ITT we wish Lizzie a happy birthday

Our queen just turned 92

Attached: queen-elizabeth-preview.jpg (2016x2837, 894K)

She will become the longest reigning monarch ever.

Longest reigning muslim monarch

It'll probably end with her, sadly.
None of her kids are worthy of the throne

Monarchy is degenerate, fuck off

roastie cunt

>Amerimutt is just a meme

>None of her kids are worthy of the throne

I beg your pardon?

Attached: charles.jpg (1200x1450, 521K)

I wish modern women would dress like this.

She was so hot, shame she's a lizard.

He's a crypto-muslim and an environmentalist fag

Some do, but they're all grannies

the queen of the cucks

If they listened to her and she had her powers they wouldn't be cucks

gonna jerk it to this pic later, thanks

Fighter's knuckles.

I would have done horrifying pervy things to a teenage Liz.

Looks aspie af.


might b e the last white queen of britain, shocking isnt it?

short for lizard

dont be mean