It's over. Racism is finished
It's over. Racism is finished
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she ain't wrong
Sounds good to me chocolate bunny
Bullshit, she just wants a baby daddy who doesn't walk out in a week
>48% of all black women have genital herpes
I'd rather put a rusty rail spike through my eye than fuck a she-boon
>13% of the population breeding into 53% of the population
>Still 40% white and no more blacks.
Really makes you think. I honestly want to know how the black population has stayed exactly at 13% since the 50% despite abortions being sky high and life expectancy being low.
She is right. Let's end all welfare and make these activist actually have to practice what they preach
>. I honestly want to know how the black population has stayed exactly at 13% since the 50
this desu
>13% of the population breeding into 53% of the population
>Still 40% white and no more blacks.
Take the genocide pill, Jow Forums
>implying a man can only have kids with one woman
Does anybody have a link to the story about that crazy French guy that won the lottery and went on some insane sex binge vacation in Africa and ended up impregnating like 6-900 women?
How would that destroy his bloodline
>tfw no cute black girl to fuck
>tfw no cute back gf spending my money
Why even live bros.
Into which group do you count mulatos in?
Because they extend the definition of black to include octaroons.
If you are alive you have much higher chance to experience that than being dead.
Murder is right. Niggers have evolved to regulate their own population so they don't exhaust the natural resources of their environment. They don't have the capacity to create wealth (food) like civilized peoples, they just wait for food around them to grow (or handouts).
The nigglets don't really know how this works.
How can you destroy a man's bloodline, when he can in theory impregnate dozens of women per day?
He can impregnate whites, blacks, asians and even mutts if he wants.
>implying everyone will agree to stop after 1 generation
>fucking niggers destroys the white bloodline
she's not wrong but i don't think she knows what she's saying
implying white men want to impregnate subhuman monkeys
Does she think that once you impregnante one woman you are unable to impregnate other women?
Imagine being such a psychopath that you consider your own children to be a "bloodline destroyer"
>To get rid of racists, all you have to do is convince the racists you're not a chimp and to fuck you.
Should be easy.
Based brit colonizer. US colonizer here, post more chocolate qt 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751
How have there been any people at all in this thread who don't realize that this is an obvious fake/joke post?
Are you retarded?
Wouldn't mind knocking up a black woman though.
If they were smart they would take those with infertility causing STD's and turn them loose onto young and married men.
white men raise dey kids
So she admits Niggers are genetical trash.
Unfortunately, most black women don't look like that.
Yeah but some do.
most ameriniggers are already mulatos, negro genes are very thick (because they're a diferent species)
At least they admit that mixing with them destroys good blood
>fucking a chimp...ever
Works for me. I'm all for having a white family and bleaching the nog genepool on the side. Let her woman logic think she's winning. Given she'll have halfbreeds, she technically will be winning.
This should return as the standard. I'm also curious how much a white woman having sex with a black man then having a child with a white man years later would effect the child. How much nigger is passed on because we know women keep genetic info on every man that rams her.
It's as if she subconsciously acknowledges that she's a subhuman.
cant expect a nog to into logic
Jokes on them Americans are mutts.
One drop rule. You wouldnt drink milk from the gallon if it had a drop of dogshit in it would you?
>one drop rule
>get off that anime message board and come make cookies with me, user
You think all the mutts running around today aren’t gonna fuck at some point?
The more mutts fuck the further the bloodlines get diluted. We are gone in 120 years
Not if you bleach a negress and marry a white woman.
We need to protect and defend racism NOW or it will be lost forever.
Fale and gay.
I remember reading actual rates on these and it basically boils down to this, no matter who you are, marry an asian.
Chinks don't get divorced.
> Japanese females marry white males more than Japanese males
Actually really literally just like my animus
Planned parenthood
It’s a shame that the black women have desireable bodies but their face is always just fucking awful
>the absolute state of asian males vs. white cock
Nazis don't fuck niggers, and we all actively want shitlibs to breed themselves out of our gene pool. What a stupid nog for thinking real whites would actually want her.
abortion is a necessary evil for america desu
tfw everyone has white male y chromosomes
Jokes on her. She’s making her race more white. Shame about the 20 point drop in IQ for the child though.
depends on how small the drop is
if contaminants are diluted enough they become irrelevant
the abosulte state of genetics education.
I wonder what you see in these fucking cunts? Just think about it, once you cum there's really nothing she has to offer. No different from fucking a whale white female or a "thicc" ass white female. They're all literally the same. There's a reason they only marry niggers (most of the time). It is because they aren't good for relationships, and niggers can only think with their penis.
by that definition you are already dog shit because no one is 100 percent white.