Why do you guys hate Jews?
Why do you guys hate Jews?
nice try shlomo
They made me poor, fat, and a loser. They keep girls from liking me.
Why do Jews hate everyone?
This thread again. Shills have 0 creativity.
Sounds true for most on here
Fuck off Trudeau
the most left image ever.
>stolen meme - because you know, they can't.
>attempts to portray right wing as fat
>attempts to portray white wing as virgin
>Zero arguments
This is why you guys can't flip the board. D- shitposting. See your supervisor for retraining.
>look, I have fake quotes from a literally who
it’s a good depiction of keyboard nazis
Sabotaging, war-fuelers, race baiter, greedy, bank owning, manipulative, parasites from Khazaria.
2 shekels posted to your account
I don’t have shekels
I don’t do any of that
There is an entire book written on it which you may have heard about, or perhaps the jewish caused conflicts in the middle east which plague us today would be more convincing to you
Have you legitimately not matured past high school? Your ramblings are literally only name calling. Present a real argument that we actually don't hear on a daily basis and we'll get back to you.
mod here
it's an australian
Because they make retards like you create shit memes that show your complete lack of understanding meanwhile western civilisation collapses due to increasingly leftist policies advocated by Jews who are very racist towards whites whilst claiming it be anti racist. Why are you so retarded?
Hatred gives motivation.
Its a mystery.
Oh, thanks
>all Jews push leftists policies
I don’t think the Jewish Defence League is very leftist
All that anti Jew stuff I see are conspiracy theories and screenshots of retards on twitter
The Muslims have been killing each other for 1600 years
FUCK off lefty pol
He's not a mod you fucking idiot, he would have red text over his name if he was.
>implying I’m a lefty
Fuck off
hating jews is a great honor for me and it makes me walk with my head high
those eu poster again,pathetic
Only if he put his username and pass into the name-field.
Death to Jerusalem
Death to Mecca
Burn the entire Middle East
Are we really doing this again