>€150 billion in yearly revenue
>Italy's biggest business
>200k businesses extorted for "protection"
How do you get away with such numbers in a white country? I heard they do the same in NY by racketeering Jews on construction work and similar.
Redpill me on the Italian mafia
Other urls found in this thread:
> italy
> white
the Poo, Chink and Jew mafia is bigger than the guido mafia
>be stupid snownigger store owner of 3 Subways.
>be franchisee of the year for region.
>be Indian Masterrace
>become Subway Development Agents changed and with in 14 months
> force dumb snownigger to sell all 3 locations because white dalit was all of a sudden considered a bad operator (All the while, snownniger stores out performed the market)
>In a period of 14 months Indian master race flip over 40 stores in our Southern California Market .
>All were forced to sell due to "compliance" issues. Most of the stores were above market average.
>The new Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group, in its role of Development Agent has the responsibility to do the Compliance Inspections.
>immediate Indian Masterrace Family members were the only approved "buyers" in the 40 locations that flipped.
>Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group
>Marwaha Group
From what I've heard they actually do a lot of legitimate, non-crime work like serving as police or something similar in a lot of Italian villages.
>corrupt police
>state sanctioned criminals
>extort the populace
>above the law
>free reign on crime
the police/judges are always controlled by the mafia, especially here in the US
that's propaganda mosty. mafiamen are 100% fucking cancer and should all be hanged.
they get away with such numbers because most of that money does not come from stealing, or corruption, but from drugs/weapons/contraband sales, or fromcollusion with corrupt politicians. but is also because in the south mafia is a cultural phenomenon, since it has been there for 200 years it's pretty fucking rooted in the local social structure.
no one cares about sandwich frenchises dumb street shitter
most of that is from coke
>they actually do a lot of legitimate, non-crime work like serving as police or something
That is bullshit. Maybe it was the case back in its early days, but since after WWII the mafia, or rather the mafiaS, dropped the "man of honor" gimmick and turned into regular crime syndicates interested only in making a fuckton of money regardless of the consequences. They care very little of the civilians and only look after members of their organization.
They are currently profiting from illegal immigration and probably behind or helping the ferrying of niggers from africa. They use the nogs as cheap illegal workers in the fields and to push drugs. They care very little if the subhumans turn cities into unlivable hellholes, as long as they get their money.
So is the mafia pretty much non-existent in the North or really developed/rich areas like Milan?
I heard that the Italian-Amrican mafia provided help and proved their loyalty to the US by assisting with the American invasion of Mussolini's Italy in WW2.
For this, they have been rewarded with protected mob status.
Anyone have any more details about this?
it's been in the north for a long time
they don't have the same amount of control over the territory but they launder all of their money there
It's existent pretty much everywhere. If you don't hear so much about them it's because they are doing their job properly.
In the middle ages. Nowadays it's a fucking cancer. BTW they are also involved in shipping migrants here
Masonic....masonry is directly linked to the talmud and more so even to the cabala.
The mafia was given a piece of the vatican treasury and bank during the meetings of vatican 2 meetings.
Vatican 2 will be eradicated off the face of the earth one day in terms of practice. The mafia will either convert or be decimated by God.
The mafia is where are the money.
In the north they are businessmen, in the south they control the territory.
Italian mafia is everywhere, Italy, Europe, North Africa, America. North africans narcos are scared by mafiosi, if they don't pay or do something wrong, the mafia kills them or their relatives even in their country
Mussolini knew how to deal with them.
blackshirts rule
each franchise makes over $1mill a year. an absurd amount of wealth dalith snowniggers cant even imagine!
We OWN USA. We have huge collective societies in which they loan each other money, as a group, to buy these stations. Usually it is someone fresh off the boat who applies to be a part of this collective for a percentage of the profits which go to this collective. In my area there are suburbs where all of the streets are named after Hindu masterrace. this is how we RULE white snowniggers. Our modus operandi is to force the original snownigger owners out, with money, and keep maybe one or two of the original "native" staff to make it seem like its still your local, neighborhood shop. You can recognize these shops by thier glass cases selling knives, drug paraphernalia, fidget spinners, incense. BOW DOWN SNOWNIGGERS. WE OWN YOU!
we OWN IT ALL. you suck! jealous poor snownigger dalit.
In fact the italo-americans bosses helped the U.S. army during the invasion of Sicily
>Every indian masterrace have a large family farm or factory back home.
>All profits get put into cash and shipped over with various relatives to avoid taxes
>Never any paperwork
>Cash goes into the Hawala banking systems and is laundered to buy property
>Property is then "gifted" to family members to avoid more taxes
>Property then traded around family as dowrys avoiding even more tax.
>Always build a cuck shed at the bottom of the garden so they can bring more family members over to start again.
>dalit slaves bought over and never allowed to leave the house.
>women work their vagina out to spit out tons of kids for more "Security" and benefits.
Italian-American mafia families contacted their families in Sicily and then mafiosi from Sicily helped the allies during the invasion of Italy. They were granted position of privilege later (due to the fact they were utterly BTFO years before by Mussolini)
Mafia funded communist revolutionaries and made sure Italians wouldn't resist against US invasion, that's why Americans had such an easy way of invading Sicily
There is no mafia. Shhhh!
here on the balkans it's even more pathetic
shitalians make a shit sports cars
even their economy cars r shit tier
we kill italians for fun
the entire pizza industry is OURS now
no they used 2 do this in NY -- now its the state that does it
> racketeering Jews on construction work and similar.
so this is why the World Trade Center towers fell apart the moment some aluminum airliners crashed into them...
like the mushroom kingdom, it all makes the sage.
What the shit. Too real.
How can you even make a living in America? I heard they have laws that punish jaywalking in the streets. Can't even imagine what they will do to someone who shits in them.
>thread about mafia
>stupid Indian ape has to shit it up
Cry more white-bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Spain because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.
Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.
We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.
Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.
BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street
BRB all your businesses, schools, white bitches now all belong to Indians
LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.
Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.
Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.
Nothing to be redpilled about. All mafiafags should be shot on sight . No prisoners.
>How do you get away with such numbers in a white country?
You don't.
and the charge should be treason.
I am in that business, so yes I do know. We come here and the government gives us money to buy businesses. We do pay some of this money back but very little. Also, not only are we getting money from our government for the business, we are tax exempt for 5 years.(Btw, a government IRS website is not going to tell you that) We Indians aren't idiots. We are very smart ppl. Trust me when I tell you we wouldn't fall for that. The commericals you used to see about getting free money for this or that, is very true. We just have to learn to work the system, and we have.
We also receiving welfare. Which, is what we call it when someone receives free money from the government..right? its fine us to come here and get what we need to start a business.(Which is probably more than a food stamp recipient will receive in a lifetime.)
Brainlet here. What do they deal/smuggle? Cuz here most of the weaponry shipped in and out of the borders is thanks to libyan militias.
Because they are niggers that are very corrupt.
The italian and russian mafias are training the and helping the spics with their drug trafficking.
if indians were so smart, they'd immediately invest all their brain power into crispr in an effort to look less ugly and smell less.
Stop acting crypto and share the details faggot
They clean €150B off the italian economy every year. How is there not a revolt or a mass cleanup, and it keeps happening? I want insider info on their infrastructure and inner-workings
and the UK, soon to be Australia, Canada, America too
WE ARE one of the most successful groups on the planet. WE operate as a clan and European countries are just beginning to experience the might of INDIAN MASTERRACE domination.
protip: Romanis are Indians who dominate in eastern Europe
the richest people in UK/US/AUstralia/Canada/Africa are all INDIAN MASTERRACE
We have taken over Australia, Canada, Britain, Spain, Germany, US
The whites will all become 3rd class citizens!!
Your future is Uganda and Fiji where Hindus are the ruling class that shits on the 3rd class white citizens.
We own your franchises, your companies, your universities, your hospitals, your wall street, your banks, your tech, your hotels, you gas stations, you women, your moms. Its all fuckin OURS
Fucking low iq monkey derailing a thread when no one invited him or showed a hint of interest
Take a guess why you'll always be slaves to the white man.
fuck off snownigger. WE OWN ALL OF YOU.
all franchisee are now INDIAN
Indian masterrace Franchise Development Agents give favors to ouw own community and relatives, We own all the francises in US/Canada.
My clan has over 40 franchises in Southern Ontario alone
Brampton, Ontario is great for our businesses.
so ur ungrateful 4 being given those opportunities that u would nvr have on ur own? thats what we call psychopaths
thats fine, but just expect a different game, when/if they decide 2 do the same
great plan but what happens once food poisoning incidents at the locations start increasing at an exponential rate and they're all forced to close?
Indian Masterrace Clans curbstomps Italian/Albanian/Slavic/Russian/Turk/Magrebi/White mafiosos
Indian masterrace are taking this country over anyway. In the future America/Europe/Australia/Canada will be Indian owners (brown masterrace, management class, landloards, etc.) and mexican slaves.
Indian masterrace OWNS snowniggers. We succeeded where the biggest empire (Anglos) failed.
We were the winners of British colonization, as the British left, Indians masterrace took over the colonies with a grip on power and domination that lasts to this day.
>In Guyana, Trinidad and other Caribbean countries, Indians form the ruling class, dominating over Africans and natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Others become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment sometimes turns violent, but Indians still hold power and dominate.
>Indians in Fiji form the ruling class, dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment flares and natives try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1987, with military coup, but fail.
>Indians in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda etc..) form ruling "mafia", dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Natives in Uganda try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1971, with military coup, but fail as Indians return to power.
Even in Britain, Indians out-witted the natives and are one of the most affluent and prosperous groups.
snowniggers were unable to hold power over Africans and natives in the Caribbeans and elswhere.
Indians masterrace dominate over snowniggers, Africans, with virulent racism and discrimination, yet no one blames Indians for the oppression of Africans/natives in Caribbean or elsewhere.
Indians are not afraid of Natives/Africans and can hold brutal grip over them with no consequences.
Are you talking about gas stations?
I now do hotel franchising, and its OUR INDUStry. all hotel franchisees are OURS. my cousin worked as a computer programmer for five years, saved up enough to start a hotel, moved to a remote area of Pennsylvania, and had free labor from his extended family he smuggled from India. Now has five hotels.
Thank you.
Based Cesare Mori literally starved a whole city until all the mafiosi gave up themselves to the police
fuck off dirty pastamonkey and bowdown to INDIAN MASTERACE
>monopolize IT companies
>monopolize Medical industry
>monopolize Financial companies
>monopolize on hotels/motels
>monopolize convenience stores
>monopolize fast food
>trucking companies
>construction companies
>petrol stations
>liquor stores
oh, and we are the richest ethnicity in US/Canada/UK
next time you go to your Indian doctor, make sure to bow down and lick his feet, or else your organs will be on a 1st class flight to India
Never trust a Poo I guess. America gave you the opportunity to become somebody, but you had to shit on it as well. No wonder no one likes you.
There are approximately 900,000 Indians in Poland.
Yes, pajeets already smelled the money and started invading it. Also I assume you're one of those warszaeiaks who nie boi się uchodźców
Fucking poz shithole, if it wasn't for no work at home I'd never move gere
Warsaw is literally infested with them, they are actually getting hired and paid to hook up and fuck females. Arabs, indians also come there and get free sex from degenerate p0lki.
Warsaw and it's full of indians, arabs, ukrainians, asians and niggers.
Moved to Warsaw for work and I've never seen so many non-whites in my life. The city is probably 30% indian, 50% Ukrainian, 10% black, 10% asian and the rest polish.
Saw a bunch of Indians in a tram in Warsaw.
live in Warsaw (capital city) and this happened this year. Since summer I saw more and more arabs here.
They pakis/indians .
Poland is importing a large amount of Indians itself. I just flew to Warsaw from Dubai and half the plane was full of Indians. The streets are full of them.
I've been noticing a concerning number of Poos in Pooland. They're not tourists, they speak no polish, I know some are Uber eats mafia (they're all Poos) but why the fuck would these illiterate poos be in poland? They're not EU and I can't see what job they would be doing
>pic related
My last Uber eats delivery Poo. The mcdonalds is 400m away and he took 45 mins to get here, called me twice and spoke 0 polish and couldn't understand English fluently, I saw on the app he was right outside my building then it took him 20 mins to figure out how to get into the building and up to my floor. I asked him how much he made, 10-13 złoty per hour, wtf? Ukranians won't clean for under 20 złoty/hour and won't fuck for under 50 złoty. I told him that we shit in toilets here and then to go back to India, fucking hell
it's like having flashbacks from London, why poos are in Poland?
>still buying yoga mat sandwiches
>be Indian
>get fake diploma and credentials from Indian diploma mill
>immigrate to Poland as a skilled worker
>get a diversity-quota job
>stare at other workers all day, asking them to do all the work for me
>go back to India and marry virgin to bring back to Poland
>after 5 years, save enough money to buy a hotel and fast-food franchise in remote part of Poland
>live in a small room in my hotel with entire family
>bring in my extended family from India
>have free labor from my children, wife and extended family of 50
>buy up more hotels and start an empire based on unlimited extended family labor resources
>become leading Development Agent for hotel franchise in Poland
>target profiting hotels i would like to acquire
>as a Development Agent, make compliance Inspections on targeted franchise hotels
>force the targeted hotels to sell at below market value due to "compliance" issues
>as a Development Agent, only have extended family members on approved "buyers"
>extended family now owns all the hotels in the country
>we Patel Cartel nao
I live in LA. Every single donut shop except for chains like Krispy Kreme is run by Asians. Every single one. I've seen places 90% Hispanic where the donut shops are still Asian. Is this true elsewhere? Did Asians corner the donut market, or is it just in LA?
The Pakistanis somehow managed to get a monopoly on Tim Hortons franchises in Toronto.
Says a lot right there desu
Here in Baltimore every Dunkin Donuts seems to be staffed by one giant Indian family.
Mr. Khowaja is one of 40 Indian Dunkin' Donuts franchisees who pooled their clan financial resources a few years ago to create Unified CML LLC, the largest doughnut factory in the country for Dunkin' Brands