Why do europeans accept american problems?

why do europeans accept american problems?

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First of all.... They're European problems....Second of all....Europe is filled to bursting with pussy boys

You created the problem you retarded mutt.

They are not American problems and they are not European problems.
If these inbred fucks cant fix their own fucking problems then they dont deserve to live!

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Well America basically enforces the culture of "The West" at this point, it leads the way in having and creating these problems, then normalizes them and pushes them in the media as if they're somehow not just not a problem but somehow good or noble.
Much of developed Europe is just a vassal state of America at this point and just sucks off of it for its new cultural content completely so it isn't surprising at all to see a development like this.
Sorry Continentals.


The problem was created to fuck with Europe lmao

They are sand nigger prbolems, no one has a responsibility to do jack shit about it. If they willing chose to then that's on them not us.

by shitting up all the places around europe you actively promote people from these places to go to europe

and even if your president dislikes refugees your media supports them going to europe

Tbh these refugees should be shipped to the US en masse.

>by shitting up all the places around europe you actively promote people from these places to go to europe

Europe is free to tell them to fuck off, if they don't that's our fault how?

France is the one that initiated the overthrow of Ghaddafi, you know.. the gatekeeper keeping the garbage out of Europe.

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Doesn't imply that America or Europe has some sort of responsibility for the subhuman trash in the middle east and Africa.
If they cant even wipe their own ass without the economic aid of the west then they dont deserve to live. plain and simple.

WTF do we need illiterate inbreeds for anyway, bomb testing?
Fuck i'm sick of these fucking people. I want them all gone


They should be shipped to the Marianna trench

Dont act like they dont have agency and know what they are doing.

even if europe did tell them to fuck off, they would persist as a security threat and continue to cause havok since frankly europes borders are not really that well enforced

would it not be logically better if america had not stirred the beehive in the first place? i always find americans dodging this question and shifting blame typically.

because EU == Cuck

get jewed

You owe us for another few hundred years...

It's not like the middle east was not a chaos ridden shithole before any US intervention, and in particular the war in Syria would certainly be happening anyway and the internal warring factions there are causing far more destruction and death than US activities.

I am not for US intervention, and I am sympathetic towards the European people for having to deal with a deluge of sand nigger refugees. But, the wars and chaos isn't just because of the US, and certain European countries going out of their way to take as many thousands of refugees as they possibly can is completely on them. That's literally an invasion, they would of had every right to forcefully stop them, but they chose to pump them in as much as they possibly could as a humanitarian concern. That suicidal behavior is simply not on us.

We don't.

It only became our problem because of mismanagement at the (((EU))).

>even if europe did tell them to fuck off,
That's not going to happen.
It took 10x less jews for people to vote for Hitler and accept the removal of jews in the 1930s.
We're going to see a repetition of that history in the near future with the trash we have littering our once beautiful cities.

People are secretly sick as fuck of all these retards raping, murdering and stealing all our shit.
I feel no sympathy for these people, 0
That is the end result of this regressive shit

>the war in Syria would certainly be happening anyway

No it wouldn't.
It's spillover from your Iraq war.

inb4 and i used to be a fucking lefty

reality redpills

You mean shipped to Israel. They are the ones at the end of the day bombing the shit out of civilians, then turning to Europe and saying "open your borders to these refugees, you racists!" while sitting inside their fortress of an ethnostate.

Oh and Europes colonialism in Middle east and africa never happened right? Europe dindu nuffin, history began in 1950?

>Europes colonialism in Middle east and africa never happened right?

That was basically just France and Britain (and a little Belgium and Germany).

All we had was some trading posts that benefited both sides.

It's spillover from Arab Spring. The middle east has been non-stop chaos since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire - not something the US had any involvement in mind you.

Well said. I'll criticize US foreign policy all the time but I'm sick of this ultra simplistic, durr everything is americas fault that retards parrot

they are idiots?

there is no war in turkey, the refugees are safe there

you can book a luxury vacation in turkey today

Lets also not forget US would not be a world power if it wasnt for WW2, something the US didnt start.

>It's spillover from Arab Spring

The regressives and liberal cucks are trying to assign blame over to the working class in Europe and the US for shit we didn't even give 1 fuck about.

>why do europeans accept american problems?
>american problems

So you admit Europe had a hand in it. My point is, look at countries that US basically took over after WW2, SK and Japan, they're richer and more advanced than we are. Middle East has been fighting since Islam was created, you cant blame it all on us.

Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, UK and the Netherlands.
And the descendants of the people who led the slave trade and colonisation are called progressives / liberals.
Normal european poorfucks and farmers didnt have shit to say, now we're flooded because the fucking liberals feel bad about something their family did 10 generations ago so they fuck up Eurpoe as well.

Assad could easily handle his own population.

It's the Sunni fighters from northern Iraq that fueled the rebellion and supplied them with military grade weapons.


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Do you feel guilty for stuff Mexico did?
They are Northern American just like you.

>It's the Sunni
maybe but at this point who gives a fuck user.
They're all flooding into the west, destroying our lives.
Couldn't care less if the whole desert they crawled out of was sterilized with atomic weapons.


Point is America caused this problem.

Everybody knew invading Iraq was a terrible idea that would destabilize the entire region and cause problems like these.
That's why we were against America's war, not because we liked Saddam but because we knew he was better than the alternative.

Oh yes, not I have to feel guilty about WW1.
....a war my country didn't even take part in.

>but...but...all of Europe is the same
Fuck off Mexican.

>Everybody knew
Huh, if everyone knew why was your country part of the coalition?

>Everybody knew invading Iraq was a terrible idea
exactly, i dont know anyone who wanted that.

>That's why we were against America's war
whatever, who cares whose war it is.
I want solutions to how we can solve how we can get rid of all these refugees in Europe.

And we should mine the entire passage between Turkey and Greece as well as the Mediterranean, if only European nations had politicians who took their job seriously.

Look I'm not saying we didn't contribute to the problem whatsoever, obviously we did. My preference would be absolutely zero US intervention in anything going on over there.

But the accusation is that Europe taking sand nigger refugees is completely because of America. Which implies European governments making the conscious decision to import tens of thousands of sand niggers of all ages including men is because we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. That to me sounds insane, especially considering the reason for the current middle east chaos is British and French brilliant decisions plunging the entire region into what seems to be endless war by dissolving the Ottoman Empire and planting a Jewish nuclear armed state in the midst of it.

This leads to two possible outcomes - let them fend for themselves and close off the borders completely, or play referee until the fire burns out. They started the fire, we're just part of the flames. I don't care to be bitched at because the ashes are falling on them and they don't like it.

Um, the refugees are not coming from iraq. I am pretty sure they are coming from other areas. Like Syra, and Africa. Some from Iraq, but not all.

let me tell you how to fix that.

You deport them, to the southern most portion of their home country.

Here is a map.

Remove large scale terrorist operation and operatives, or, leave them alone, so they can bomb more shit up.

>But the accusation is that Europe taking sand nigger refugees is completely because of America

Nigga we have been your puppet state since WW2. Merkel was on camera telling a crying child off saying that we cant let everyone in then suddenly a week later order 66 gets called in and we are taking the hit.

I dont blame you as a person but you guys are the global no1 terrorist


>You deport them
That's what I'm hoping for, that and for the next generations of politicians to raise charges against the current politicians who did nothing while Europe spiraled into oblivion.

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>they actually create a somewhat functioning society
>oy vey muh human rights
>bombed to oblivion, most primitive and radical elements supported by US and NATO
>heh fucking retards even with all the aid we give them can't get up on their feet
you absolutely deserve to get raped by a pack of niggers

boo fucking hoo bitch. japan got atom bombed and they are greater than you will ever be.


You literally outed the reason why your nation went to War

Colonialism never causes mass immigration.

Britain was just as bad as America before we took the world stage.

You started WW2 which killed millions of europeans, fuck off with your big bad bully usa narrative.

You're on the wrong board Boris.
You can use any other board on the internet if you want to (raise awareness) to your virtue signals and sympathy orgies.

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And you think it's the evil US making your country take in a million Syrians and not the fact there is a woman in charge of a racially guilt ridden country?

You guys will all but certainly rise again, right now the situation looks embarrassing, but things will turn up and the current situation there isn't because we have Palpatine ordering Merkel to succumb to white/German guilt and ruin the demographics with sand niggers. The sooner you direct your outrage towards your own government and activism rather than the US attacking annoying sand niggers organizations, the sooner you will come back to your prior greatness as you once bounced back from ruins to utopia before.

It may never happen and we may end up as light brown lazy mutts like the meds.

Cool story bro.

>destroy a decent country
>give them peanuts in "aid", which actually just serves to degenerate society further
>oh, how come they can't rebuild
kill yourself boomer scum
that's more of a bulgarian name, here everyone i know by the name of boris is a faggot.
>You can use any other board on the internet if you want to (raise awareness) to your virtue signals and sympathy orgies.
there's no "virtue signalling", it's just calling countries that have started shit out on not taking responsibility for the shit they started.

>Britain was just as bad as America before we took the world stage.
Neither was bad user, if you want to see bad you should look up what the Mongols did once they conquered territories.

>You started WW2

WW2 started because no one wanted to take responsibility over the bullshit that was WW1 and pushing the guilt on Germany/pillaging the Country and its people under the disguise of a "democracy"

>which killed millions of europeans

Dont pretend to care about white people america you are the ones officially teaching white privilege/mutilating infant boys/putting white kids on drugs. War has always been a thing in Europe the older your Nation gets the more you will see too

>fuck off with your big bad bully usa narrative.

Truth hurts i know but you are the number one goy and even with Trump in office, guns to overthrow corruption and free speech you are worse off than us. Sad!

I'd rather fuck a tree than die of some penile gangrene because caused by multiculture

>and not the fact there is a woman in charge of a racially guilt ridden country?

former kgb goon and as for the guilt ridden part who do you think set that shit up? it was your government

Holy shit the mental gymnastics

>not Boris
Anonslav then

We have nothing to do in that war, neither did the people of any other western state including the US.
Why should the normies and poorfucks in the west pay for the what the liberal establishment does. Why do people accept this meme.

If the middle east cant take care of themselves then too fucking bad. Its not like any of the immigrants we take in has done anything to change my opinion. All they do is rape, steal and murder.
They're even incapable of speaking coherently if they manage to speak at all. They never work and if they do they always do a shitty job.

Nobody wants them here user.

hey faggot the nation of germany technically is still under occupation. the post ww2 government system was set up so you could never get a hitler 2.0 voted in and all top tier positions are handed to scum regardless of what people vote for. denazification/"hate" speech shit was also set up to subvert the people

deal with it faggot this is what your government did to germany

>Anonslav then
kek, i guess i'll accept that one.
>We have nothing to do in that war, neither did the people of any other western state including the US.
norway perhaps didn't do much to destroy them, but israel, us, uk certainly did. should've thought of that earlier.
>Why should the normies and poorfucks in the west pay for the what the liberal establishment does. Why do people accept this meme.
because they(oftenly enthousiastically) elect them.
>If the middle east cant take care of themselves then too fucking bad. Its not like any of the immigrants we take in has done anything to change my opinion. All they do is rape, steal and murder.
this would make sence if you(actually above mentioned countries more, to be fair) didn't try and destroy them every time they made some progress.
>They're even incapable of speaking coherently if they manage to speak at all. They never work and if they do they always do a shitty job.
They're even incapable of speaking coherently if they manage to speak at all. They never work and if they do they always do a shitty job.
They're even incapable of speaking coherently if they manage to speak at all. They never work and if they do they always do a shitty job.
They're even incapable of speaking coherently if they manage to speak at all. They never work and if they do they always do a shitty job.
one would think that the only way such people can live is under authocracy, yet nato and its allies destroy countries which rule that way and create somewhat decent societies.
>Nobody wants them here user.
yet you elect people who invite them and gloat over it.

How though? German faggots invented Marxism and then the Frankfurt School, French faggots invented post-structuralism, British faggots just had to attack Hitler because you love Jews and degenerates so much that you pulled us into WW2, and now you're the ones who decided to flood your own continent with radical Islam. Say what you will about spics but at least we actually try to arrest and deport them, and they don't try to blow us up.

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>the post ww2 government system was set up so you could never get a hitler 2.0 voted in
fuck you, twice you started a world war and you bitch about how we took your power away. get rid of US bases in germany if you hate us so much and dont want to be under our protection. if not then shut up.

god you americans are such fucking cancer onto the world its not even funny. at the very least you infected yourself with your own poison and its eating you from the inside

Because everyone relies on us while bitching about us

Dont argue with retards Hans.
The fedgov is zionist devil worshippers and if I could do anything about it I fucking would.

Long live Sacred Germany

heh please like me oh noble european i hate myself

germans are nasty, unemotional, cold people. you fuckers will never live the holocaust down and what you did to the jews. there will be no more german identity in the future, get used to it.

because we're weak and pathetic and bunch of do-good at all cost Sסybסys