>no more war, literally world peace
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
>free movement, live wherever you want.
>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
>global culture
Explain to me how any of this is bad.
>no more war, literally world peace
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
>free movement, live wherever you want.
>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
>global culture
Explain to me how any of this is bad.
Other urls found in this thread:
what will be the religion?
The global language will be farsi
and Sharia law will be the governing creed for the world. This is the ultimate endgame for the DNC
>Explain to me how any of this is bad.
Just like communism, it won't fucking work.
Fuck off schlomo
It will be a communist oligarchy hellscape. We will have no freedom, no wealth, nothing. We will be scum beneath the feet of the elite even more so than now. We couldn't even give our opinions because they would control all human communications. You have to conquer the American people 1st and we aren't having that shit.
lol, its da truf tho
The left was bought out by the Saudis after the oil embargo's of the 70's
>no war
Technology and development stagnates and people become weak
>global currency
Jew banks control this currency right? Lol fuck off kike.
>free movement live wherever you want
Every fucking nigger in the world will want to live in white countries
>global language
eradicating all cultures and nuances of linguistic expression
>global culture
You mean no culture, just consumerist slavery bullshit.
this Also you are retarded.
>no more war, literally world peace
How about shitload of insurgents?
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
One big central bank and endless inflation
>free movement, live wherever you want
ethnic and cultural tension growth, insane crime growth...
>global language
not gonna happened because instantaneous appearance of dialects
>global culture
You mean "amerimutt culture"? It's not culture, its bullshit.
There is a simple way to produce a stable world government. First, the robots need to take over. They will rule over everything. They will exterminate everything that resists their rule. Religions will be removed, you only believe in the robot masters. The "good" humans will live a decent life. There will be no corruption and no wars. They will keep humans in their respective habitat (japnese will stay in japan and have japanese culture, same goes for the rest of the world). The robots will have a deep feeling of love when they help us, that's why the don't destroy us completely.
>no free speech
>no human rights
>no social mobility
>slave society basically
That's what a world under the U.N would like.
you're retarded
Dialects could be wiped out by the internet. Also it's funny you insult America coming from Russia, a 2000 year old country which never had any culture and still is a barren shithole.
Every single person strawmans world government and conceptualizes it in tyrannical terms — jew money control, no more diversity, police state, are the usual rebuttals. But as a thought experiment, try imagining what your ideal actual world government would look like. Not a shitty one with tyranny and financial exploitation, but just for the sake of argument think what it theoretically could
be *if done right*. There’s obviously practical issues and maybe even outright barriers to making that a reality but if you’re actually interested in this question you also have to consider this hypothetical aspect too. Obviously a shitty tyrannical ultra-liberal or whatever version of world government would be awful, that’s for granted. And maybe it’s nearly practically impossible to have a good global government, but you need to specify exactly what model you’re even talking about — “global government” can encompass about 10 or more different manifestations ranging from dogshit to actually amazing, depending on what’s being imagined.
World government = world tyranny. Plus billions of niggers expropriating of your work.
Well the U.N is a terrible nasty totalitarian organization so if they had any part in it it would be shit.
Fuck off kike shill
We have enough nuclear weapons to make Muttland into a strait between Canada and Mexico,
This would solve 90% of the world's problems - from enviroment reasons to fucking kikes.
>>no more war, literally world peace
Because everyone is disarmed with no recourse against authorities who are heavily armed.
That's called slavery. Serfdom if you're lucky.
>>global currency, worldwide prosperity
Totally controlled markers. Unassailable elite groups who literally control the concept of money and so have infinite amounts of it. With which they apparently seem to trade in children.
>>free movement, live wherever you want.
Won't that be nice when hundreds of millions of violent Africans with IQs in the 70s flood your homeland. I mean, it's not like literally everywhere else they go has been turned to shit, right?
>>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
Different languages hold different concepts. There are words in French for instance that have no full counterpart in English. Concepts in Chinese that can't be fully translated to English. Diversity of thought and perception is critical to any society that wants to develop at all.
>>global culture
No culture. Completely cut off from the history of your ancestors for 99.9999% of human history. No origins. No common grounds. No shared cultural ideas, analogies, lessons, stories or value concepts.
>Explain to me how any of this is bad.
You cannot be reached because you are all misguided zeal and no actual historical or realistic knowledge.
Assuming you're not some lank, greasy IDF washout sitting in a cubicle in Tel Aviv.
America is about the only non-Jew controlled nation besides Hungary and Poland. Also China is the biggest pollutter
stop trolling.
Take out Mexico while you're at it, give me a week notice, and then nuke us for all I care
I'd be for it if there were no Jews or niggers, in other words no Africa or Israel.
you fucking retard
>non-Jew controlled nation
Our central bank is directly influence by Jew politics, run by Jews and we fight for their nation that serves as no more than a paltry deterrent base in the middle east. Shit son...
>imagine communism work
Does not influnce the fact that it would not. So what is the point? I can imagine myself being able to fly, shoot ligntings from eyes and fireballs off ass - would not try to do so though.
Yeah, it would be good. But unfortunately jews exist, so this can't happen.
Canada only has the peace and currency. We don't even have free trade between provinces and you think you can do it worldwide? You're a retard OP.
>>no more war, literally world peace
It's like you have no understanding of human nature whatsoever.
Trump is anti-NWO, meanwhile Russia on the other hand, Putin banned holocaust denial
If to present the world government as a federation - it can work:
>Uniting countries under 5 subjects of the federation
Latin America - North, Central and South America countries + countries in the Caribbean sea
Europe - EU + Russia and Turkey
Middle East - ME + North Africa + Central Asia
Africa - sub-sacharian africa
Asia - China + Korea + Japan + Australia + other countries
>america is not jew-controlled
Stop! Killing people through making people laugh should be outlawed by UN
Yet Trump put our embassy in and formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, what's the point in doing so when almost every single nation stood against us? Fuck Israel man, they're just a pit stop in the middle east and they used other countries to shoehorn their way back into a country they lost in battle.
No religion most likely... Probably some core principles or a doctrine similar to nihilism with some positivity
There are three problems here
>free movement
If this where the case large amounts of people would reside in the preferable region, which would mean vast amount of desertification of certain regions
>global language
That would be kind of a shame, it is often indicated that those who can understand speak multiple languages tend to be far more intelligent. This would be disastrous if you group together the inferior with the lesser
> a global currency.
What is inflation, you nigger?
You're begging for a jew style complete private banking take over.
How does the fact that Russia is run by criminals change the fact that USA is jewish servant, a fucking golem?
>confuse Persian with Arabic
>confuse shias with sunnis
Mutt education
You claimed that nuking america would solve the kike problem, even though your country is run by them.
>"The obvious argument against a One-World Government is that while the New World Order groupies imagine a One-World Government with a benevolent Santa Claus in charge, the reality is that power will attract the very sort of people who should not have it, who will do anything to get it, and therefore once they have it, will do anything with it."
>"The second reason to avoid a One-World Government is a bit more subtle. The creation of such a One-World Government pre-supposes that the very structure of such a government is the best of all possible systems under which people could be ruled. But every system ever created assumes that they are the best possible system. The Egyptians believed that. So did the Romans. So did the Confederacy. And the rulers of such systems, being the beneficiaries, worked hard to preserve those systems and to crush out examples of alternative systems that might actually be better ones"
This gives necessary respite and opportunity to regroup.
Bonus: nuking big cities is an act of pure eugenics
>no more war, literally world peace
no ability to depose bad leadership, no way of stopping corruption, no road to success because of fixed monopolies, no ambitions, no dreams, no future
peaceful like the grave
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
no, not worldwide prosperity
do the math retard, its not even enough food for everyone without depleting the earths resources beyond renewal.
More like global poverty and no economic mobility, fixed social positions for the poor, the medium rich can decline economically tho, just not the multibillionaires.
fucking math-let.
>free movement, live wherever you want.
farewell civilized society and modern technology, here comes overpopulation x20, + no politician is ever held responsible for the shit they do again because its impossible to oust them by democratic election
pro is bird boxes for all to live in, no privacy tho
>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
inb4 realizing people are idiots
>global culture
boring AF, everything looks the same, tastes the same and all music sounds alike.
Nothing new is ever produced because there are no alternatives.
No reason to travel to other countries, you live in 1 birdcage you die in the same birdcage.
It all looks the same anyway.
Me? Plus, Russia is weak and has a tiny jew population - they have fled to USA and Israel.
>the 3rd world destroys all value of labor, driving global wages down to nothing. They make everyone but the elite poor so the whole world is like Mexico where you have a rich ruling class that lives like gods while everyone else can go fuck off and die for all they care.
>the 3rd worlders destroy all "liberal" and western cultures as they will not tolerate faggotry, traps, and other degeneracy. They then homogenize the planet to limit all culture to what's not offensive to Africans and Muslims.
>the 3rd world's over-population becomes everyone's over-population, so every city is like street-shitting India.
But the thing is you have no intention of allowing this.
You have no interest in telling Mexico they're not allowed to have borders, and only America. You're not gonna tell the middle eastern and African nations that they have no borders; only America and Europe. You're not gonna tell Muslims to be nice to faggots and traps, and only seek to destroy white Christian culture with perverse degeneracy.
In other words I call you "globalists" LIARS, because that's what you are. You pretend to want one world while you don't, and instead want to use the hordes of the 3rd world to destroy your enemies the white conservative Christian while using the 3rd world shitflood to vote to secure political singularity.
but jews run putin
theres more than enough resources for everyone you RETARD do the math retard, you stupid mathlet. Just have free marekts and everyone will be a millionaire.
>Dialects could be wiped out by the internet.
Are you retarded? Jow Forums has it's own fucking dialect
I am sick and tired of being told to go back to Jow Forumseddit.
That place is cancer, I can’t believe I’ve wasted so many years of my life there, so many hours spent trying to have genuine conversation with people who only exist to agree with each other.
Of course, I once was one of them at one time not so long ago.
But I’ve changed, I no longer see things the way that we were told to.
That being said, I’m still not one of those crazy gun nuts or vapid racists that you see everywhere else on the internet.
I believe that everyone has the same capacity to do what’s right.
And I want nothing more than to have a based interracial couple have the ability to defend themselves against those racist bigots out there.
There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing people getting along.
So I long for a day when people like you and me, who share the same ideals of freedom and liberty, can stand up and fight to end this reign of hatred and bigotry.
Only then can we usher in a new age of peace.
Peace that knows no borders, no religion, no skin color, and no sexuality.
With the destruction of race and religion, we will have the ability to progress as a whole.
Nobody, anywhere, will be left behind.
When we can gather all of humanity on an equal plane, we can then proceed together, for a better tomorrow.
This. OP actually globalist kike shill confirmed. I thought the shill thing was a meme but this shit have convinced me.
This. We need to be kept in our habitats, and by habitats I mean our families and countries. We must be kept from aimless animalistic instincts and we must keep the families stable and happy. Learning and philosophy and degeneracy is pointless; family happiness, standard of living, and habitual structure is all that matters.
>america is non-jew controlled
brain cancer bruh?
Globalist pedophile bankers getting bored and corrupted. No freedom. A lot of intervention
>>no more war, literally world peace
What is terrorism? What is gang wars? What is tribalism? What us criminality?
One nation doesn't prevent war, it just scale it to a smaller level, one that is close to you, a neverending war!
>>global currency, worldwide prosperity
What is seigniorage? One central bank will mean one private owner of everything.
>>free movement, live wherever you want.
Favelas tier hive cities and nomadic desertification madmax tier.
>>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
Newspeak 1984, also neverending neologism due to tribalsim.
>>global culture
Which is non existent. Flattening the distribution will end with cyberpunk tier culture at best, borg tier at worst.
>Explain to me how any of this is bad.
You know perfetly well why it is bad you dirty (((globalist))). You shill a distopic rotten world where only vermin like you can prosper and rule.
People don't understand what diversity actually means, it means together yet separate, a co-op not a fusion. With a NWO there won't be any of it.
Do you smell that? That smelly smell?
That smelly smell that smells?
As long as we're in charge
You faggots ceded control of nearly every facet of your formerly glorious and expansive empire, then ALLOWED Jews to flood Israel. To be frank, go fuck yourself kike cuck.
And who kept Israel there?
We did it as a joke, "oh sure you can live there, good luck with keeping it though!"
Then you guys gave them nukes and trillions of dollars worth of top tier tech
"world peace" implies an absolutely totalitarian and horrible world where all dissent is crushed. Human cultures etc are way too diverse, different peoples want different things in a government.
Hypothetically you could just enforce a single culture/philosophy way of thinking across the world but that would require extreme totalitarian repression.
South Africa gave them nukes shill, you seriously stupid? Vela incident ring any bells? You assholes just walked away when you had full control.
Another point to consider is that this would put the earth on a single point of failure. If your glorious one government becomes corrupt, somehow fails or falls apart the whole world gets thrown into a huge fucking mess of violence and war.
People are tribal by nature. Groups will always fight for their interests.
How about you live where told, eat what your told, work where your told, marry who your told and suck whatever cock your told...
We have guns... bring it on
>Tfw transhumanism saves us
>no variety
>every person is the same shade of brown
>every building is the same tall glass structure
>every culture is that of materialism and consmerism
>every tradition is non-existant
>people still kill each other
In short - dystopia
The Jews are actually the good guys trying to stop the endless goyim wars. One world, one culture, one people = World peace for all time
Easier solution would be just to nuke or globally blockade the Middle East
heh sorry kid but we don't believe in your silly fairy tales for adults.
The jewish world government would be jewish ofc
Bollocks, all they're doing is exactly what Hitler did but smarter by instead playing victim, calling anyone who goes against their Zionism a racist anti-semite.
>Dialects could be wiped out by the internet
u wot m8
>zero concern for actual real-life people or situations
>pretends no one is crazy or retarded
>pretends no one has any enemies who will kill you if they get within your borders
There is one big problem with this: if an insane shithead like Putin somehow manages to takeover this global govt the whole world is fucked and "free movement" in fact means a unified jurisdiction so if you're persecuted for political reasons you have no place to escape.
As for the language, english de-facto already became globally spoken and if someone doesn't know it at least a little they probably ain't worse to spend your time.
>one group of people consolidating all the world's wealth
>one group of people making decisions for all the rest of the 7+ billion
NO THANK YOU, please fuck off.
>live wherever you want.
I want to live in your house, rent free, of course. And I expect the fridge to be stocked with free range eggs and mandarin orange club soda at all times. Now chop chop, you have some shopping to do.
Nice description of putinist Russia
It's the way of the future and it's the only thing that makes sense
There's a massive conspiracy against this obviously, rich and powerful need places to hide their money and to make war so they can profit
too many niggers and shitskins that will destroy bio diversity and make whites extinct, none of the benefits justify this
Not gonna argue that the rich fund war for profits but you'd have that with a NWO too, the only difference being that you'll never be able to see the snake that's stalking you, whereas right now you can just barely see it. Personally, I'd rather stand a minute chance of routing out those snakes than handing them the world on a silver platter.
Screw that, we’ll get flooded with niggers, no longer have control of our own laws which support our values, the corrupt can just more easily make themselves richer, abuse of power can have more catastrophic consequences, erosion of culture etc.
I would give up everything to retain sovereinty...you go your way jew, i'll go mine...
We aren't in some kind of wonderland by creating a world currency, the market couldnt handle such change and would collapse soon after, this would make most company go bankrupt only big company like Google or Apple would survive and we would get pay for literally nothing to sustain ourselves. Those company would literally have a global monopol and would probably work with the governments.
The only ones which would greatly profit of a global currency are the greedy jews, who says global currency says an economy easier to control, this would increase corruption and thus, democracy, we'd get the same people ruling over us like if we were in some kind of monarchy. Nothing would change, the rich would rule but this time we wouldn't have any chance to escape nor hinding ourselves.
>no more war, literally world peace
The reason of all those war are the niggers, shitskins and jews without them we'd have achieve glabal pieces hundreds of years ago.
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
Yes, by that you'd literally give access to all our wealth to the jews
>free movement, live wherever you want.
So every cities worldwide became like 3rd world India? this would only lead to a desertification of Africa and most Southern country because all the wealth would be situated in the North we'd literally see a flood of 3rd wolders in ours cities.
>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world
This wouldn't happen, to get privacy people would start inventing dialect so only the learners would understand the world would still stay divided as it has ever been.
>global culture
implying that i'd get rid of my culture, identity and heritage, and be as equally as those 3rd wolders.
in a world of true nationalism that burger would get killed for being a turbojew
Work on your sales pitch Satan
Free ice cream sundaes delivered to your door by gold plated unicorns, on demand. Explain to me how this is bad.
Lower IQ, homogeneous populations, absolutely overbearing government.
>no more war, literally world peace
True peace implies that there is also no crime. Good luck with that.
>global currency, worldwide prosperity
Take from those nations that built themselves up on their own and give it to subhumans that haven't invented the wheel.
>free movement, live wherever you want.
Everyone goes to western nations - complete one-way street. Why go live in a shit-hole?
>global language, you can speak to literally anyone in the world.
Oh boy, I can speak to apes. Oh the knowledge they can share. Oh wait....
>global culture
Cultural erosion of those great nations, allow subhumans to claim it as theirs like the niggers do with Egypt.
Global governance benefits subhumans only.
trust me dude, none of the people in power right now who are evil and selfish want a one world government
You can exploit 3rd worlders in a one world government. You can't exploit 3rd world countries in a one world government. You can't exploit weak financial tax laws in a one world government. You can't make war for profit in a one world government
Literally everything a powerful negative person does you can't do in a one world government
No no Leaf, you most certainly can and they will. There most certainly would be "rebels" against the NWO that would never fully go away, they may become absent for awhile but they'll always return, those in power need the peons to fear for their safety so they can come in and "rescue" them.
People don't want it, and therefore it would necessarily be a tyranny.
i kekd