re dumb
About half of the students were, and went straight to the workforce after graduation.

This, it's a nightmare knowing all these Whites are going to end up as second class citizens in their own home and will blame everyone but themselves. It wasn't always like this either, it's almost like it happened over night and it is painfully apparent when you walk down the hall with group pictures of each graduating class and see the racial transition for yourself.

Because Americans and Canadians are lazy fucks and don't give a shit any more. Ask any white person if they're willing to work hard, learn difficult subjects, and get a challenging job which pays well. The answer will often be "no" because we've been raised to get rid of all discomfort in our lives.

Contrast this with Asians, Arabs, and Indians, who have had rougher upbringings, had to fight to immigrate or get a work visa, or who have worldviews which show that suffering is useful. They easily win.

Easy times breed weak men. And we're reaping the results of that now.

No institution or board room wants boring engineers for their leading positions. Anthropology, sociology and humanities majors are atleast exposed to things and ways of learning that aren't mind numbingly boring or part of a formula

Stem-tards are basically 21st century factory workers, hence the non-white bugmen flooding those classes

Say it. They're beeznessmens in a Woodabreeege.

Yeah but we're also witnessing the transition. Once Whites fully awaken to the fact that they are vulnerable, the competitive drive will reawaken and it will be a swift resurgence.

subtle leaf, kill yourself

Its because you are in canada, at least at my college stem is still dominated by whites with the next biggest group being chinese nationals who will most likely fuck off back to china after graduating.

Idk, man. I fell for the "pick a major that you enjoy" meme and am a poli sci major about to graduate. However, I am graduating in only three years. I think I might just do the pre reqs and apply to med school in 1-2 years.

I hope you're right. I'm sick of being one of the very few non-lazy whites I know. It's so fucking tiring that I often just give up and become lazy myself.

>I know this sub loves to bash immigrants and non-whites but why don't you ever talk about the problems in your own communities.

from my perspective, it's a result of unbiased admissions/hiring decisions made by whites and highly biased admission/hiring decisions made by foreigners and POC.

the distribution of nationalities of the students in a grad program will strongly resemble that of the professors. it's much easier to communicate when you share native languages. they are probably more inclined to take on a student from their native country than take on an american student because they have connections back home.

naturally, if whites are consciously making an effort to seem racially unbiased, they're going to end up in the minority. it's as simple as that.

In the UK STEM is dominated by white men. Must just be your shit hole country.


so to answer your question, OP, yes, i do think it's a problem with "our own community", but not the sort of problem you're implying

Not everyone who goes into STEM is smart. And not all STEM fields are equal. Some stupid IT nigger is the lowest of low, that's why pajeets dominate it and we don't even bother hiring for it stateside anymore.

And desu, the government paid for 90% of my education, I got a job in a big city paying 110k (not incl. benefits) a year right out of uni, and paid off what little I did loan im that first year.

My job is secure, my field is growing, yours is not. Machines already do a better job at welding, and when their prices go down, you will no longer be financially viable.

Would it have anything to do with diversity quotas or the fact that overseas students have to pay for it? I'm not sure how it works over there, but I'm guessing that someone paying shekles through the nose will get preference if that's the case.

I hate school. Was always touted as a wunderkind and was given the burden of high expectation.
I dropped out 2 semesters in and got into landscaping because I like tending to nature.
Fuck books and fuck slaving away for someone else.

STEM is full of pajeets and Asians in America as well. I've heard it is the same in AUS

>My job is secure, my field is growing, yours is not. Machines already do a better job at welding, and when their prices go down, you will no longer be financially viable.

Why do so many americans have this "I got mine"-attitude, it's fucking disgusting

Medical is a dead field, good luck getting a residency if you don't have connections. I know a handful of people who did stellar on the USMLE but have yet to find residency cause they just didn't have the connections other people did.

not uncommon my uncle is dumb as shit, but made 1.2million last year alone. just has a really good eye for business and fucking people over

Cause earth is flat, space isn't real, the planet is running out of resources, and tech just creates more comforts for goyim to be pacified while their society crumbles.

Take varg pill.

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That wasn't my intention, the britbong was acting as though he was better than someone who pursued STEM because in the short term he is making decent money. I was merely stating the reality of his long term prospects, and how pursuing STEM wasn't a choice for my immediate furture alone, it's long-term.

I personally believe the Luddites were right and that technology dooming mankind is inevitable

I don't want a competitive residency. I am happy getting psych or FP

Trades ain't ever going away and any one that thinks they will is a retard

white affluence is an unfortunate myth. the fact is most whites are not affluent. if you strip away environmental factors, in terms of potential, whites are pretty solidly average. jews have historically been much more wealthy and have above average potential. many immigrants are higher caliber (it's a selection effect), so they also will tend to out compete average people.

and why do some people choose majors that are not in their best interest? well, selection of major or field of study is largely a result of what's been marketed to people. if you grow up in an environment that tells you to become a doctor or lawyer (like many jews) or an engineer or scientist (like many asian immigrants), then you'll probably do just that. If you grow up in an evironment which says you should follow your passion and study music, art or poetry (many middle class white kids with boomer parents who were fortunate enough to live in a time when competition was far less intense for the same amount of limited resources), then you're more likely to go that route. I'm not going to blame the cultural engineering of marxists and other hippy types, but I think you see where I'm going wiht htis.

This is true.

sure cuck
playing vidya makes live worth it

You must live in a shitty area


there are more poos and chinks so only the best end up here to compete, we should kick them out so stem doesnt suck

unfortunately, OP and many others pretend we're being out-competed when in reality, it's just that whites are socially obligated to avoid expressing ethnic self-interest, but nobody else is held to this same standard of conduct.

No I think you misunderstand, they haven't been selected for ANY residency. The system in the US is such that the medical board handles all applications now, so everything has to be done through them. There are currently far more people applying every year for residency than there are openings. The only way to get one is to have a connection at the hospital you're hoping to get to who can pull your application through.

You are genuinely fucking retarded if you are still denying that automation and robotics are not a threat to pretty mucu 90% of the work force. Sure there will be trades left, but it will just be the stuff that is to difficult for a machine to do, until a machine can do it.

he is paying me 350k a year though

Generally, non-stem majors are easier, but require more writing and reading. If non-stem students work as hard or are as motivated as successful stem students then they will also find successful careers. However, many non-stem majors are not motivated or hard working. If these same students found their way into STEM they would still be unsuccessful.


because we hate each other

>They squander their education and the opportunities our parents never had.
What good (relative to theirs) opportunities do I have with my science degree that my parents never had?

Whites are naturally inferior to Asians. The white students cannot compete against them on STEM fields

Automation might affect you in it department or a burger flipper but not a tradesman. Your degree is obviously not worth the paper it's printed on if you are that lacking in common sense

Well it is easier to establish cheating rings in formulaic courses.

and this is the crux of a bizarre phenomenon that has vexed me for so many years, even before college. i have Jow Forums to thank for guiding me to the answers, but not everyone on Jow Forums seems to be on the same page.

>Some stupid IT nigger is the lowest of low, that's why pajeets dominate it
>t. normie faggot
Any professional software engineer who's ever had to dive into code written by pajeets will tell you how horrendous it is.
Thank god they're almost nonexistent in Italy, they all seem to go to burgerland.

This. I am in a non-science major, and there are opportunities post-grad, even if you don't go to graduate school. However, everyone has a
"Cs get degrees" mentality and are fucked

Well in my case literally no one in my family line has ever gone to college and my parents are unskilled drug dealers who got divorced when I was 12. I still hoping can go to school soon, but I need to move to a different state to do what I want to do. White people are increasingly poorer. Middle class is dying.

The non-white, yet non-nigger types are just cherry picking our seats and they're being handed out to them. You ask why we don't take advantage of these opportunities? Well, they simply don't exist. Our money pot has been divided up so many times in so many ways that we are fragmented and isolated from our own country's opportunities. There are all kinds of scholarships for non whites (pic related), and white men are always thrown under the bus unless they stand out in the top 10%, pretty much like dating sites. Even when you're in the top 10% against the odds, they still are constantly trying to throw you under the bus and see you as a threat or in the way of their personal ambition which has been stoked by culture. It's bad enough we have to take these people on as a burden and share our credit with them which they haven't deserved, but then it's so demoralizing to watch it go to their heads and ask for more and more as they see you as some object to carry out their bidding. I swear you are going to see every organization run by women who use all budgets like shopping money and they get to go around shopping for whatever the company needs rather than cultivating the business, and then when they get what they want they climb the ladder again and leave everyone behind to deal with the messes they've made.

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>this sub

you morons

>Asians, Arabs, Indians
They are the ones that get discounts and grants to attend schools
White people get sweet fuck all even though it's us and our parents that paid all the taxes the government gives away to those shitskins.
what fucking country do you think you're in?

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If you are going to college because you need a job asap after grad, get a professional degree and attend CC before uni

Then why do shit skins and all their shades want a white life? Why do they flee their shit skin shit holes? Why do they ask for assistance from white people and culture to attend white schools?

You have some questions a anti white fuck like your self never could admit nor answer. I hope I get to kill 40 score of people like you before I die and I hope my fellow whites who are sick of the shit also get to kill 40 score of your kind. Because you do not deserve to exist!

>skilled trade

My brother pulls roughly $54 p/hr (this is the lower end) as a Heavy Equipment Repairs Technician / HERT 1 1/2 yrs of school.

My cousin pulls between $6,200-7,500 per month as a GunSmith...

WTF are you talking about?

>And they're economically bullet proof

No matter what, even in SHTF scenario, trade jobs are in demand. If your a gunsmith now, let alone if SHTF, your as valuable as a Doc. Your knowledge makes you a valuable asset.

Guess who is worthless if an economic collapse or similar situation ever happens? Pro Tip: Lawyers, English Majors, Gender Studies, etc.

Most valuable if SHTF: Veterans, Gunsmiths, Doctors, Engineers, Electricians, Plumbers, skilled tradesmen and everyone from the STEM field.

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You keep saying trades as if they are a singular field that is impervious to automation. The trades you think are going to stick will probably be the first to go. I already said that some would stay, because the costs of machinery outweighs that of a human. So unless you are going to be a plumber or a dental assistant, go ahead and keep your head in the sand.

>this is why i laugh getting paid £30 and hour to weld after i get smug comments from people who went into stem and are basically a still a lab apprentice
>I like to program as a hobby, I think doing it as a job would kill the enjoyment
web dev here
I'm good with my hands and diy, pluming that sort of thing
what's welding like as a trade?

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So basically she stole 180000 $ taxpayer's money from Americans.

Because as a white man, I'm making more money with a grade ten education working a job with less prestige than these dumb as fuck underpaid foreign jackasses riding around in credit purchased Mercedes-Benz shit boxes.

Because in Canada you can earn a very good living without a university education. If you have a grade twelve diploma you could apply for a job with the Canadian National Railroad right now and get a six month paid training course and immediately be placed in a dank as fuck job earning six figures.

White people are taking advantage of their opportunities and making bank. Take a look at the demographics in Fort Mac. Those morons are making a million dollars every four years, minimum.

"Muh fukken STEM."

Freedom 35 is possible If you take advantage of your fucking opportunities. Nut up and get a job in industry.

t. boomer
None of this is true. Asians, Arabs and Indians are lazy as fuck. The ones who aren't are the ones who come here, but that's called a survivorship bias and you can't draw any conclusions from such a sample. Any white who moves to Japan or Europe is probably "hard working" too - because it takes hard work to emigrate to some of those fucking countries.

I don't know what the naming conventions are for spaghetti niggers but IT is not considered a STEM field. IT is tech support, networking bullshit, sys-admin. There is little to no programming involved.

I'm well aware of the pajeet programming skills, and most companies have realized that. Pajeets only get hired for remedial roles, unless they actually are skilled.

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>Asians are lazy as fuck

there are interview study classes now for the high paying jobs. while whites just fail them

>I can retire
and what's the next step of your master plan?

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So judging by their success, why go to university? Literally ask them what they did and then go do it.

Back before Colleges became diluted and shitty, this manner of thinking was correct. Only the truly elite could get A's and B's. Getting C's and a degree was still honorable. This was back when the average IQ of a college student was 120 or so, and colleges were White and mostly male.

Now universities are diploma mills and the greatest sin is to not have Tyrone get his degree. I mean fuck standards and meritocracy. So yeah, getting a C in 2018 is shitty.

No one has because you faggots don't take down the numbers.

in the US, whites are the most underrepresented racial group in ivy league schools relative to intellectual ability

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Asians and Indians lack abstract thought so I'm doubtful. Unless of course you include the in-group bias.

I get by fine these days. Don't have a lot of needs and I have a decent job. I just wanted to pursue a career in marine science and I need to live near the ocean and a decent university for that. I think I will take at least some of the classes at a CC to reduce costs. I appreciate the advice.

Robots will never replace humans in the trades. You are insane to think so. A robot can't problem solve a human can. T.bh your job is probably the only one threatened by robots

you can also see that california schools are bringing in a disproportionate amount of asians relative to their ability

This is so true. My last year in EE I decided to sign up for a masters course as an elective, and so all the other classmates were masters students. There were like 3 guys I recognized and then the rest of the class was packed full of Indians. Every time they came in the room it smelled so bad like curry and BO. Before the teacher would get to the class each time, there was 1 smart Indian guy passing out answers to all the other Indians. They didn't pay attention in class and disrupted it by constantly talking to each other and being arrogant when the teacher tried to call them out. The professor got pissed finally after the first exam he realized they all cheated. He was so old and naive, I remember he had walked out of the classroom to take care of something while we were taking the test and once he left all the Indians started talking to each other. When the professor tried to report them he was basically told he had to pass them because the university gets a lot of funding to take on these dot heads. After that he pretty much gave up and the entire lectures were directed at 5 white people and the ring leader Indians while the rest of the pajeets fucked off.

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Going to those universities for undergrad (excluding UC and UCLA) is retarded unless you are rich or have a significant scholarship to begin with.

>Build something for my family
>Retire in 20 years
Pick one, lazyfag. Building something significant will require your sacrifice. Do it for your family.

>they were too stupid to get into University.

this makes no sense, colleges don't have legitimate standards anymore


They are going to have to deconstruct or disinfect and desmell the buildings at microsoft in redmond, big time.

Then there is the fact, that the white employees in hiring, only hire the stinkdians, so they can abuse them.

Basically the software giants have been turned into philanthropy organisations. Which means they are doomed.

Hence, windows 8.

>does back breaking manual labor and until he is a addicted to pain killers and can't work anymore
haha yes I have the better job

Why would I want to work some manual labor job in the archaic fucking railroad industry. You have no job security, you are only thinking in the short term and one day you will be tired, middle aged, and unable to transition to something else after you get laid off. You really have been brainwashed to think that work has to be laborous and blue collar bullshit, haven't you?

My job is exciting and on the cutting edge of space technology. I don't even consider it real work because I enjoy it so much. The company is the shit, I make a real difference in our projects, and don't feel like a replaceable cog in massive machine. They can't just train some dumb snow nigger to do my job in 6 months like you.

t. jew disinformation

I had a 3.7 until the libs started screwing me so they could lefty everyone.

Oh my God! Farrakhan was right!

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Yep, white men and achievers are there to throw under the bus so the important ones can look good.

A close friend of mine became a welder. He ended up in alaska doing patch welds laying on his back in mud holes on oil pipes. Back fill welding.