NatGeo Instagram

How mad does this make you?

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Nothing makes me mad anymore. I'm literally insane.

Looks like a nice, smart, young man. She seems rather trad, and not an overt thot. I imagine you are trying to fan the flames of racism and I would be foolish to not bite as I am just a fish.

This hit too close to home

>homecoming king
>homecoming queen
if these two even knew each other's names before this picture was taken, i'd be surprised

Is it too obvious to make coal jokes about Pennsylvania?


statistically improbable

They look so happy.

I'm just waiting for the collapse of society, some sacrifices have to be made, but this will motivate me to lift even more

I swear to god I would castrate you

she doesn't look too happy about it

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Jesus christ pol is sucking me in im literally searching the internet for pictures of these people im one of the weirdos now sage

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Since they are homecoming royalty, there's almost no chance they are a couple. NatGeo has always been about the jungle fever.

Why would this make me mad? They're American.



I'm really not sure if they are just fucking retarded and they didn't realize how "insensitive" their post might be and its an elaborate troll or if its some cuck at that company showing off his fetish.

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Doesn’t bother me. One day there will be a race war. We all know the nigs won’t be standing in the end. Their mongoloid offspring and the degenerate coal burners that helped spawn them will all go into nitrogen asphyxiation chambers. We will clean this cesspool up.

You know this doesn't mean they're fucking, right? The homecoming king and queen are chosen separately, then they pose for pictures together. Weird that NatGeo is sharing this for some reason, though. Or NOT weird, once you remember the new director is Jewish

NatGeo's new role is to offend and upset local cultural and ethnic norms and customs.

>Makes black kid pose on a football field

Thats a lot of words, should just say you're a faggot. Concise speech is important user.